The Strongest Qi Refiner

v1 Chapter 465: Master Zuo!

Huaibei, Budo Association Hall.

This is the headquarters of the Huaibei area. The buildings are quite luxurious. The tallest office building is full of technological sense and is more spectacular than the skyscrapers in the central area.

At this time, in the meeting room on the 30th floor of the office building, a kind of high-level senior sitting in distress, seems to be waiting for someone to arrive.

Chairman Zhao Jidao didn't even sit down, just standing at the door of the conference room.

Time came to 3:25 in the afternoon.

The meeting was originally planned to be held at three o'clock, but now it has been almost half an hour.

But due to the absence of key figures, the meeting could not be held for a long time.

Those who can participate in today's meeting are all high-level officials from the Huaibei Budo Circle. On weekdays, only others wait for them. Have you ever tried to wait for others?

But today, this character made this group of high-level officials have no complaints, and even dared not show their unhappy expressions.

Zhao Jidao stood at the door with no expression on his face.

After another ten minutes or so, a figure appeared in Zhao Jidao's field of vision, not hurriedly or slowly...It could even be said that he came to the meeting room lazily.

Before people approached, Zhao Jidao smelled a strong smell of alcohol, which was almost suffocating.

But Zhao Jidao still showed a very respectful look on his face, and bowed: "Tianshi Zuo, you are here, we have been waiting for you for a long time."

The middle-aged man known as Zuo Tianshi has long hair and braids behind him. His face is white and he has no beard, and his eyes are blurred.

"Sorry, I went to a friend's house for dinner at noon, drank some wine, and didn't notice the time. Didn't you wait long?" Zuo Tianshi said with a drunk face.

"It didn't take long, didn't wait long, Heaven Master Zuo please come in." Zhao Jidao said repeatedly.

As soon as Tianshi Zuo walked into the meeting room, the high-level people who had been sitting all got up together and bowed their greetings to Tianshi Zuo.

"Well, sit down, you can start the meeting." Tianshi Zuo said bluntly, sitting on the top of the meeting room.

Zhao Jidao sat down beside him.

"Uh...Tianshi Zuo, then we will officially start the meeting." Zhao Jidao said.

"Let's start," Zuo Tianshi said with squinting eyes.

Zhao Jidao took a deep look at Zuo Tianshi, then turned to look at another high-level person on the side, and asked him to start preaching.

"In the past month, a large number of violent warriors have appeared in various urban areas of Huaibei. These warriors have common characteristics. Their swelling bodies, extremely powerful, and violent states will destroy everything in front of them, especially people."

"They attacked people they saw indiscriminately, and took the other's life as soon as they shot them. In the past month, the number of civilians who died at the hands of these violent warriors is very large, and the number is astonishing."

"Our Martial Arts Association has made a response and sent warriors... but due to the powerful physical functions of this group of violent warriors, as well as their uncertainty, we are in a very difficult state..."

This high-level executive told some statistics, as well as the characteristics of the Berserker.

But before half of his manuscript was read, there was already a loud grunt in the conference room.

The high-ranking officials looked at Zuo Tianshi, who was lying on the table and fell asleep, with a strange expression.

Zhao Jidao just can tolerate it no matter how unpleasantly appears on his face.

This is Zuo Hongru, Zuo Tianshi who was sent to support them! ?

This attitude was too arrogant, and they didn't even consider their Huaibei martial arts circles!

"President, this..." The high-level person in charge of the preaching looked at Zhao Jidao.

Zhao Jidao looked gloomy and was about to speak.

"You seem to be very dissatisfied with me?"

At this time, the snoring that resounded through the conference room stopped abruptly, and was replaced by a slightly feminine voice.

The expressions of all the senior officials changed, and they all looked at the first Zuo Hongru.

I don't know when, Zuo Hongru has been sitting upright, his eyes scanned the audience sharply.

At this time, his momentum is completely different from before.

The strangest thing is that even the strong alcohol on his body suddenly disappeared.

"Chairman Zhao, I hope you can figure out one thing. I'm here to help you Huaibei Budo Association. I only have kindness to you." Zuo Hongru looked at Zhao Jidao with a gloomy look and said, "Even if I fall asleep, you You are very respectful to me."

