The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 206: weird

Ling Tian Lingkong looked at the raging ghosts below, and his perception continued to extend towards the house where Nie Xiaoqian was in the courtyard.

He vaguely felt that the mystery of Nie Xiaoqian would be the most crucial for him to complete the mission in this world.

The night slowly became denser, and the scattered ghosts began to slaughter recklessly in the rich man's mansion. However, the mansion seemed to be isolated by invisible forces, so even if there were a lot of ghosts killing, there was no sound at all. A big move was made.

During this process, Ling Tian didn't send out any more heartfelt messages, he just quietly felt the changes in Nie Xiaoqian's breath.

By the middle of the night, Ling Tian could already be very sure that Nie Xiaoqian's power at this time was not her own initiative.

It was a pure outpouring of instinct.

This Nie Xiaoqian definitely has a great secret.

And also, in the second half of the night, the man who had attacked Ling Tian in the past also appeared in the rich man's mansion.

However, this man was completely different from the man in the daytime. Although this man did not fall into an unconscious state like Nie Xiaoqian, his whole aura had changed completely from the man in the daytime.

The appearance of the man who entered the rich man's mansion has not changed at all, but his face is slightly gloomy, his eyes are black and shining, and the whole person feels more like a ghost than a person.

However, there is not the slightest bit of ghostly gloom in this man.

Instead, like Nie Xiaoqian, she has a very pure Yin attribute aura.

If Nie Xiaoqian is a huge piece of mysterious ice, then this man is an ice cube that is about to become mysterious ice.

This feeling made Ling Tian realize immediately that this man has something to do with Nie Xiaoqian's hidden identity.

The night was filled with the people in the rich man's mansion being slaughtered recklessly by countless ghosts, and soon they were all dead. Finally, the man jumped into Nie Xiaoqian's yard after all the people in the rich man's mansion died. In the blink of an eye, the man had a look The sluggish Nie Xiaoqian came out of the yard.

At this time, Nie Xiaoqian's eyes were tightly closed, but she was able to walk freely. She seemed to be in a state of unconsciousness, but her body had instincts.

In this state, the man brought Nie Xiaoqian out very naturally with his breath that was very close to Nie Xiaoqian at this time.

The two quickly left the rich man's mansion one after the other, and then headed for the ship in the distance.

Ling Tian followed quietly and silently.

Nie Xiaoqian has a secret, and 100% of this man knows the secret.

Ling Tian was not in a hurry and waited patiently for the man to bring Nie Xiaoqian back to Nie Xiaoqian's boat. Then, Ling Tian suddenly revealed a little bit of his own breath.

Inside the cabin, the face of the man who had just brought Nie Xiaoqian back changed abruptly, his figure had already sprung out of the cabin like an arrow, and in the blink of an eye, he was in front of Ling Tian.

In the face of this man's aggressive approach, Ling Tian quickly retreated without any hesitation.

At this time, Nie Xiaoqian was like a dangerous object that might erupt immediately. Although Ling Tian was not afraid, he was extremely curious about Nie Xiaoqian's current state, and subconsciously felt that it was related to his mission, so he didn't want to disturb the current Nie Xiaoqian.

In that man's eyes, Ling Tian's retreat was just pure fear.

Seeing Ling Tian step back, the man smiled grimly, and his figure quickly followed.

The two blinked back and forth, and they had already exited the distance of several hundred meters from the location of the boat. During the perception, Nie Xiaoqian's breath had calmed down. Ling Tian did not retreat any more, and his figure suddenly turned around and blinked in front of the man.

The scorching power revolved, Ling Tian's hands seemed to be burning with flames.

This is the power of true fire integrated into the love of the city, and then compressed the breath of the sun.

Although the phantom of the flame does not look as shocking as the real flame, in fact, the lethality of the supreme sun attribute contained in it is definitely not weaker than that of the real flame.

The face of the man who came after Ling Tian suddenly changed.

At this time, the man could see that Ling Tian's previous retreat was not out of fear, and he also guessed that Ling Tian just didn't want to disturb Nie Xiaoqian.

With a hint of horror, the man wanted to step back.

However, Ling Tian's strength and martial arts were much stronger than this man. Just as the man was about to retreat, Ling Tian's hand had already landed on his throat.

