The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 346: try

In the empty starry sky, the ball of light flickered in the darkness, like miniature stars.

Ling Tian floated there quietly, but the luster on his body was a little faster than other light balls.

The six Infinity Stones in the Marvel world are really good for his power increase. At this time, he can feel that his power has at least doubled compared to when he first arrived in this world.

However, this improvement has not reached the limit.

Ling Tian could feel it very clearly. In theory, his strength should be able to increase by at least 50% again. However, due to some invisible constraints, his strength only doubled and then stagnated there.

It's emotion...

In other words, it is the lack of the element of the soul, the cultivation of the soul, the realm of the soul and the like.

Ling Tian looked at the void, not to mention the importance of emotions to a creature, emotions alone limited the improvement of his strength, and it was a great event with him.

However, emotion is usually the most inconspicuous thing, but it is actually the most difficult thing to deal with.

Just like in his first world, depression, claustrophobia, etc. are all terminal illnesses that are not inferior to any incurable diseases in the world. They are all emotional illnesses.

And such symptoms are not inferior to anything in their level of difficulty.

In novels and legends, the spiritual cultivation of the ascetic is often more important than the pure mana cultivation.

If the state of mind is not enough, the higher the cultivation level, the more dangerous it will be.

So, you need to find your own emotions.

Ling Tian looked at the empty void and thought.

He didn't know what kind of world this void world was, but Ling Tian was sure that he had to find his emotions.

In fact, up to now, Ling Tian doesn't really remember when his emotions were lost. In theory, they started to be lost after the flood, and Marvel really revealed it.

However, if you think about it carefully, it may have been lost earlier. Even in the world of Qian Nu, he and Nie Xiaoqian have something in common, but it seems that more is not because of emotion, but because of the first film and television in memory. Certain plot influences.

For example, after sharing weal and woe, they will support each other to keep warm.

In that case, perhaps at that time, his emotional response to the outside world was no longer based on real emotions, but purely based on what emotions and emotions the brain felt should appear at that time.

This is undoubtedly a very scary thing.

Suspended in the void, Ling Tian kept thinking.

Soon, he began to scan the time and space around him. Ling Tian didn't have a very good way to treat emotions. However, in an absolutely rational situation, Ling Tian could clearly know what he should use. method, there is so little chance to get something.

For those who have lost their emotions and want to get them back, naturally they need some strong stimulation.

His mind glanced at the time and space, and Ling Tian was thinking about the feeling when he entered the dungeon. In this world, the dungeon is obviously different from the universe before him, but after all, his time and space rules are controlled to the extreme.

Therefore, it is not that there is absolutely no way to grab the mode that this world copy is turned on.

And soon, after scanning countless time and space, Ling Tian slowly felt the existence of some worlds, the world of copies, but the real world.

Scanning the past perception quickly sensed those worlds, and then began to filter, and then, Ling Tian quickly captured some of the existence and direction he needed.

No, maybe it wasn't that he was capturing it, but that a certain world was slowly being born according to his needs.

This void can actually give birth to the world out of thin air.

Ling Tian was a little surprised in his heart, but Ling Tian immediately confirmed it again. This surprise seemed to be just some kind of emotion that his brain naturally simulated according to the response that should appear at this time.

Gently put aside this feeling, Ling Tian immediately cut away a trace of soul, then erased the memory carried by this trace of soul, and then threw it towards the world that was born according to his needs.

When he threw out this trace of soul, Ling Tian glanced at the surrounding time and space again.

A world may not be able to do anything, and now he needs to constantly stimulate his emotions and have more chances to recover.

In the void world, Ling Tian's scanning is still continuing, and the trace of soul that he threw out has quickly penetrated through time and space, and then fell into the sky in a certain world.

In the world of thousands of miles away, the entire north is full of stinky taints. Teams are wrapped around some people, and they are guarding them all dressed in gorgeous clothes. Even when they are running for their lives, they take an elegant motorcade towards the south.

In the Central Plains and the deep mountains and old forests outside the Great Wall, as well as the famous mountains and blessed places, there are mysterious figures hiding their traces.

And in this environment, a meteor suddenly swept across the void, and then, countless figures of cultivators suddenly raised their heads.

"Seven evil..."




Countless meanings are diametrically opposite, or different words of gods and demons are spit out from different mouths, but immediately, the eyes of those who uttered these words became confused.

The meteor that streaked across the sky did make them feel some miracles and inconceivables, but soon, those things turned into some indescribable mystery.

It seems that something is covering everything about that meteor in the sky.

However, after the gods and demons are not distinguishable, there are more things that make people more fearful and suspicious.

In the Yangtze River that cut through Shenzhou, rolling waves, under the calm water, a pair of huge eyes widened at the same time.

"The sky is difficult to understand, cut off the waterway..."

A faint roar sounded under the water. Immediately, the originally calm river surface began to roll away, and the stormy waves instantly made the entire river seem to be a forbidden area.

In the north, on the edge of the Yangtze River, the teams that had just arrived stared dumbfoundedly at the rolling waves of the Yangtze River.

"King Jianglong, get out of the way..."

An angry roar sounded in some teams. The teams that went from the north to the south were obviously the losers, losing to those nomads who traveled south from the grasslands. However, there may not be no strong people in these teams.

Up to now, it is simple for a family that still has the qualifications to coerce the people when they escape, and use it as the foundation for their own family to reach the stable situation in the south.

To put it bluntly, if these many families do not choose to retreat, but join forces, I am afraid that those people on the grassland may not be able to go south.


However, no matter how powerful the strong man's roar at this time can only cause bigger waves on the river.

Under such waves, not to mention ordinary people, even the strong ones have absolutely no possibility of crossing over.

