The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 157: seek the world

The neck was pinched, but there was no fear in Grandma Wushuang's eyes.

In the distance, Dugu’s party has already retreated quickly into Wushuang City. The dense sound of horses’ hooves and footsteps sounded, and a group of people began to pour out from various streets in Wushuang City, and then formed a huge army towards Wushuang City. The door swept in.

The Peerless City, the World Association, how can such a gang make the imperial court jealous, not only because of the martial arts of their leaders, but also because they have their own armies, as if they are a country within a country.

Now, he has failed in martial arts, but the army of Wushuang City is still there.

However, looking at the army that began to gather in the distance, Ling Tian's face became even more sarcastic.

The aura of Tianzi’s anger swept through again. Outside Wushuang City, in the wilderness, suddenly, a smoke dragon flew into the sky, and the thunderous sound of horse hooves covered the sky and covered the earth, making everyone in Wushuang City feel extreme fear as if the sky was collapsing. .

"Peerless City, it's very fragile, I said it, so now you choose Yusui or agree to my conditions..."

The indifferent words sounded again, Ling Tian looked indifferently into the Wushuang City, in the distance, the sky was filled with smoke, vaguely countless virtual iron cavalry figures began to condense, sprinting towards the Wushuang City like the heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals.

Although it is a virtual picture, there is an extremely terrifying atmosphere that accompanies those pictures.

Grandma Wushuang's eyes finally began to change. She could feel that the cavalry that appeared at this moment, as well as Ling Tian, ​​indeed possessed the power to destroy Wushuang City.

In the city, Dugu's body trembled, and Wushuang's grandmother's feeling was also his feeling.

"Congratulations to the host, for getting..."

"Congratulations to the host..."


In his mind, the system's prompts began to sound continuously.

"There is only one chance. If you don't see the things I asked for in a month, there is no need for the Peerless City to exist..."

Ling Tian looked indifferent, and threw the Wushuang grandma out.

This time, he changed his mind and came up with this to force Dugu and Wushuang's grandma to speed up the unblocking of Qingcheng's love, but at this moment, the many luck gains in his mind were purely unexpected.

However, this wave of luck has the appearance of tens of thousands, which is not cheap.

"City Lord..."

In Peerless City, in front of the team that had just assembled, a knight in armor looked at Dugu and shouted.

"What do you want to do? Look around you, you want to see blood flow into rivers, do you want to see so many people destroyed... Disband the army, prepare those things Ling Tian wants, go..."

Dugu rushed to the knight, grabbed the knight's collar, and shouted loudly.

Angry, frustrated, swallowed, and so on, the tone of voice came into everyone's ears along with Dugu's words, so that everyone who heard this could feel the emotion of Dugu's side, that was not willing to be threatened by Lingtian, but for the sake of The suffocation that many innocent people in the Peerless City had to endure.

At this moment, naturally no one knew that there was indeed a flame burning in Dugu's heart. For the love of Qingcheng, he added another reason for wanting to get it as soon as possible, and that was to find Ling Tian to report today's humiliation.

The figure turned back to the carriage, Ling Tian didn't pay attention to Wushuangcheng's affairs.

He believed that due to today's stimulation, Dugu would take the initiative and actively to unblock the love of the city.

Sitting in the carriage, Ling Tian first summoned several generals of the army that came later, and ordered him to send people to send orders to the local officials to spread the matter of his subjugation of Wushuang City for the imperial court, so that this time Wushuang City could be subdued. The luck that can be brought is maximized, and then Ling Tian returns directly to the capital of the Divine State Empire in this world.

Entering this world, from the failure of Lingyun Cave, to pass through the six gates, use the power of the imperial court to become stronger, and then continue to kill, obtain luck, and now suppress Wushuang City and obtain the seventh generation of love, it can be considered that the first time has been completed. one-stage plan.

However, this is far from the time when Ling Tian abandoned Six Gates and the imperial court of this world. Wushuangcheng is an old-fashioned force, but now the most powerful in the arena is the World Association.

Using the power of the imperial court to swept the World Association, that was the biggest luck harvest event he could create on the rivers and lakes.

Before, with his strength, he was absolutely unable to do anything to the World Association, so he first chose Wushuang City, which could get the seventh world of love, but now, although he has a certain degree of confidence to clean up the World Association, he still needs the cooperation of the court. .

In the World Association, apart from Xiongba, there is still a situation where seeds can be exploded anytime, anywhere, not to mention, there is a purple-clothed boss behind Xiongba.

According to the original work, the boss Ziyi himself is one of the top demons in the arena, and he was able to escape from the hands of the demon master Bu Bai Suzhen, who had lived for more than 200 years. His strength is by no means domineering. compared.

All of this made Ling Tian need to continue to obtain the support of the imperial court and the Six Gates in order to wipe out the World Society.

And most importantly, the so-called imperial family of the Divine Empire in this world was beaten in various ways in the original Even if an emperor's elder brother occasionally appeared, he obtained the inheritance of Wu Wudi, and he was subdued with one move. The big villain who was able to suppress the two protagonists at that time, and then continued to enter the royal family in the sequence of being hanged and beaten, was not really that bad. On the contrary, the royal family in this world is extremely difficult.

"Aiqing really subdued Wushuang City, and he is worthy of being the governor of the six gates of my Shenzhou Empire..."

Shendu, the imperial palace, a certain side hall, the emperor of the Shenzhou Empire looked at Ling Tian with a gentle smile on his face. There were only four people sitting in this side hall at this time, the emperor, the queen, the prince, Ling Tian, In front of the four of them were food and wine.

This was a family dinner, showing the emperor's preference for Ling Tian.

However, seeing the gentle smile of the Emperor of the Shenzhou Empire, Ling Tian only had a faint indifference and vigilance in his heart.

From the time he entered the Six Gates and made a huge contribution to see the emperor for the first time, Ling Tian felt a palpitation in his heart, the kind of palpitations that the Tang world had when facing the immortal world. In the Tang world, Ling Tian ignored that His heart palpitations soared, and the result was that he was directly killed by a behemoth without him responding.

Therefore, from the very beginning, Ling Tian had a feeling in his heart that this emperor, if he wanted to kill him, had the ability to kill him.

Now, facing this emperor, Ling Tian still has palpitations in his heart, but it is no longer the kind of palpitations that the Tang world has when facing the immortal world. It seems that the emperor can no longer kill him as easily as before.

"The Peerless City has been levelled, the minister asked to conquer the World Association..."

Feeling indifferently the change in Wushuangcheng's heart palpitations towards the emperor after his group, Ling Tian's expression did not change in the slightest, and he calmly clasped his fists towards the emperor.