"Yes, I'm sorry, it's our fault..." Zhao Jidao's face changed drastically, and he said repeatedly.

Zuo Hongru did not speak, but scanned the audience coldly.

"If you want to get my help, you must completely surrender to me, understand?"

No one dared to speak.

An icy breath of terror radiated from Zuo Hongru's body and filled the entire conference room.

"If I ask you something, you have to answer it." Zuo Hongru said gloomily.

This sentence is like a knife pierced into the heart, making people feel excited.

"Understood! In the future, our Huaibei Budo Association as a whole will take orders from Tianshi Zuo!"

Zhao Jidao immediately got up and bowed deeply to Zuo Hongru.

Where did other senior executives dare to have other ideas, and bowed.

"Well, in order to show your sincerity, during this meeting, you have been bending over like this." Zuo Hongru said with a cold smile.

As one of the guardians of the Beijing Budo Association, he is extraordinary in strength and his eyes are above the top.

The so-called high-level group in front of him was not as good as a fart in his eyes, and he didn't need to give anyone face.

When Zuo Hongru said it, the scene in the conference room became a little funny.

On weekdays, a group of high-ranking and powerful people are worthy of maintaining a bent over position, and they dare not breathe.

"How many violent warriors are there?" Zuo Hongru asked, sitting leaning on a chair.

"The information collected so far..." The high-level person in charge of preaching was about to speak.

"Don't say so much, what I ask you, you will answer it!" Zuo Hongru said coldly.

The high-level person trembled, and replied with a trembling voice: "Five, more than five hundred."

"More than five hundred?" Zuo Hongru squinted slightly and said, "It means the number is not clear yet?"

"Yes, yes," the senior replied.

"In that case, first investigate the number of these violent warriors! I need a number that is accurate to the one digit!" Zuo Hongru said coldly.

"Understood." The senior executive answered immediately.

After saying this, Zuo Hongru fell into silence.

The whole meeting room was quiet.

After a long time, Zuo Hongru suddenly asked: "The Fang Yu who had been going up and down before, I want to see him."

Seeing that no one dared to answer, Zhao Ji said: "Tianshi Zuo, we already wanted to see this son, but the other party didn't seem to want to..."

"I don't care if he wants it or not, anyway, I want to see him." Zuo Hongru said coldly, "If he doesn't want to come, let him come by force, understand?"

"Yes, but he..."

Zhao Jidao was cold sweat on his forehead.

He watched the process of Wu Sheng Chen Luo being defeated by Fang Yu with his own eyes! He knew how terrifying Fang Yu's strength was!

If Fang Yu doesn't want to meet Zuo Hongru, who can force it?

" you really can't help him." Zuo Hongru touched his chin, showing a cold smile, "Okay, forget about it, I will handle it myself."

Zhao Jidao was relieved.

"That's it for today, I have to go back and rest." Zuo Hongru stood up and turned to leave the meeting room.

Before leaving, he patted Zhao Jidao on the head and said, "You will go with me."

After the two of them left the meeting room together, the high-levels in the meeting room dared to straighten up and complain.

They never expected that the Tianshi Zuo from the capital would be so difficult to get along with! More arrogant and arrogant than any big person they have ever met!

But they couldn't resist yet!

This is the guardian from the Beijing Budo Association, so don't offend it!

Zhao Jidao walked beside Zuo Hongru and took the elevator downstairs together.

Along the way, Zuo Hongru didn't speak, Zhao Jidao didn't dare to speak, sweat was on his forehead.

"Chairman Zhao, I came to Huaibei last night, and you didn't even come to greet me. This makes me a little uncomfortable." Zuo Hongru said lightly.

"Left, Tianshi Zuo, I was dealing with some urgent official duties last night..." Zhao Jidao hurriedly explained.

"Well, you can arrange some fun for me today. If I am happy, I can let you go, otherwise..." Zuo Hongru smiled coldly.

Hearing this sentence, Zhao Jidao's mind flashed.

He had known before that this Tianshi Zuo from the capital seemed to be extremely feminine.

"I understand that I will try my best to arrange the best for you! Please rest assured, Tianshi Zuo." Zhao Jidao said.


Fang Yu and Su Lengyun returned to the apartment together.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw a phantom standing on the balcony.