The Strongest Qi Refiner

v1 Chapter 1869: Qualified person

Chen Ye was beside Fang Yu, looking at Shui Daoyuan coldly.

As for Huayan, he stood on the other side, farther away.

She still didn't care about Shui Daoyuan, but stared straight at Fang Yu's profile, with complex colors gleaming in her gentle beautiful eyes like spring water.

"Where is the broken mountain mark?" Fang Yu asked, squinting at Shui Daoyuan.

Hearing this question, Shui Dao Yuan's body trembled again.

"No, not with me..." Suidomoto said.

"There is no need to struggle anymore at this time, otherwise you will die even worse." Fang Yu pinched Shui Daoyuan's neck with his right hand and said coldly.

"Really, it's really not with me, I gave it to Wandaoge..." Suidaoyuan cried out in a collapsed voice.

Hearing these words, Fang Yu's heart moved slightly. He squinted at Shui Daoyuan and asked, "Are you sure? Wan Dao Pavilion said that you took a fake past and deceived them..."

"I didn' could I lie to them?!" Shui Dao Yuan cried out breathlessly, "The seal of broken mountain is not here, really not in my hands..."

In a state of dying and psychological breakdown, people generally do not lie.

Coupled with Suidomoto's teary appearance, if it was a performance... then it can only be said that he is the actor.

Moreover, facing such a desperate situation, if the broken mountain seal was in his hands, how could he not take the broken mountain seal to fight to the death?

Po Shan Yin is really not here! ?

Fang Yu's divine consciousness has swept through the Shui Rong family, and indeed there is no abnormal aura, and there is no such thing as a holy artifact.

So what Shui Qiuyang said before...

Fang Yu frowned, thinking.

After thinking about it carefully, if Shui Daoyuan had concealed the act of issuing a reward order from the rest of the Shui Rong family, then Shui Qiuyang and the others did not know the truth and it was understandable.

At this time, Suidomoto's mentality has collapsed.


Fang Yu looked at Shui Daoyuan with a strange light in his eyes.

Suidoyuan was shocked, his eyes lost.

"Okay, tell me what happened." Fang Yu said with squinting eyes.

After Fang Yu used his pupil technique to control the gods, he intermittently explained what he had experienced.

Shui Dao Yuan is the small owner of the Shuilong family, and he keeps the broken mountain seals complicatedly.

At the beginning, he heard that the Yuhua Gate had passed a special rating, and that the new head Fang Yu had avenged the three sects in a row, and inexplicable malice rose in his heart.

He expected that Fang Yu could not come to the door, so he wanted to publish a reward anonymously, in order to humiliate Yuhuamen and Fang Yu.

Shui Daoyuan did it as soon as his brain got hot.

Of course, he originally only planned to offer a reward for a week, so he revoked the offer and took the broken mountain seal back.

But I didn't think, Fang Yu completed the reward goal extremely fast.

In this way, according to the rules, the seal of the broken mountain would be treated as a bounty and handed to Fang Yu.

Suidomoto naturally couldn't retrieve the broken mountain seal that had been preserved by Wandao Pavilion!

He dared not find Wandao Pavilion to come back, and he knew clearly that he would come back!

Just like that, I lost one of the ten most valuable artifacts, the broken mountain seal!

This is something he never dreamed of.

Shui Daoyuan knew that if this matter was learned by the elders in the family, he would definitely be expelled from the house!

Therefore, he could only lie forcibly, saying that he had just used a fake seal of breaking the mountain to deceive Wandaoge's review.

Since the broken mountain seal has been kept by him, the rest of the family has no doubts.

In this way, until today.

Shui Daoyuan thought that the Poshan Seal had been in Fang Yu's hands.

But in fact, Fang Yu did not get the mark of breaking the mountain.

Thinking of Ge Lao's statement, Fang Yu's eyes moved slightly, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Interesting, it seems that the broken mountain seal has been hacked."

Chen Ye on the side also heard all the words Shui Daoyuan had said, and his face was ugly.

He knew very well that the problem was with Wandao Pavilion.

The broken mountain seal that Suidoyuan handed over to Wandao Pavilion is true!

Fang Yu did indeed complete the reward.

However, in the process of transferring the Poshan Seal, there was a problem.

"Head, this Wandao Pavilion..." Chen Ye looked at Fang Yu with a gloomy expression.

"There is still a problem now, that is...Where is the broken mountain seal black?" Fang Yu said lightly, "It was the Wandao Pavilion on the side of Xiaoyang Lake that swallowed the broken mountain seal, or... Yin has been transferred to the Wandao Pavilion on the side of Tianlong City, and has been blacked out by the Wandao Pavilion there."

Chen Ye didn't speak.

"Xiao Yu, there is another possibility. Wan Dao Pavilion itself swallows the broken mountain seal, it doesn't matter which way."

At this time, Hua Yan appeared beside Fang Yu and said softly.

Fang Yu glanced at Hua Yan and nodded.

This is indeed a possibility.

However, he still felt a little outrageous.

Wandao Pavilion is distributed throughout Datianchenxing and has extremely strong credibility. Many monks have achieved various businesses with them.

But now, it is so dark that the broken mountain mark! ?

This is really... shameless.

Of course, Fang Yu was prepared at the beginning.

Because Mr. Ge's remarks are a bit false.

Can a large organization like Wandaoge be deceived by a mere Shuidaoyuan?

And this Shui Dao Yuan seemed to be just an ordinary enlightenment realm.

If Wandao Pavilion is so easy to be deceived, how did it spread all over the stars?

"Head, what do we do now?" Chen Ye asked Fang Yu, looking at Fang Yu.

"You must find a way to get the Bad Mountain Seal back." Fang Yu replied.

During the words, Fang Yu stared at the red lightning mark on Shui Dao Yuan's forehead frowned.

No other members of the Shuirong Family have this mark.

Why is there such a mark on Shui Dao Yuan alone?

Could it be that... his identity is not just the little patron of the Shuirong family?

"By the way, I remember that when I mentioned the appearance of Shui Daoyuan to Elder Ge, Elder Ge's expression changed..." Fang Yu squinted and recalled.

The Shui Rong Family is the four largest families in Xiaoyang Lake, and Shui Daoyuan, as the small family owner, has a high status.

But Elder Ge should not be discolored because of this identity.

Fang Yu felt that the thing that caused Ge Lao to change color... was probably the red lightning mark.

This mark is the key point.

"What is the lightning mark on your forehead?" Fang Yu asked, staring at Shui Daoyuan.

Suidomoto is still in a state of being charged with God.

"This is... the mark bestowed by the Great Lord." Suidao Yuan replied.

"What does it mean?" Fang Yu continued to ask.

"I...I am one of the qualified candidates selected by the Great Master." Suidomoto replied.

Qualified person?

"What qualifications?" Fang Yu asked again.

"Inherit the qualifications of the Great Master of Yin and Yang."

At this time, Huayan next to him answered the question instead of Suidoyuan.

Fang Yu looked at Hua Yan.

"The red lightning mark indicates that this human body is suitable for the thunder attribute technique, and the great yin and yang also bestowed him this bonus." Huayan continued, "It just seems that his talent is not too high. ."

"With so many people by the lake just now, why didn't I see other qualified people?" Fang Yu asked curiously.

"That's because the qualified person can only be loyal to the great yin and yang." Huayanmei said with a cold light in her eyes.