Holding the man's neck, Ling Tian's Zhiyang power suddenly exploded, and at the same time, his figure continued to retreat towards the back.

At this time, he and this man were still not too far from the ship. No matter how confident Ling Tian was in his own strength, he still had some fears when he couldn't figure out Nie Xiaoqian's state.

Soon, after retreating from the range of several kilometers, Ling Tian released the hand that was holding Nie Xiaoqian's neck slightly.

"What are you? What's up with Nie Xiaoqian?"

Ling Tian's voice sounded cold.

The power of Zhiyang was revolving, and at this time, Ling Tian could almost fully perceive the inside of the man he was holding.

From yin to cold, without the slightest yang energy that belongs to human beings, there is no doubt that this man is definitely not a human being, at least not a living person.

However, this man is not a ghost either. His most yin to cold is infinitely close to Nie Xiaoqian's breath, that extremely pure yin attribute, not a ghost that contains all kinds of negative emotions, as well as filth, darkness and other bad breaths. Gloomy atmosphere.

Yin and Yang, the necessity of life at the same time, the most yin and the eerie that represents death are not a kind of existence.

Nie Xiaoqian is not a ghost. The reason why she can control ghosts is just because the most yin attribute is to ghosts what light is to humans.

Unless there are very individual existences, the yearning of ghosts is not inferior to the yearning of light to human beings.

However, in the same way, just as light is difficult to be controlled by humans, the extreme yin is also not easily controlled by anything.

This alone shows that Nie Xiaoqian's identity is absolutely extraordinary.

"I have long seen that you have bad intentions. I only wanted to attack you during the day. Now that the success is almost complete, you can kill if you want. Why do you need so much nonsense..."

The man who was pinched by Ling Tian with one hand looked at Ling Tian coldly and said ruthlessly.

Listening to the words, it seemed that Ling Tian was a sinner, and he was just trying to protect Nie Xiaoqian.

However, Ling Tian just sneered in disdain.

The power of Zhiyang suddenly erupted, and the phantom of the flame immediately poured into the man's body, and the flame of nothingness poured into it, and the man screamed fiercely.

To yin and to yang are two extremes.

Although it is usually said that both yin and yang coexist, but Ling Tian's extreme yang is poured into it, obviously it is a great harm to a man whose body is full of extreme yin.

"Don't ask for hardship, I have no ill will towards Nie Xiaoqian, otherwise, it's not you, but Nie Xiaoqian... But, her power is so special, I'm afraid that there are countless sect masters and demons in this world. She is interested in her power, if she is caught by those existences, it will never be a good thing waiting for her..."

Ling Tian looked at the man he was holding coldly and said.

The real fire of Zhiyang is coveted by many sect masters, Ling Tian can be sure that the power of Zhiyin will also be coveted by countless beings.

Sure enough, following Ling Tian's words, the face of the man he caught suddenly changed dramatically.

"Tonight's event is such a big deal, as long as those sects and demons are not deaf or blind, they will definitely hear the news..."

Ling Tian looked at the man he caught and said again.

He could see that the man had been persuaded by him, and he only needed a little more effort to make this man's heart break down.

"It's too late, it's almost dawn, take Nie Xiaoqian away, protect her, and when the next night comes, I can tell you everything..."

The man's face finally changed completely this time, but he looked at the horizon in the distance, and a faint morning light was emerging, and he said quickly.

And as these words fell, the man's aura began to change continuously.

The breath of the yin began to dissipate, and the original man's breath reappeared.

Ling Tian's eyes changed slightly, this man was not the same person during the day and at night.

Is it a change of soul? ...

Ling Tian had countless thoughts in his heart, but his figure was not slow at all, and he had returned to the boat with this man in the blink of an eye.

Chen Xi was completely formed when Ling Tian carried the man back to the boat, a red sun lifted off into the sky, and the sound of crisp footsteps began to sound on the boat.

"Everyone got up, they didn't want to eat or something, they all slept like lazy pigs..."

Nie Xiaoqian's pungent voice sounded on the boat.

This woman seemed to have completely forgotten what happened yesterday. She had just left the man with a similar aura to Nie Xiaoqian. Ling Tian heard the voice immediately, and a faint doubt flashed in his eyes again.

