The Strongest Qi Refiner

v1 Chapter 898: The death knell of the king!

"Boom boom boom..."

There was a series of explosions in the air.

One after another, like garbage, was thrown in different directions.

The blood exploded from their bodies turned into a rain of blood in the air and dripped down.

This scene... makes time seem to have stopped.

The spectators on the audience stage, the core members of the Wang family, and the group of guards on the ground preparing to take action... all fell into a state of sluggish shock to the extreme.

It's too illusory.

The silhouettes flying out of the air like trash are all powerful in the gods!

A **** realm powerhouse, no matter where it is placed, is in the ranks of the top powerhouse.

But in front of Fang Yu, these powerhouses of the gods... are so vulnerable!

I only heard the rumors before, but now, these people have seen this scene with their own eyes!

Not seeing it with their own eyes, and no one will believe that in their eyes the extremely powerful gods...will be crushed like a three-year-old child!

"Boom boom..."

One after another, the figures fell on the ground, making muffled noises.

These sounds, like the death knell of the Wang family, made everyone in the Wang family's heart beat and refreshed.

In just thirty seconds, all the thirty-four monks in the transformation stage of the gods were knocked down by Fang Yu.

Some of them died violently, and most of them were seriously injured, their life or death unknown.

Such a result... they never expected to have nightmares.

Fang Yu stood in mid-air, with a faint golden glow on his body.

He looked down at the group of royal family members wearing platinum robes, his eyes dazzling, like a **** looking down on the people.

"As the first family of your royal family, don't you just have a few people?" Fang Yu asked in a cold tone.

Although Fang Yu's object was the core group of Wang's children, his aura made the spectators on the other steps feel a panic, and many people even trembled.

The scene where Fang Yu was crushing sentient beings just now caused a tremendous impact on their hearts.

It's... terrible!

Sitting in a wheelchair, Wang Xiaofeng looked up at Fang Yu in the sky, his teeth clenched, but there was no blood on his face.

And Wang Xiaodan behind him, his face was as pale as paper.

As for the other princes of the Wang family, they had already bowed their heads at this time, daring not to look at Fang Yu, their bodies were shaking constantly.

The 30-odd cultivators of the transformation stage who just shot are the strongest elites in each branch.

Even these elites were so easily solved by Fang Yu, their arrogance...not even root vegetables.

Fang Yu turned his head and looked at Wang Xinghe on the side.

When his eyes met, Wang Xinghe's body immediately trembled, and even his true qi could not be maintained. After falling for a certain distance, he barely stabilized.

Seeing Wang Xinghe's embarrassed appearance, everyone present knew...

This war provoked by the Wang family ended in Fang Yu's victory!

Fang Yu, really relying on his own strength, made the entire Wang family unable to lift their heads!

"Hey, isn't there really only that few people?" Fang Yu raised his brows and asked again.

As the first family in the northern capital martial arts world, if the core strength is the 30-odd cultivators of the transformation stage, it is too weak, right?

If anyone knew Fang Yu's thoughts, he would vomit blood.

More than 30 monks in the transformation stage, placed in any family in this hot summer, even a small family with only five people, can instantly make this family a top family!

The monks in the transformation stage are not Chinese cabbage.

As far as the hot summer is concerned, among 100,000 cultivators, at most only one can cultivate to the transformation stage.

"Why are all dumb? Someone will answer me, don't make me so embarrassed." Fang Yu said again.

But the princes below are all scared of their courage. Where else would anyone dare to speak up?

Fang Yu turned his head, looked at Wang Xinghe, and asked, "You seem to be the so-called master?"

But I didn't think, when Fang Yu asked, Wang Xinghe trembled and fell down.

Falling at a height of more than ten meters would certainly not cause much damage to Wang Xinghe, who had a cultivation base in the early stage of the transformation.

But the funny scene of him falling to the ground with a look in Fang Yu's eyes will be remembered forever.

Everyone in the Wang family felt extremely ashamed to see this scene.

