The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 314: Battle Chentang Pass

Chen Tangguan, Jin Zha, and Mu Zha have been back for a long time.

At this time, along with Li Jing, Jin Zha, Mu Zha, Nezha, three teenagers stood behind Li Jing.

A faint breath had already enveloped the entire Chentang Pass at this time.

Going to the East China Sea and returning to the inland, Chentang Pass is the first checkpoint. If you don’t break through this checkpoint, even gods and demons will not dare to go deep into the interior at will, especially in this calamity.

Not long ago, Li Jing received news from Chaoge, and it is very likely that Intercept would attack.

Before the change, Li Jing was afraid that he was already frightened when he heard the interception of the teaching, but at this moment, not only the three sons, but also the formation protection bestowed by the supreme human race.

Therefore, even in the face of the attack of the interception, Li Jing was not at all flustered.

"You said how they would attack..."

Li Jing looked at the three sons beside him. His Li family was absolutely loyal to Yin and Shang. Then, after Li Jing, his three sons were definitely going to fight for Yin and Shang. As a father, Li Jing began to prepare three sons. military capability.

"No matter how he came, I shot him down and they were..."

Li Jing's words fell, and Nezha was the first to speak. He was originally the reincarnation of Lingzhu, and he was cultivated to heaven. Then he learned a lot of techniques from Ling Tian, ​​and finally learned Ling Tian's original martial arts.

Now, when it comes to Chentangguan's ability to command the army, Li Jing is naturally the first, but when it comes to fighting alone, I am afraid that the entire Chentangguan generals combined can't match Nezha alone.

Facing Nezha's answer, Li Jing rolled his eyes helplessly, and simply closed his mouth.

Nezha's answer is no problem for himself, but if others learn it, it will be courting death.

"It should be water. There are four great truths and seven servants. Now, the four great truths have been abolished by the Supreme. Then, it must be the seven servants, and the boy knows that there is one person who is good at playing with the power of water. Yes, my Chentangguan is close to the East China Sea. If the people who intercept the teaching don't know how to take advantage of this, then this battle will probably not need father's command, and the kid brother can handle it..."

Jin Zha spoke slowly.

As the eldest son of Li Jing's third son, Jin Zha is the most calm person, and he is also very calm when answering questions.

Listening to Jin Zha's words, Li Jing nodded secretly. Although Jin Zha's words did not have many bright spots, they were more stable than others. With the supreme support of Yin Shang, Li Jing believed that he would be able to grow stronger in the future.

After a period of expansion, what Yin Shang really needed was not a general that was brave and fearless or resourceful, but a stable general who could defend the territory after the expansion.

Jin Zha is definitely applicable to the future Yin Shang.

"Father, we should be careful not only to intercept the teaching, but also to add the dragon clan..."

Mu Zha spoke after Jin Zha's words fell.

While speaking, the boy with two swords on his back looked east.

"Since the Supreme is real, the relationship between the dragons and the humans in the ancient times should also be true. However, the dragons have never helped the humans for many years, not to mention the dragons did not appear even after the Supreme appeared. There is no doubt that there is a problem with the Dragon Clan..."

Mu Zha's voice sounded slowly.

Li Jing nodded again, with great consolation. Although the younger son was a little brave, the eldest and second sons finally inherited the genes of his old Li family, and they did not become muscle sticks who only knew how to act recklessly.

"Very good, so, then we will let go of everything except Chentangguan, and let the flood of the East China Sea drown everything in my Chentangguan..."

Satisfied with a smile, Li Jing spoke in a deep voice.

Chentang Pass is a checkpoint, but there are also large tracts of fertile fields outside Chentang Pass.

This is the place where the human race originally lived. Although the flood was broken and the sea water submerged here, the human race temporarily retreated, and even moved the center to the inland, but soon, when the flood receded, the human race came back again.

However, at that time Dongyi had already appeared, or in other words, some of the human race had forgotten their human identity and turned into Dongyi.

However, no matter what, this place outside Chentang Pass is still a holy place for the survival of the human race. However, this holy place has been submerged once, and now, it will be submerged again. To say that Li Jing has no feeling in his heart, that is not true. possible.

However, whether he is unhappy or unhappy, Li Jing is still a qualified general after all, so he has no influence on his strategy.

