The Strongest Qi Refiner

v1 Chapter 450: Come here for nothing?

No one dared to speak.

In their eyes, the small snowman in front of them is like a god.

In the face of gods, human beings are only qualified to kneel down and worship!


The snowman leader suddenly raised his head and looked at the avalanche in the valley that was stopped by it.

It stretched out its right hand again.

At the top of the avalanche, a group of snow pillars suddenly surged, sending a body to the snowman leader.

This method changed the expressions of everyone present again.

This body was placed in front of the snowman leader.

It was Su Lengyun who passed out into a coma.

She used the water spirit ring to condense into ice and slipped off, but she still had no time to escape the avalanche.

But fortunately, she was not buried in the snow, but was always on the surface of the avalanche, sliding forward in the direction of the avalanche.

"My lord... this person is Fang Yu's companion! It's the woman I mentioned before! She and Fang Yu caused the avalanche!" Gerrard said immediately when he saw Su Lengyun.

"She is Fang Yu's companion?" The snowman leader lowered his head and looked at Su Lengyun who was unconscious.

Its head is made of white snow, and there are no facial features on it, and there is no expression on it.

"Fang Yu..."

Before the yeti leader could say anything, he stopped.

It has sensed several breaths.


In the next second, a loud noise suddenly erupted in the depths of the valley behind, under the heavy snow.

Everyone was shocked, and they all looked back.

Two figures flashed out and flew high.

Who is it?

Everyone was shocked and suspicious.


But at this time, there was another noise in the depths of the valley!

The ground is shaking!

Then, everyone saw a dragon-shaped creature glowing with blue light, drilled out of the ground, and flew quickly toward the two previous figures!

"what is this!?"

After seeing this huge dragon-shaped creature, many people could no longer stand and sat down on the ground.

What they see today is far beyond their cognition and acceptable range.

This is completely different from the world view they have accepted in the past few decades!

Dragon! snowman! And Fang Yu, who defeated the three big bosses on the dark list with invincibility before!

Any existence is something they had never imagined before!

Is this China with the longest history?

This is also... terrible.

"How did it come out? Could it be..." The snowman leader suddenly realized something and looked up at the sky.

In the midair, Fang Yu was in the shape of thunder and rushed to the divine way again.

The Shinto at this time has lost his left arm, and many parts of the body have been penetrated!

Facing Fang Yu who rushed again, Shendao no longer had the confidence he had before!

Fang Yu's power and body skills were even stronger than the guardian spirit!

Shinto can only constantly use Shinto techniques to avoid Fang Yu's attacks.

But the trouble is that the guardian spirit is also attacking him!

Shinto cannot be one against two!

With these two opponents, it is difficult to deal with one by one, let alone two! ?

He can only escape!

But he even had a hard time running away!

He could get rid of the heavy guardian spirit, but he could not get rid of Fang Yu!

Fang Yu's speed is too fast!

This is why he is so embarrassed!

In the process of escaping, Fang Yu's left arm was torn off! Fang Yu's body was also pierced by a few punches!

If it hadn't swallowed that source, he would have lost the ability to resist now!

"Don't run away, I said it will make you a spiritual vein." Fang Yu appeared in front of the divine Dao and punched the divine head with a punch.

Shinto was shocked, gritted his teeth, and patted his right hand on his chest!


A layer of transparent shield spreads out.

"This trick is useless to me." Fang Yu jokingly smiled, making a fist with his right hand, and a golden light appeared.

The fist pierced directly through this shield and slammed heavily on the bandaged face of Shinto.


Shinto's head didn't explode, but the whole squashed, and at the same time the body flew backwards uncontrollably.

Fang Yu flickered, followed, clasped his fists in both hands, and slammed down!


Shinto's figure plummeted down and hit the ground with a loud noise.

Fang Yu looked at the ground that was hollowed by the blast, and was about to dive down.

But at this moment, the spirit dragon came out and rushed down ahead of Fang Yu.


On the way to the Shinto, the Linglong opened its mouth and roared.

At the same time, an extremely terrifying energy ball was condensed in his mouth.

Fang Yu's expression changed when he saw this scene.

If this blow goes on, Shinto will probably be annihilated directly!

In this way, he would not be able to absorb the spiritual energy in the Shinto body!


At this time, the energy ball in Linglong's mouth had already blasted out!

The ground for several kilometers shook!

The light splashed and the gravel blasted away!

