The Strongest Qi Refiner

v1 Chapter 460: Take 1 enemy!

Hearing these voices, Xue Wang's face changed drastically, and he immediately turned and looked inside the barrier.

The situation he was worried about still appeared!

The ice armor unicorn is just the beginning!

Those creatures who have long been sleeping in the depths of the far north now all want to rush out of the barrier!

"Boom boom..."

The messy and heavy footsteps are getting closer.

The surrounding ground seemed to vibrate.

The first class of the Blizzards held their breath and stared at the temporarily calm barrier. In addition to shock, there was also deep fear in their eyes.

Most of these creatures have survived for thousands of years, and each of them has extraordinary strength and is not a existence that can be resisted by constant force.

The ice armor unicorn just now made them feel the gap.

As the Blizzards, their physique transformed by the ice and snow is much stronger than ordinary humans.

But facing the tenth-order monsters, they still don't have much choice!

If Fang Yu does not appear, even if their Blizzards fight to annihilate the entire army today, they will not necessarily be able to solve the ice armor unicorn!

But now listening to the footsteps, there are less than twenty creatures rushing towards the barrier shield!

How to deal with this?

As the sound of footsteps approached, the hearts of everyone present sank.

The heavy footsteps sounded like a hammer, hammering on the heart, suffocating.

After about a minute or so, after a snow mountain in the barrier, a humanoid creature ran out!

When I took a closer look, I realized that this was a giant ape!

Its height is at least fifteen meters, and its body glows with bronze light!

Under the light, there are extremely powerful muscles!

The ape's eyes glowed red and rushed toward the barrier shield, breaking the snow with every step.

"This is a Tier 10 monster...Dark Golden Great Ape!" Snow King murmured.

"call out……"

At this time, there was a sharp noise from behind.

A creature flying like a black eagle circled in the air and flew toward the barrier shield.

Compared to the average bird, this creature is more than three times larger.

But the big one is just a pair of wings. There are no feathers on the wings. Instead, they have spikes like hedgehogs, which are quite permeating.

But its body, its face is extremely ugly, its eyes are red, its mouth is sharp, and its fangs flash.

Tier 9 monster, stinged monster bat!

After the stinged fairy bat, one creature after another ran out from the depths.

Blood Elephant, Black Flame Poisonous Rat, Abyssal Giant Crocodile...

The lowest rank of these creatures are all above Rank 8, and most of them have long since disappeared from the outside world.

In just two minutes, nearly thirty monster beasts rushed out, and concentrated towards the barrier shield.

There was no blood on Xue Wang's face.

Looking at these monsters, he even felt it was difficult to breathe.

He doesn't need to consider the capacity of the shield at all.

With so many high-level monsters colliding together, unless the shield is set by the fairy, it is impossible to withstand it!

"Could it be that the sky is really going to change?" Xue Wang stared at the rushing monster beasts blankly, his mind went blank.

Facing an ice armor unicorn, he can also think about coping strategies.

But with so many high-level monsters appearing at once, any strategy is useless.

They want to break out of the barrier, no one can stop them!

"It turns out that there are still so many high-level monsters alive here. Why didn't you tell me before?" Fang Yu asked, turning his head to look at the Snow King.

"..." The Snow King turned his head to look at Fang Yu, and found that Fang Yu's expression was still calm, even a little excited, he didn't know what to say for a while.

Standing next to Fang Yu, Su Lengyun was also the first time seeing so many giant monsters, her pretty face was full of shock.

And the snow girl in the back was trembling all over.

So many monsters... even at the expense of the entire Blizzard clan, it can't be stopped!


At this time, the dark golden great ape that rushed the fastest had already hit the shield with its extremely powerful shoulders, and there was a burst of noise.

This sound awakened everyone who had been stunned.

Everyone in the Blizzard family looked at the Snow King, waiting for him to give orders.

The Snow King's eyes hesitated for a moment, and soon became determined.

With so many monsters coming together, it is no longer something a Blizzard clan of them can stop.

