The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 347: coincide

Along the riverside, with the sound of waves, Ling Tian kept turning his thoughts in his mind.

However, it didn't take long for Ling Tian to start walking straight into the distance. It might be difficult to live in this north, but staying here now is even more dangerous.

Those pursuers don't know whether they have left or not.

And even if the pursuer has left, the **** ground will attract countless beasts. With the size of a child, it will only become food for the beasts.

According to the few impressions he had about the surrounding terrain in his memory, Ling Tian took a step and walked out to the side. There are mountains and rivers to the north of the Yangtze River. Not famous.

However, a smaller mountain range also has the advantages of a smaller mountain range. First of all, such a mountain range will not have too terrifying beasts or beasts. As a son of a wealthy family, Ling Tian has a clear understanding of this world.

In the famous mountains and rivers, there are generally beasts that are many times more terrifying than ordinary beasts. Those powerful beasts even have the strength to fight against the top human warriors.

For Ling Tian, ​​once encountering such a beast, it is obviously only a dead end.

As for the mountain range on the riverside, because of its size, there is no possibility of beasts, which is a good thing for Ling Tian, ​​but, also, because of the size, it is not safe to hide such a mountain range.

This is the downside.

However, Ling Tian now has no choice.

He started walking quickly, but Ling Tian discovered something strange. His speed seemed to be much faster than before, not only his speed but also his physical strength.

Could this be death and then life...

Ling Tian thought to himself, at this time, Ling Tian still didn't realize that he didn't seem to have any kind of sadness for his lost parents.

At this time, he seemed to be thinking of ways to save his life purely in the most rational way.

The wind was blowing under his feet. It didn't take long for Ling Tian to arrive at the foot of a mountain range. This was not a very tall mountain range. From the foot of the mountain, one could even see the tops of sparse trees.

However, this place is infinitely close to the south, so the terrain here also has some southern characteristics. The mountains are not high, but there is a long stretch of data. There is no doubt that the depth is absolutely sufficient.

It's not enough to hide a large number of people in such a mountain range, but it's absolutely fine to hide one or two people.

Ling Tian stood at the foot of the mountain and looked at the mountain range in front of him, and then went in without hesitation.

The mountain road is not difficult to walk. In fact, this area along the river, even if the mountain range is located, is not without people. At this time, the path Ling Tian walked was the path that people who went into the mountains and chopped firewood in the past stepped on.

However, not long after entering the mountain, Ling Tian's expression turned solemn.

There seemed to be some bloodstains gradually appearing on this road.

The existence of bloodstains means that there may be traces of fighting and human beings. At this time, Ling Tian is most afraid of seeing the existence of the same kind.

Those slaves who have just turned over are definitely more ferocious than the wild beasts in the mountains. I don't know how many times.

Ling Tian believed that he could fight against a beast, but he had absolutely no resistance when he encountered a group of slave warriors who had just turned over.

The figure slowly hid towards the grass, silently, as if a flexible herbivore was avoiding the pursuit of predators.

At this time, even Ling Tian himself felt that something was wrong with him. At this time, his movements were a little too agile. That kind of agility, Ling Tian's memory seems to be only on those elders who have successfully cultivated in the family. pass.

And he, although he is nearly ten years old, has not really started to cultivate. In theory, it is absolutely impossible to have such agility.

There was a slight doubt in his heart, but Ling Tian didn't delve into anything, he cautiously walked along the bloodstains.

In the past, if he encountered this kind of bloodstain, Ling Tian thought he had already started to avoid it, but at this moment Ling Tian subconsciously felt that checking in the past was the best choice.

Regardless of whether the killer or the slave warriors are still killing, he should go and see, which will also give him a better chance of escaping.

The grass stretched to the end of the road, and then, a village surrounded by dense walls appeared in Ling Tian's eyes. However, when Ling Tian saw this village, the village that might have been like a paradise had already become a paradise. living hell.

The gurgling blood turned into a small stream, extending from the middle of the village to the low-lying part of the mountain road, forming a small pool of blood.

At the entrance of the village, the piled up corpses seemed to make people enter the real hell.

Occasionally, all kinds of hideous corpses had their heads facing out, and a pair of dead gray eyes seemed to be staring at Ling Tian, ​​who was also looking over.

A chill emerged from the bottom of his heart, Ling Tian felt that he should be afraid, but for some reason, Ling Tian felt that he was still calculating, how many people created such a tragedy when the corpses died.

Now where are those who made the tragedy.

Countless calculations, when he clearly felt fear, his body should be trembling, and his mind was unstable, he was thinking about everything very calmly.


Soon, Ling Tian frowned slightly, and he looked in front of him.