"You two, and with a team of people..."

After Li Jing spoke, he did not stop, and quickly began to arrange for Jin Zha and Mu Zha to lead the battle. Next to him, Nezha stared at Li Jing's arrangement, but until Jin Zha and Mu Zha had left with some Chentangguan troops , Li Jing did not say Nezha at all.

This made Nezha's eyes widen.

"Father, I am, I am..."

Seeing that Li Jing no longer had any plans to continue arranging anything, Nezha jumped up in a hurry.

"You, you have the most important task. It is your task to catch those gods and demons who came to attack the level..."

Li Jing glanced at Nezha, then spoke very seriously.

Li Jing knew this little son very well, he was brave, and he couldn't bear to be ignored. If he didn't arrange a big task for him this time, or in other words, if he didn't coax him, this little son would definitely give him a show. In disobedience, go straight to the enemy camp.

However, as long as he is coaxed, Nezha will definitely be an extraordinary soldier.

"Well, the boy must obey his father's arrangement at any time, and arrest those gods and demons who dare to come to Chentangguan..."

Sure enough, after listening to Li Jing's words, Nezha immediately raised his chest proudly and said.

The color of the sun slowly began to slant to the west, and finally, the last brilliance of the sun disappeared on the sea in the distance. At this moment, suddenly huge waves began to swept up, as if someone deliberately controlled them, and those waves went straight. They swarmed towards Chentangguan.

At the head of Chentangguan City, Li Jing's expression did not change as he watched the waves rolling in the distance.

His arms swayed slightly, and beside him, a group of soldiers began to spread out.

The human race had already been deployed to Chentangguan, and at this time, those soldiers began to form a human race battle formation under the command of Li Jing, but Li Jing did not immediately deploy the battle formation.

At this time, he just formed the formation first, but continued to hide the formation. Even, he did not immediately give his younger son the power of the formation, because he was afraid that the younger son would escape and the gods and demons who were intercepted would see it. what.

Outside the Chentang Pass, the rolling flood soon reached the gate of the city, and a golden-bearded squid was constantly shuttled in the flood, stirring the waves even more violently.

When they were about to reach the gate of Chentangguan City, the waves suddenly stopped, and immediately, the golden-bearded squid jumped out of the waves and turned into a man in a Taoist robe.

"Li Jing, it's not easy for you to cultivate and surrender quickly, but you can spare your family's life, otherwise, when the city breaks down, you will definitely be called the Li family's dog and dog..."

The man in Taoist robe looked at Li Jing at the head of Chentang Village and shouted sharply.

At this time, in fact, the seven attendants of the Intercepting Sect who attacked Chentangguan were also very flustered in their hearts. You must know that the Four Great Inheritings of the Intercepting Sect suffered a big loss here not long ago.

Although the Supreme Human Race was there at that time, it was the Four True Inheritances, the highest existence of the Tongtian Cult Master in the Intercept Sect.

That kind of existence has suffered a lot. Now, even if the Supreme Human Race is not there, but who knows if the Supreme Human Race has left any treasures to guard here, and the treasures left by the Supreme Human Race, they intercept the third batch of teachings. Existence is not able to bear it.

Therefore, if Li Jingken surrendered, it would be the best thing not to do.

"If you come here alone and ask me, Li Jing, to surrender, do you look down on me, Li Jing, too much..."

Li Jing stood at the front of the city and looked coldly at the Wu Yunxian who had turned into a human body. As he spoke, he pulled Nezha in front of him.

"You should know the root of my child, or do you think you can capture my father and son alone..."

Li Jing continued to speak, but when he heard Li Jing boasting about himself, Nezha immediately dissipated his aura, and suddenly, a terrifying aura charged straight towards Wu Yunxian.

Nezha was deliberately showing off, the momentum was naturally very strong, Wu Yunxian felt Nezha's breath and his face froze slightly.

It's not that Wu Yunxian is inferior to Nezha. In fact, even if Nezha has a foothold, it is impossible to say that Wu Yunxian will definitely win. Surrender is unlikely.

After all, whoever has the treasure left by the Supreme Human Race, plus a son who is unparalleled in combat power, probably will not surrender easily.

