The Strongest Qi Refiner

v1 Chapter 2004: All over the world

The news spread quickly.

"In response to the call of Wandaoge, the great clans of the three major regions of the east, west, and north will not only conquer Fang Yu and Yuhuamen, but also conquer the major territories on both sides of the Hong River!"

"More than five million elite soldiers are already assembled! It doesn't take long before they will truly come to the Southern Territory!"

"In addition to Fang Yu and Yuhuamen, their goals are also us..."

It's over, it's all over!

The end of the Southern Territory has arrived!

Everyone knows how strongly the big clans of the other three domains hate the human race!

They joined forces this time to target the entire human race!

No one can escape, there is nowhere to escape!

Fear, despair, permeated everyone's heart.

And amidst fear and despair, another kind of speech breeds.

That is, it was Fang Yu, the Yuhua Sect that caused this situation!

Therefore, all the fear, despair, and anxiety... all turned into the resentment of Fang Yu and Yu Huamen!

If it weren't for Fang Yu, if it wasn't for Yuhuamen...their Southern Region would not have suffered such a desperate situation!

Fang Yu and Yuhuamen **** it!

They are the culprit!

"Kill the Yuhua gate and kill Fang Yu, maybe there is still a chance to save it!"

"Yes, only by destroying them... we have a chance to survive!"

"The first level immortal gates of all major realms unite, and they will definitely be destroyed!"

Public opinion in the Southern Region has been completely detonated.

Everyone used to contempt and condemn Yuhuamen and Fang Yu, but now it is a real resentment!

Because of the existence of Yuhuamen and Fang Yu, their lives have been threatened!

There have been chaos in all major realms, and many people even went to the place where Jie Zun was and asked Jie Zun to take action.


The territory of the Honghe tribe, Shenyuanzong.

Wuzhao stood on the top of Shenyuan Peak and laughed up to the sky: "Hahaha...Fang Yu, I knew this day would come! How would you bear the consequences of offending Wandao Pavilion!?"

"Tianzun, a large number of people gathered outside the Shenyuan Sect, asking us to take action to destroy the Yuhua Gate, we..." An elder stood behind and whispered.

Wu Zhao turned around, looked at the elder, still couldn't hide his smile, and said: "Don't take action for the time being. Let's see what moves in other realms. We will follow."

"But Tianzun, if Fang Yu and Yuhuamen are not eliminated, we really won't get any benefits. The soldiers from the other three regions will inevitably reach the territory of our Honghe tribe if they enter, so..." This elder said on his face. Said solemnly.

The undocumented smile was still bright and said, "I know."

"Then you..." The elder looked puzzled.

In this case, he didn't know why he could laugh without a license.

Although this incident will indeed cause a great impact and even destruction to Fang Yu and Yuhuamen.

But for their entire territory of the Honghe tribe, and even the entire southern region... this must also be extremely bad news!

If the twenty-four big clans and five million elite soldiers really come, everything will be over.

They... are either killed or they can only become slaves, and they will never turn back!

"You should withdraw first, I will think about countermeasures."

He seemed to realize that his current attitude was not quite right, and suddenly said in a serious tone.

"...Yes." The elder immediately retreated.

On the top of Shenyuan Peak, Wu Zhao was still standing in place, turning his head to look at the clouds in the distance.

"If that day does come, don't blame me... this is the general trend, and I have no other choice." Unlicensed eyes were cold looking down at the cloudscape below.


The area of ​​the Zilin clan, in the north hall of Zilin.

Shu Meng was walking back and forth in the hall, obviously feeling very anxious.

"Your Majesty, don't think too much, do you still want to bet on one person at this moment?" The female voice sounded.

Shu Meng stopped and said, "Why not? Even if I fail, I still have a way to go."

"They throw out the olive branch in advance, maybe they are testing your majesty's attitude. If your majesty's attitude is not firm enough, the other party will probably find a chance to get rid of your majesty in the future...After all, by then, they have completely controlled everything and killed more Your Majesty, it's insignificant..."

Upon hearing these words, Shu Mengdai frowned, her eyes flickering constantly.

She knows very well that today's choice is crucial.

Either stand firmly on the side of the human race realm, or... give up everything you have now and switch to the other side.

This is the olive branch from the Tiange.

Neither road is easy to follow.

Standing on the Human Race Realm, then once the army crushes the realm, she and the Zilin Race Realm where she is located will also be hit hard.

The most terrifying thing was when Fang Yu fell...when the other party began to liquidate.

But if she transfers to the Tiange, if the human realm wins... then her fate will not be good either.

Of course, looking on the surface, if the attack planned by Tiange is really launched successfully, then...the winning rate of the Human Race Realm is not more than 10%, or even half of Chengdu.

Fang Yu is very strong, and the three big world veterans are also very strong... but the opponent is the most powerful group of forces in the entire Datianchenxing!

"Your Majesty, if I really don't understand, what else is there to consider? In this situation, you don't even need to consider the benefits. Life-saving is the first!" the female voice said a little anxiously.

"I don't know why, I still feel that Fang Yu has a chance to reverse everything." Shu Meng turned around and frowned, "It sounds but my instinct is indeed like this..."

"Now this situation, even if the Overlord is still there, it may not be able to be reversed, let alone Fang Yu?" the female voice said anxiously, "This time it is the highest level of the twenty-four clans together! Just the five million. Elite soldiers are enough to crush the entire Southern Territory, not to mention that there are various top forces in their clan, and there are so many top powerhouses within their forces..."

"What if Fang Yu is really better than the Overlord?" Shu Meng asked.

"Your Majesty, you..." The female voice was a little dumb, she didn't know what to say.

"No matter what, there is still time, let me think about it again." Shu Meng said.

The choice this time is a matter of life and death.

Shu Meng knew that she would never make a decision lightly.


After the news of the twenty-four big clans teaming up, the figures at the level of the realm of the world are facing the same situation as the Shumeng.

Either join the camp of the Tiange, and work together to flatten the human race realm and feather gate. Either it is to stick to one's own realm and fight against the power of the Tiange and the upcoming twenty-four big clans.

In the face of a war with such a huge disparity in combat power, this is not a difficult choice.

In the Southern Territory, there were more and more voices calling for a joint crusade against Yuhuamen and Fang Yu, and the momentum grew stronger.

The soldiers of the Twenty-Four Clans have not yet arrived, but the atmosphere in the Southern Territory has reached the most depressing moment, and it will be triggered!

This afternoon, on the Green Coast.


The horrible magic exploded, exploding the vast flat land of the coast.

A lot of earth and rocks splashed.

The law of space set by Fang Yu was also blasted away.

Tens of thousands of cultivators flew past the air, and flew quickly in the direction of the Yuhua Gate!