The Strongest Qi Refiner

v2 Chapter 3186: Last chance

Empress Xiaoyue listened to these words quietly, but did not respond.

On the other side, Lu Chen's face turned pale.

In this case, only the queen can help them!

But now, what Nan Yuan is saying is not irritating her mother and angering her! ?

If even the queen mother is angered, who can save them! ?

Thinking about this, Lu Chen was trembling all over, jumping anxiously.

If she can, she really wants to step forward and seal Nan Yuan's mouth!

But she dare not do anything now!

"Mother, we can no longer have illusions, and we can't continue to be weak!" Nan Yuan said, "Do you think the father will help us? No!"

"He has been watching all this in silence, just one sentence can change the situation, one sentence! Has he done this? No! He is happy to see it happen!"

"Speaking of which, this claim of the main lineage lineage was brought up by him... he wished we would die."

If Nan Yuan's remarks were released to the outside world, anyone would tremble when they heard it!

This is a direct criticism of the ancient demon emperor!

In the ancient demon galaxy, no one has this kind of power, nor this kind of courage!

But Nan Yuan, a direct descendant, dare to say such a thing!

Lu Chen trembled and looked at the position of Empress Xiaoyue.

"Do you think... the holy courtyard can give you the capital to fight against your majesty?" Empress Xiaoyue asked.

"Not yet, but in the least there is a chance." Nan Yuan said, "If there is no sanctuary, there will never be a chance."

"Mother, we need hope, we have seen hope... I hope you can understand our thoughts."

Having said this, Nan Yuan bent down and bowed, her head lowered.

Lu Chen was at a loss and bowed.

Empress Xiaoyue sat on the high seat and said nothing.

"Swish swish..."

At this moment, a blue light flashed in the center of the hall!

This blue light gradually condenses into a figure.

Seeing this blue shadow appear, both Nan Yuan and Lu Chen's face changed.

They all know...this is the tour master!

The Patron has appeared!

It turned out to be... directly behind their mother!

This is a situation they did not expect at all!


Qingying takes shape.

"It's been a long time, Empress Xiaoyue." The sovereign's voice said.

His tone was very calm.

But the content of the words shocked Nan Yuan and Lu Chen.

have not seen you for a long time?

This means... the patrol once met their mother's queen?

"What do you mean by appearing right now?" Empress Xiaoyue was enveloped in fairy light, her tone was slightly cold.

"Now that the situation is critical, I want to talk to you again." The inspector said, "You refused to cooperate with our holy court, but you did not prevent your children from cooperating with us. This shows that you are also treating us. The holy court has something to look forward to... Now, you have seen that most of these heirs under your command have been implicated in our holy court, and they have also been greatly improved... Now, you will change your previous Are you determined?"

It turns out... The patrol once also looked for his mother's queen!

Moreover, the mother-in-law had known the existence of the sanctuary a long time ago, and even knew that the sanctuary was looking for members of their sub-lineage descent to cooperate!

But the mother and queen never brought it up, let alone stop it!

What does the mother... mean?

At this moment, Nan Yuan and Lu Chen in the rear were full of amazement.

"Fantasy Cloud was captured by Fang Yu into the ancient demon prison. With its nature, it didn't take long for him to confess everything he knew." The inspector said, "At that time, your Nan Yuan, Lu Chen, There are also more than half of the members of the sub-lineage descent who will all be involved in this incident."

"And as the leader of the subline bloodline, you, Queen Xiaoyue... will definitely be held accountable, no matter whether you cooperate with our sanctuary or not, you can't shirk the blame."

Queen Xiaoyue was silent.

"But right now, it's not a desperate situation. As far as I know, the ancient demon emperor is still in retreat." The inspector said, "but if you wait until the ancient demon emperor leaves the customs and know about this, it will be for your sub-line bloodline. In other words, it was a devastating blow... You will fall into a situation where you will never recover."

"Now, it's the last chance."

"Queen Xiaoyue, don't you really think about it?"

Empress Xiaoyue still did not speak, and the fairy light flickered above her body.

"Cooperate with our can guarantee that you can get everything you want." The tour lord said, "I must have a desire in your heart, but...this desire is difficult to achieve Achieved. But if you cooperate with our sanctuary, your desire... will definitely be fulfilled."

"This point, Princess Nanyuan has already told you very clearly."

"The foundation of our sanctuary is stronger than you think."

At this time, both Nan Yuan and Lu Chen could hear that Xun Zun meant... to recruit their mothers and queens!

Queen Xiaoyue!

The Taoist companion of the Ancient Demon Emperor, the entire Ancient Demon Emperor is actually the second-highest existence!

Patron... dare to open this mouth!

"What do you think, how to break the game now?" Empress Xiaoyue asked.

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