Nie Xiaoqian and the man are not alone during the day and night, and it is not surprising that even the souls have been replaced, but it is a little strange that Nie Xiaoqian completely forgets what happened yesterday.

In the next second, a boatload of people woke up one after another, which made Ling Tian feel a great surprise.

"Get up, get up, I'm going to fetch water..."

"I'm here to wash rice..."

"I go…………"


One after another voices sounded on the boat, and everyone on these boats seemed to have forgotten what happened yesterday.

The people on the boat have forgotten, what about the people on the shore?

Ling Tian looked in the direction of the rich man's mansion, and there was a trace of doubt in his heart.

There is no doubt that the people on this boat, including Nie Xiaoqian and that man, were wiped out by some kind of power, but if this power only wiped out their memories, it would be a complete fool.

Because it would put them in a great crisis.

Mingming was robbed, but the next day, the family of those who robbed Nie Xiaoqian died, but Nie Xiaoqian was safe and sound. If no one suspected this, it would be hell.

However, if this power erased not only the people on this ship, but also everyone on the shore forgot that Nie Xiaoqian was involved in the matter of all the dead rich family, this power would be extremely terrifying.

Perception spreads, extends, spreads...

Soon, he reached the city from the shore, and then extended towards the location of the rich man's mansion.

"This is the most famous haunted house in this city. What, who thinks he is too daring to come in with Ben Shao tonight for a tour..."

"I heard that none of the people in this mansion died one night ten years ago, and three days after the entire mansion died, no one came out of the mansion, but the stench dissipated. It was discovered that everyone in here was dead..."

Perception had just explored the past, the breath of several ordinary people immediately appeared in Perception, and immediately, a young man's voice entered Ling Tian's perception.

A very ordinary sentence, but Ling Tian's expression changed drastically.

Perception quickly got involved in the mansion, and soon, Ling Tian's face became even more horrified.

This power is more terrifying than he imagined.

The aura in this mansion really seemed to be uninhabited for a long time. Ling Tian could feel wild weeds and vines intertwined and covered most of the mansion, and some wild animals were running around in the ruins of the mansion. write.

These sights all prove that this mansion has indeed been abandoned for at least ten years.

This power did not erase the memories of Nie Xiaoqian and those on the shore, but completely changed the environment of a mansion.

Ling Tian wasn't sure whether this change was an illusion or a reality. If the former was fine, if the latter, then Ling Tian could no longer imagine what kind of terrifying power it would be.

You must know that the ghosts controlled by Nie Xiaoqian's yin attribute power killed all the people in the mansion until it was almost dawn, and later, Ling Tian didn't actually stay far from the mansion. Lead out to take down the man, and after a few more questions, it's only the time for Xiao Banzhuxiang.

In this short period of time this force has done so many things without disturbing him at all, which is absolutely terrifying.

"Hey, what is this... Miss, we got something..."

Just when Ling Tian's heart was changing on the shore, an exclamation suddenly came from the boat.

Ling Tian's heart froze, and he quickly rushed towards the place where the exclamation came from. At this time, Ling Tian did not dare to underestimate anything related to Nie Xiaoqian and what happened next to her.

The boat was not big, Ling Tian dived to the place where the exclamation came from, but Nie Xiaoqian was already standing there when he rushed over.

In front of Nie Xiaoqian stood a girl who was shouting to lift water. At this moment, the girl had a bucket at her feet, but she was holding a pile of objects in her hands. It was a pile of objects wrapped in oiled paper. Nie Xiaoqian was already looking at the object.

"The magistrate of Guobei County..."

A low and hoarse voice came out of Nie Xiaoqian's mouth.

While speaking, Nie Xiaoqian opened another piece of paper, then pinched the paper in her hand, but looked at Ling Tian in disbelief.

Nie Xiaoqian slowly turned the paper over while Ling Tian was inexplicable. It was a painting, which was placed with the appointment letter of the magistrate of Guobei County, and the portrait on the painting was the same as Ling Tian.

Below the portrait is a stamped text, with a name written on it, and then marked with its identity, it is the Xinke Jinshi, who was appointed as the magistrate of Guobei County.

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