The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 345: extreme existence

The fluctuations are extremely weak, and Ling Tian might not be able to feel it if he changed it to a moment ago. However, at this time, the six Infinity Stones are in hand, and, with Ling Tian's characteristics, he can directly exert the power of the six Infinity Stones. Therefore, I can clearly feel the fluctuation of that void.

His eyes moved towards the place where the fluctuation was, and at the same time, Ling Tian's will moved slightly, and the power of the Infinity Stone swept across the past.

The six Infinity Gems naturally have various characteristics, but when the six gems are held together, there is actually only the purest energy left, the energy that can change the entire universe.

At this time, in this Marvel Universe, apart from the oldest gods, Ling Tian had six Infinity Stones in his hands, basically he had control over everything.

It seemed that there was no trace, but the energy that was enough to destroy everything swept across. Suddenly, the void trembled violently, and then, several figures were directly revealed.

These are a few figures that look very ordinary, some like a machine, some like an old farmer, and some like a very strange two-dimensional existence.

However, looking at these figures, Ling Tian's expression gradually became serious.

"Death, eternity..."

Looking at these figures, Ling Tian slowly asked the women among them, and then saw the others opening their mouths one by one.

And when he said these names, those figures looked a little unhappy, well, even if they have gone through too long, even if they no longer have the so-called arrogance of the so-called superior gods.

In the endless years, I have long been accustomed to the game dust, even from one planet to another.

Even from one timeline game to another, but, no matter what, these ancient gods will never like someone who dares to speak to them in an equal tone when they know their identity.

No, Ling Tian's current tone is no longer equal, but a strange feeling.

As if standing in front of him were not some ancient gods, but just a group of interesting animals he had heard of.

This tone and demeanor obviously made several ancient gods present extremely unhappy.

"Human, you should learn to be in awe, even if you are an outsider and do not belong to this universe, but, at least in the face of higher creatures than you, with creatures that can decide your life and death, you must learn to awe and respect..."

with a displeased voice.

Although these ancient gods came up with the game of competing for the Infinity Stones because of boredom.

But, obviously, even if he can really get Infinity Gems, it doesn't mean he can be on par with them. Just like now, even if Ling Tian gets six Infinity Gems, for them, it's just a chess piece.

Even if this piece is an outsider, it is not controlled by their rule power.

However, these ancient gods did not think Ling Tian was qualified to stand in front of them.

However, at this time, these ancient gods did not notice that Ling Tian looked extremely strange when they spoke.

"Awe, except for pity and the like, even awe no longer exists. These are the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe. Even if they have the confidence to surpass them, they should at least be a little more serious, or , a little more cautious, not mindless arrogance..."

Ling Tian thought to himself about his current situation. Standing in front of these oldest gods in the Marvel Universe, everyone should be cautious and fearful.

However, right now, he only has an incomparable calm, and he is thinking about how to attack and how to attack.

This is obviously absolutely abnormal.

This is undoubtedly caused by some kind of lack of emotion in him.


Moreover, this is by no means the realm of being too ruthless. It is no longer a Xiaobai, but has experienced the prehistoric world, but Ling Tian knows that the so-called too ruthless is not really the same as what the gangsters of later generations said. All ruthless.

On the contrary, the real ruthlessness happens to be a kind of kindness similar to the inhumanity of heaven and earth, taking all things as cud dogs.

Too ruthless, in fact, it can be seen as treating everything equally, there is no meaning of high or low, it is a kind of spiritual equality.

When you cultivate to the point of being too ruthless, if you are holy, you will have equal love for the entire world, but if you are a devil, you will be indifferent and ruthless towards everything.

But now Ling Tian is closer to the level of a robot in a strict sense.

There is no superfluous emotion, only an instinctive reaction similar to the programming. Of course, it has not reached such a serious level, but, no matter how it is not serious, it has already begun to have a sign of being completely close to a robot. If If he is not careful, Ling Tian is afraid that he will become a robot one day.

Need to find a way to solve this.

Ling Tian coldly looked at the ancient gods of the Marvel world in front of him, but he was thinking of irrelevant things.

And this kind of demeanor obviously angered these gods even more.

The one who opened the mouth looked at Ling Tian's expression, and his eyes finally began to show anger. Immediately, this one's hand was slightly raised, and a trace of rules began to sweep around Ling Tian's side.

The invisible force suddenly began to shrink, and in an instant, the time and space around Ling Tian began to chaotic.

The past, the future, the present, up and down, left and right are all reversed.

In the blink of an eye, Ling Tian's arms and thighs were even entangled together, and his head even went through his stomach. At this moment, the space was completely disordered, and the time was constantly disordered.

However, the confusion that could cause any mortal to die instantly did not affect Ling Tian in the slightest.

With a slight movement in his mind, everything in Ling Tian returned to normal, time and space recovered in a blink of an eye, and everything around Ling Tian was no longer affected by the outside world. On the ancient **** who shot.


A muffled sound rang out, and the breath of time and space began to disperse in this ancient god's body.

Obviously, for Ling Tian to be able to grasp the power of the time and space gems so quickly, and to directly take it back to him at this time, this ancient **** is very uncomfortable, but, no matter how uncomfortable, for the current ancient **** It doesn't make any sense either.

Although Ling Tian used the power of the six Infinity Stones to cast these rules, although it wasn't enough to cause him much damage, he was indeed qualified to take action against him.