Like a nuclear explosion, the ground where the Shinto is located was blasted out of a giant pit like a top!


At this time, Linglong rushed down the huge pit, flicking his tail frantically at the ground, as if venting his anger.

Fang Yu stood in the air, watching the spirit dragon roar, flicking his tail to the ground again and again.

At this time, the breath of Shinto has completely disappeared.

Now, let alone absorbing the spiritual energy of the gods, I am afraid that he can't even find his body.

Fang Yu sighed heavily, regretting his choice of the last blow.

If you don't smash the divine way down, Linglong will not pretend to attack the divine way.

"Damn, it's really white."

Fang Yu scratched his head in annoyance.

At this time, he noticed the group of snowmen standing in front of the valley mouth, as well as the so-called dark list powerhouses.

It was also at this time that Fang Yu noticed that the mountains deep in the valley had been avalanche.

Su Lengyun...

Fang Yu's eyes changed slightly and immediately released his spiritual consciousness.

Soon, he found Su Lengyun lying in front of the snowman leader, unconscious.

Feeling Su Lengyun's weak and uneven breathing, Fang Yu frowned and immediately rushed towards the mouth of the valley.

Fang Yu landed beside Su Lengyun, ignoring the people around him, squatting down to check Su Lengyun's situation.

Su Lengyun's face was as pale as paper at this time, there were still blood stains on the corners of his mouth, and his eyes were closed tightly.

The surrounding temperature is very low, and Su Lengyun's situation is not optimistic.

Fang Yu immediately reached out and pressed Su Lengyun's forehead to check her physical condition.

Soon, Fang Yu discovered the chaotic true Qi in the Su Lengyun meridians.

Fang Yu forcibly poured his own true qi, combing the true qi in Su Lengyun meridians back to normal.

Then, he repaired Su Lengyun's chest injury.

"Let me see who hurt you." Fang Yu's spiritual sense entered Su Lengyun's soul.

Soon, he saw the figure of Shinto.

"It's too easy for him to die." Fang Yu retracted his consciousness, his eyes flickered with cold light.

"Fang Yu..."

At this time, the snowman leader, who had been silent, suddenly spoke.

Gerrard came back to his senses and shouted: "My lord! It's him! This person is Fang Yu! He was the one who caused the avalanche! Punish him!"

Fang Yu stood up, looked at the group of snowmen in front of him, frowned slightly, and said, "Blizzard?"

"My lord, it's him! He is Fang Yu!" Gerrard was still yelling, for fear that the snowman leader didn't realize it.


But in the next second, the snow under Gerrard's feet suddenly violently rushed out, flying Gerrard out.

Gerrard flew more than ten meters high, screamed, and then fell heavily to the ground with a muffled noise, completely lost movement.

"Fang Yu... it was you." The snowman leader looked straight at Fang Yu and said.

Fang Yu looked at it, frowning, and asked, "Who are you?"

"You don't recognize me?" The snowman leader's tone suddenly became You all look the same as Blizzards, how do I know who you are? "Fang Yu raised his brows and asked back.

"..." The snowman leader lowered his head slightly and was silent for a while.

Then, it raised its head again, and the white snow on its body suddenly began to shrink.

Its body was originally bloated, and slowly returned to its normal human body shape.

Ten seconds later, the original snowman has become a petite girl!

The girl was wearing a white robe, her skin was so white that she was shiny, and her hair and eyes were white!

Only this delicate face and rosy lips can tell that she is a girl!

"Now, you should recognize me?" The girl looked at Fang Yu, blinked, and asked softly.

Fang Yu looked at the girl steadily, with memories in his eyes.

The Snow Girl bit her lip lightly and seemed to look at Fang Yu nervously.

"Uh... I'm sorry, I still can't recognize it," Fang Yu said.

Snow Girl's expression stagnated.

"Why don't you tell me your name, I..."


Before Fang Yu finished speaking, the Snow White girl in front of her suddenly lifted her foot and kicked him towards his abdomen.

Although the girl is petite, her strength is quite domineering.

Fang Yu was kicked out a dozen meters away before he stood firm.

"I remember that you Blizzards are very polite, so just..." Fang Yu was about to speak.


At this time, there was a sudden loud noise from the rear.

Fang Yu's face changed slightly and turned his head.

The spirit dragon who was still venting frantically in the giant pit before burst out with a tragic roar, seeming to be hit hard and flying out.

A breath of horror emanated from the huge pit!