"Li Jing, don't make a mistake. You should know that the seven of us have always been advancing and retreating together. Do you think I will be the only one here at Chentangguan this time..."

Wu Yunxian looked at Li Jing coldly, while speaking, six figures appeared from six directions above the monstrous ocean waves.

A trace of breath began to intertwine with the appearance of the six figures, and then covered Chentangguan.

Six powerful auras were intertwined like net pockets. Above the city head, Li Jing groaned slightly, but did not activate the human race battle formation. Facing such aura, Li Jing couldn't bear it.

In front of Li Jing, Nezha was holding a flaming spear and pointed towards the sky, and at the same time, two flaming wheels appeared under her feet.

The seven great attendants, together, can never be matched by Nezha, but Nezha was born to be brave, so facing the seven great attendants at this time, he did not mean to compromise at all, but wanted to go to war directly.

Li Jing reluctantly stretched out his hand to hold down his youngest son. This youngest son is good at everything, but he is too heroic.

Everyone else stepped into your trap one step at a time, so what are you worried about?

"Don't worry, someone will fight later..."

Li Jing opened his mouth slowly. When he spoke, he looked into the distance. In a very distant place, across the monstrous waves, the two elite stars jumped straight up toward the sky. In an instant, Li Jing's eyes lit up.

Those two stars were naturally the signals that he agreed with Jin Zha and Mu Zha.

Now, the stars are in the sky, which means that Jin Zha and Mu Zha have reached the designated position, and even the human race battle formation has been arranged.

"Of course I know you didn't come alone, but have you ever thought about why I've been talking nonsense with you for so long..."

Li Jing looked at Wu Yunxian who was in the air and said with a smile. During the speech, a strange power suddenly escaped from Li Jing. Immediately, this power was like a prairie fire, which was associated with the surrounding soldiers and the entire Chentang Pass. .

Immediately, like a volcanic eruption, the aura of surging power surged, and in an instant, the entire Chentang Pass and the surrounding area were shrouded in this power.

Wu Yunxian and other seven people were suddenly enveloped by that power and their expressions changed.

Before they came here, they had already taken precautions, so Wu Yunxian came first, and the other six came a step later, but how could they know that this human race's battle formation could still be used like this, it could be temporarily extinguished, or it could be Ignite anytime.

"Li Jing, do you think you can..."

Wu Yunxian looked at Li Jing and roared, and her figure jumped down quickly, and she was about to take down Li Jing first.


However, at this time, Li Jing patted Nezha on the shoulder. Immediately, the blessing of the human race did not enter Nezha's body. The reincarnated spirit ball bounced out like a taut spring, and the next second was in the air. Collision with Wu Yunxian.

The spear flower of the Huojian spear flickered, followed by Huntianling, Qiankun Circle... More than ten magic weapons smashed onto Wu Yunxian's body almost at the same time.

In mid-air, the other six attendants hadn't reacted yet, and Wu Yunxian had almost been beaten back to her original shape and fell into the sea.

one strike…

Even if it was a blow that was submerged by more than ten magic weapons, it made the six attendants in the air feel threatened, UU reading www. Just, soon, the faces of the six people changed again, because they felt that their power was being limited.

This human race actually has the effect of limiting the power of gods and demons.

"How is this possible, Li Jing, you are so bold..."

In mid-air, the remaining six attendants roared fiercely. However, at this time, Li Jing would not care about these six attendants. The Human Race battle formation had already opened, and these six were already turtles in the urn. Let the tiger return to the mountain.

"Nezha, take these six..."

Indifferently glanced at the remaining six attendants, Li Jing, said.

Compared with Xiqi, Li Jing's side is simpler and more convenient. The second generation of Chanjiao may be similar to the attendant of Intercept, but the second generation of Chanjiao has a much wider range of knowledge. Intercept these followers. The servant's strength is not bad, and the control of the formation itself is not bad. However, he was a little too arrogant before, but he stepped into Li Jing's trap.

By this time, trapped in the human race, it was impossible for these attendants to struggle even if they wanted to.

The poor seven attendants are also famous people. They are the third-order existence in the interception teaching. At this time, they are chased by Nezha and have no way to escape. Soon, the remaining six people are also being chased by Nezha Called down.

Chaoge, Tongtian's face sank, and the wine glass in his hand suddenly turned into powder.

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