They must evacuate from here, preserve their strength, and then contact the outside world, and join forces with the outside world to suppress this group of monsters!

"Listen to my order and immediately withdraw from this snow forest!" Snow King shouted.

"You don't need to withdraw, you temporarily close the barrier shields and let them out." Fang Yu said at this time.

"What?" Xue Wang's expression changed, and he turned to ask.

"You release them, and then I will get rid of these monsters." Fang Yu said.

"But... there are nearly thirty monster beasts here, and it's not clear what's behind..." Xue Wang said incredulously as he looked at Fang Yu with wide eyes.

Although Fang Yu had solved the ice armor unicorn, he showed strong strength.

But his process of solving unicorns was not easy!

Now that there are 20 or 30 ice-armor unicorns at the same level, how could Fang Yu be able to handle it?

If they don't take the initiative to open the enchantment, the shield of the enchantment can still block for a period of time, allowing them time to escape.

Take the initiative to open the barrier... These violent high-level monsters are about to burst out!

By the time……

"No, you can't take this risk!" Xue Wang shook his head and refused, "We must leave this place now while the shield has not been breached!"

"Trust me, you take the initiative to lift the shield, at least you can keep this shield. When they break through, this barrier will disappear permanently. In other words, other creatures that may exist in the depths can also leave here at will, You figured it out clearly," Fang Yu said.

Hearing Fang Yu's words, Xue Wang's heart jumped.

Indeed, if the shield is breached, it will disappear permanently.

In this way, the rear of their Blizzard territory will be in a very dangerous state, and they may be attacked by beasts at all times!

Snow King looked at Fang Yu with hesitation in his eyes.

At this time, the group of high-level monster beasts were already hitting the barrier shield.

If this continues, the shield will be breached in a few minutes!

Seeing Fang Yu's expression indifferent, Xue Wang gritted his teeth, turned and squatted, placing his right palm on the ground.

A ray of light flew towards the barrier ahead.

The shield that blocked the monster beasts instantly disappeared.


When the high-level monster beasts discovered the disappearance of the shield, they roared in excitement and ran out of the barrier together.

Snow King knew he had made a crazy decision.

"Well, you can leave this place, or you can stand by and watch, but pay attention to your safety." Fang Yu said I promise, no monster can run out of this snow forest. "

As soon as the voice fell, Fang Yu jumped up, his body quickly leaping into the air.

"Everyone obeys the order, evacuate from a distance of one hundred meters, stay alert, and respond to Fang Yu at any time!" Snow King shouted.

Each snowman recovered from the shock of the Snow King taking the initiative to open the barrier, and immediately withdrew back.

Su Lengyun looked up at Fang Yu who quickly flew into the sky, bit her red lips, and stepped back.

She wanted to help Fang Yu, but she didn't want to defy Fang Yu's words, and was more afraid of dragging Fang Yu's hind legs.

"I just lost an inner alchemy of a Tier 10 monster beast, and turned around so many high-level monster beasts took the initiative to send to his face... Great." Fang Yu smiled.

Above his head, the stinged fairy bat was fast, rushing to the front, trying to leave the snow forest.

Therefore, Fang Yu decided to give priority to solving this ninth-order monster.


Almost in an instant, Fang Yu completed the overtaking and appeared in front of the stinged fairy bat.

The stinged fairy bat reacted very quickly, with huge wings flapping, and hundreds of cold-lighted stingers flew to Fang Yu quickly.

These poisonous thorns appear ancient brown on the wings, but after they are launched, they become transparent and hide in the air, making it difficult to catch sight!

Fang Yu folded his hands in front of him, and a faint golden glow appeared on his arms.

When the stinger was close at hand, Fang Yu spread his hands out!


Infuriating exploded.

The poisonous thorn that flew towards Fang Yu, then flew towards the poisonous thorn bat.


The stinger fairy bat made a sharp sound, and its two wings closed and contracted to block the oncoming stinger.

At this time, Fang Yu had appeared directly above it and hit it with a punch!