However, they have no chance to refute.

"...I'm really beaten up as dumb, right?" Fang Yu shook his head slightly and said to himself.

The shot just now seemed to be a bit serious, so that the group of cultivators were resolved too quickly, which caused a great psychological shadow on this group of people.

But even so, the whole Wang family gave Fang Yu the feeling...not worthy of the name of the first family.

Whether it is courage, the way of doing things, or even the strength of everyone, there is no one who can fight.

"Uninteresting." Fang Yu slowly fell back to the ground.

He knew that there were still many monks whose cultivation base was above the transformation stage, because he could feel a lot of Dao breath.

It's just that these monks were frightened and turned into tortoises.

"Three elders, we are in a desperate situation... please also take action to rescue us..."

Wang Mingtong, who fell on the ground in the distance, released a divine sense to contact the three elders who had been in the deepest seclusion.

The ancestors of the Wang family, in order to let the descendants of the Wang family have a sense of crisis, set a rule. Each generation of elders can only keep one person to guard the Wang family, and the others will leave the Wang family to find new opportunities for breakthroughs.

If the cultivation base can go further, you can return to the Wang Family and become the Supreme Elder.

If not, it will be rotated every 20 years.

There are actually seven elders in the Wang Family today.

Two of them have passed away, and four are practicing outside.

The three elders contacted by Wang Ming's general spiritual sense are the Dinghai Shenzhen currently in the Wang family.

According to the ancestral instruction, you must never seek help from the elders until the most critical moment.

But now...this moment has arrived.

To summon the Dinghai Shenzhen on this occasion... This is a situation that Wang Mingtong himself did not expect.

At the earliest, he didn't want to confront Fang Yu and Huaixu, thus causing unnecessary losses.

But after Wang Shuangfan was promoted to fourth place on the top list, his mentality changed.

He wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to make Wang Shuangfan's reputation in the northern capital in one fell swoop, so as to help him climb the Wang Family Honor Mountain.

It was this thought that made the Wang family into a desperate situation!

But now, regret is useless.

It's no use to cringe like other branch owners!

If Fang Yu does not die today, even if the Wang Family can retain a little bit of power, he will fall into a state of immortality!

Fame, dignity, word of mouth... everything will fall apart!

The only way to save is to kill Fang Yu!

But ten seconds later, Wang Mingtong's call for help did not receive any response.

"Three elders... I hope you can help us, we have no other way..." Wang Mingtong once again released a spirit of consciousness out and still did not get any response.

Wang Mingtong is about to contact again.


But at this moment, a mountain in the deepest part of the villa suddenly burst!

From a distance, you can see a beam of blue light shooting from the top of the mountain, straight into the sky!

At the same time, a breath that was so powerful that it was suffocating suddenly appeared, quickly approaching!

But in the middle of the sky, no one can be seen!

Wang Mingtong was overjoyed and shouted: "Thank you for the rescue!"

Hearing Wang Mingtong's words, the other Wang family members were taken aback for a moment, and were overjoyed!

The Three Elders are out!

This also means that they are saved!


The clouds in the sky are rolling!

That powerful aura quickly approached from the mountains in the distance and spread quickly until it enveloped the entire sky!

"Your generation... stripped of the qualifications of the Honor Mountain." A deep and thick voice came from all directions, filling everyone's ears.

Everyone in the Wang family changed their faces.

Especially Wang Mingtong, his face was bloodless, and his heart sank to the bottom.

Obviously, the three elders were quite dissatisfied with the current situation of the Wang family.

"The elder in the legend of the Wang family has taken action..."

The crowd on the audience stage was pressured by the sudden appearance, making it difficult to breathe.

But they raised their heads and looked towards the sky, but they couldn't see any figure.

Where is the third elder of the Wang family?


Standing on the ground, Fang Yu looked up at a certain position in the air, his eyes drenched.

It's finally interesting.

He has been for many years, and he hasn't fought against the true living monks in the fit period.

Today, the opportunity has come.