"How can there be someone in this world who can control the Infinity Stones so quickly, little guy, are you a **** in another universe..."

Death slowly looked at Ling Tian with a charming smile.

As a woman in the ancient gods, especially a woman who has had countless scandals, death is obviously different from other gods. In front of this female god, her power is far less than some other things that can make her interested.

As the existence in charge of the death of a universe, or in other words, as the existence that condenses the death rules of any creature, death has a powerful strength that is not inferior to any existence in this universe.

For her, there is nothing in this world that can make her more interested.

This has also cultivated her habit of not caring about everything, and being extremely interested in understanding and observing anything that can make her a little bit interested.

And there is no doubt that Ling Tian's quick control of the six Infinity Stones gave Death a little interest.

"God, can you also call it god? It's just the embodiment of the rules..."

Ling Tian glanced coldly at the ancient gods in front of him.

At this time, what he lacked was only emotion, not thinking ability and cognition, so he just smiled coldly at the words of death, and then the power of the six Infinity Stones spread out.

In an instant, the power of these Infinity Stones has wrapped several ancient gods.

"Stupid humans..."

The voice of disdain resounded in the power of the Infinity Stones. These eternal and ancient gods were far less afraid of the Infinity Stones than other creatures in this universe.

The Infinity Stones, like them, were actually born in the same rules of the universe. However, the Infinity Stones are nothing more than dead things even now. Rules are dead things.

And these ancient gods, like the Infinity Stones in essence, also represent rules, but they are the embodiment of the rules of life.

In this case, as the incarnation of the rules, these ancient gods with sanity and life might feel that they can't withstand the damage of the Infinity Stones. Obviously, the beings who embody these rules will never feel that way.

The power of several rules spread out among the power of the six Infinity Stones, and then the power of the Infinity Stones was penetrated.

After all, the power brought by the dead is only the dead. Even, relatively speaking, the ancient gods of life born after the realization of the rules will have stronger power than the rules directly released by the infinite gems when using the rules possessed by the infinite gems.

However, just when these ancient gods had just broken through the power of the Infinity Stone, Ling Tian's arm was slightly raised.

A complex force intertwined with time and space power that is more powerful and terrifying than the two sets of power released by the time and space gems has ferociously shrouded the ancient gods.

Time and space, when combined, are the rules of time and space.

In the original big universe, Ling Tian first came into contact with the rules of time and space, and it was that rule that gave him the ability to travel through time and space at any time, which allowed him to find the prehistoric world, and then came to the previous void world, and then entered the This Marvel world.

All of these undoubtedly represent that the most perfect and most proficient rule force Ling Tian actually controls is the space-time rule.

And now, in this Marvel Universe, Ling Tian directly used the power of six Infinity Gems to activate his own time and space rules. Suddenly, with the blessing of time and space gems, his most proficient and powerful rule power was obtained again. The power of the other four Infinity Stones has been increased, but in an instant, his time-space rule power has been infinitely expanded many times.

Those ancient gods who had just broken the power of the six Infinity Stones rules suddenly felt the terrifying aura emanating from the power of Lingtian's space-time rules, and all of them suddenly turned extremely ugly.

The rules of time and space are different from any other rules.

In the face of other rules, whether it is strength, reality, soul or heart, there is always a chance to escape, but how can you escape in the face of time and space?

There is nothing in this world that can be faster than space conversion, and what can escape the tracking of time, there is no doubt that there is nothing at all.

"The outsider..."

The Ancient God, who hadn't had time to make a move before, looked at the power that Ling Tian was exuding at this time, and suddenly a panic that had not appeared in many years appeared in his heart, and he shouted with a trembling tone.

However, the shouting had not yet completely subsided, and suddenly Ling Tian's time and space rules had swept over.

In the blink of an eye, all the ancient gods disappeared as if they never existed.

This shot down directly wiped out all the ancient gods, but there was still no excess emotion on Ling Tian's face. On the contrary, a trace of false solemnity could clearly be seen in his eyes.

At this time, Ling Tian rationally analyzed that he should have a dignified mood at this moment, because after destroying those ancient gods, he could feel that his state of mind seemed to have entered a more emotionless state.

This is never a good thing for him.

However, at this time, even if he felt that he should be dignified and fearful, it was all through the most rational analysis.

It's as if his brain no longer has emotions such as joy, anger, sadness, and, but has become the most rational computer, and then through analysis, he should be able to figure out what emotions he should have now and how to react.

To put it bluntly, Ling Tian at this time seemed to be taking another step towards the road of a robot.

This problem must be solved, this problem must be solved.

In his mind, rational analysis reappeared, Ling Tian grasped it in his hand, and the terrifying aura of power dissipated. Then, Ling Tian disappeared directly on the spot, and at the same time disappeared into the Marvel world.

Just as Ling Tian just disappeared, an aura of destruction swept across Ling Tian's location. Immediately, the entire planet was wiped out. Then, the swept aura suddenly stopped, and a wave of fury began to spread.

"The outsider..."

The low and dignified vibration dissipated, and the destroyed planet reappeared in place. Following that, several ancient gods appeared in a daze, slowly opening their eyes like a newborn baby.

"The outsider..."

"We need to eliminate the outsiders..."

"These outsiders actually set a trap for us through six Infinity Stones before, and almost sealed us..."

All kinds of words were spit out from the mouths of several ancient gods. What is horrifying is that the memories of these ancient gods seem to have been completely changed.

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