"Four hundred years of calamity has begun, and ten years of Jiang Tao are uncertain, this is the number of days..."

A faint voice came from the waves, and on the shore, the face of the roaring person turned red, but the strong man might be able to subdue the dragon, but the number of days was fixed, and even if the dragon king in the water could not be beaten, he would definitely able to escape.

However, even after escaping, King Jianglong was still able to create and control the waves.

And the people on the shore still couldn't cross the river.

Not to mention, in such a short time, in the distance, the dull sound of horse hooves had already sounded, and then, a group of cavalrymen began to rush towards the river frantically.

"It's the vanguard of the Xianbei people, the Wuhuan people..."

The terrified shouts suddenly sounded, and then, the people on the riverside who were originally looking at it bitterly, the people who died and the strong people who led their own team could get the opportunity to cross the river began to spread out in fear.

Among the crowd, a couple hugged their child, supported their parents, and quickly ran out to the surroundings along with the scattered crowd.

It's just that the edge of the Yangtze River itself is endless, so there is no place and possibility for this couple to escape.

Soon, the cavalry in the distance had already arrived close.

The hilt of the knife was raised, and it fell round by round. In an instant, blood flowed into a river on the edge of the Yangtze River.

"That woman, keep it for now..."

The extremely accurate and clear Chinese was spit out from the mouth of a cavalryman. These Wuhuan cavalrymen had obviously come into contact with too many Han people, and they might even have been servants of the Han people at one time. Therefore, at this time, the Chinese was extremely slippery.

"What the big man needs is military rations, don't lose your head on your neck because of that lump of meat in your crotch..."

Next to the talking cavalry, other cavalrymen spoke in the same standard Chinese.

This entire cavalry might have been the servants of the Han people.

On the edge of the Yangtze River, among the fleeing crowd, the couple looked at the cavalry rushing towards them in fear, and the sharp scimitars flashed coldly.

"That knife, Aye helped them hit it..."

The mocking voice fell, and the man who was supporting his wife cursed bleakly, but at this time, how can curses change anything?

"Go, go..."

When the curse appeared, the old couple who were being supported by them violently pushed the young couple away, and then the two old men walked towards the cavalry in the distance.

This is undoubtedly an extremely courageous move, but unfortunately, such a move did not achieve any effect. A pair of old people lost their lives in the blink of an eye under the cavalry's machete.

At this time, the young couple had just enough time to reach the riverside with their child in their arms.

"Jump, jump..."

Looking at the Yangtze River in front of her, full of stormy waves, and looking at the cavalry behind her, the young wife shouted loudly, and while she was talking, the woman jumped into the river with her child in her arms.

And the man watched his wife jump in with the child in his arms, and followed him in without any hesitation.

The river was rolling, and in the blink of an eye, the three of them had disappeared. On the edge of the river, there were only the same intermittent sounds of falling into the water, and more sounds of scimitars splitting bones.

The slaughter continued. After a long time, the cavalry took countless corpses towards the distance. At this time, somewhere in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, a young couple was holding a child tightly. The huddled bodies floated to the edge of the river.

At this moment, the child who had already died abruptly opened his eyes.

"Auntie, Daddy..."

In the eyes of this open-eyed child, incomparable confusion flashed, as if he had forgotten something, but then he suddenly saw the bodies of the young man and woman, and suddenly shouted with a voice of incomparable pain.

His memory also completely recovered at this moment.

He is Ling Tian, ​​a son of the Ling family in Huaibei. Originally, in the Si Jin Dynasty, although the Ling family was not a top family, it was also a prestigious family. However, in the last years of Si Jin, sixteen kings competed for the throne, and they inherited one with a thousand. More than 10,000 kilometers of people from the Dinghan Dynasty and the Jin Dynasty have hit the head of a dog.

The decades of war continued until later, and the various princes and kings could no longer support the continuous war. However, at that time, the hatred between each other was too deep, and one of the living princes and princes could no longer withdraw. The game for the world.

Finally, a prince who didn't know whether to say stupid or wise opened Pandora's box.

This vassal king would have been promoted from Dinghan, no, it should be said that the aliens who had been slaves from the time of historical existence were promoted to his warriors, and the warriors who had just turned from slaves did not talk about the enthusiasm for war, just did not need military expenses at all. Let the princes save too many resources.

Then, after the princes and kings enjoyed the benefits of doing so, other princes and princes began to follow suit. Soon, all the surviving princes and princes began to turn the alien slaves that were originally used as labor into soldiers and horses under their command.

And then, the noble family who never thought about competing for the world, but just wanted to keep one-third of their own land, also began to use this cheap slave warrior who was willing to work At this time, everyone forgot Those slaves became slaves entirely because their ancestors were once powerful tribal warriors who fought against the southern empire, and then, finally, after a certain war, these slaves with tyrannical genes in their blood began to show their arrogance. tooth.

Slave warriors with machetes and horses hacked to death the bosses their masters had sent to be their generals, then the slaves turned and started rushing into the city where they once stayed as slaves, as looters and invaders. go in.

After that, the princes and kings who once played each other's brains were driven out of their respective territories by the rebellious slaves, and began to rush towards the south frantically.

And the Ling family is just a microcosm of this background.

The memory in his mind was completely restored, but the child's face suddenly turned pale.

This is still the north, and he is an orphan now. If he can't find a way to live, or a way to cross the river, what awaits him must be death.

The young child stood beside the corpse of the young couple, with an extremely mature look in his eyes, and began to think about how to survive.

At this time, the child did not realize that, in his current status, facing the ruined family and his parents' bodies in front of him, it seems that he should be more sad, rather than thinking about the possibility of life so calmly and rationally.

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