This village is not far from the entrance of the mountain, and according to the time, the slaughterers should not have left for a long time. However, Ling Tian came in from the entrance of the mountain and did not encounter anyone carrying a knife. Therefore, those slaughterers should be deeper now. Deep in the mountains.

These people are searching for villages hidden in the mountains.

If you continue to go in, you may encounter those searchers at any time, but if you leave, you will be more unable to hide outside the mountain, and it will be easier for those slave warriors to find them directly.

Countless thoughts flickered in his heart, Ling Tian's eyes were slightly fixed, and his figure continued to move towards the depths of the mountain range.

It is impossible to leave the mountain range. Although it seems that it is more dangerous to continue to go deep than to leave, the number of slave warriors who go deep into the mountain range should be small, and outside the mountain, the slave warriors may have already occupied the entire north.

Outside, it is easier to be captured by these slave warriors.

Ling Tian didn't know where he got his courage and such a clear mind, but at this time he was extremely confident in his judgment.

The figure did not pause for a moment, Ling Tian strode towards the depths of the mountain range.

His pace was still extremely fast, but his figure was as nimble as an elf in the mountains. Between the grass, only a trace of flickering could be seen. His people had already gone away, and among the trees, he even walked past. Never let a leaf fall.

At this moment, Ling Tian's people have completely integrated into this mountain forest.

The mountain road finally began to slowly dissipate, and along the way, Ling Tian saw four villages that were also completely destroyed.

Those blood even attracted the wild beasts in the mountains. Ling Tian only felt extremely disgusting and terrifying when the human corpses piled up and the scene of the beast feasting.

However, Ling Tian still did not realize that he clearly felt disgusting and terrifying, and even felt retching for a while, but his brain remained absolutely rational and calm from beginning to end.

Relatively speaking, that kind of rationality and calmness has even exceeded the limit of a child.

And as the mountain road gradually began to disappear, Ling Tian began to notice the trail of the slave warriors who entered the mountain. Apart from the trail of the slave warriors, there were also the trails of other people who also fled into the mountain.

"At least a hundred people, or even more, among them, there should be more elderly, weak, women and children..."

Ling Tian carefully looked at the obvious signs of trampling and broken branches and leaves along the way and made an accurate judgment.

He didn't even have time to think about how he could make such a judgment. He just instinctively moved forward quickly, and finally, completely reached the deep mountain, and gradually began to hear various voices in his ears. .

Roars, screams, laughter...

Ling Tian's figure bounced violently, and the man quickly climbed up a big tree, and then quickly jumped and ran between the treetops, just like a person who has successfully cultivated along the treetops and quickly reached a place in the dense forest.

Standing at a high place, Ling Tian quickly saw the scene from the place where the sound he heard earlier came out.

There, about a hundred old and weak women and children dressed in Central Plains costumes were surrounded by a group of slave warriors with machetes, and at this time, some kind of terrifying thing was going on that people could not help but want to kill.

On the ground, there were already more than ten corpses at this time, and some indescribable things were happening.

"Among the thirty slave warriors, there should be no particularly powerful beings. If there is a family to enshrine them, or anyone in the family who has achieved little success in cultivation can probably easily eradicate these people..."

Standing on a high place, Ling Tian looked at the scene below and seemed a little uncomfortable. He seemed to want to kill all those people below.

However, at the same time, his thinking was extremely calm and rational in analyzing all the following situations.

That kind of extreme rationality still made him quickly make the best choice, and similarly, Ling Tian didn't realize that he was full of weirdness at this time.

Standing on top of the big tree, after making a judgment, Ling Tian's figure shrank slightly and was about to retreat.

Rational judgment made him make the judgment that going down to save people now is not the best choice.

However, just as Ling Tian was about to retreat, suddenly, a sharp roar came from below. It was the roar of a certain slave warrior, and it was the words of a certain tribe on the grassland.

At the same time, an arrow flashing with dazzling cold light slammed through the air and shot towards Ling Tian's location.

The whistling wind only sounded after the cold light. In the next second, Ling Tian sat down on the big tree almost as instinctively as he was terrified to the extreme. The arrow that penetrated was directly nailed to the tree trunk behind the original position of Ling Tian's head.

It's just that, luckily dodging an arrow, it didn't give Ling Tian the slightest bit of safety.

Because this arrow seems to be a signal, and soon, the dense cold light below began to appear, and then, dozens of arrows rushed towards Ling Tian's position.

Those arrows were terrifyingly fast, and they had already reached Ling Tian in the blink of an eye...

Although these slave warriors have not been in contact with the sword for much time, the aliens from the grassland seem to have a strong talent for riding and archery. In a short period of time, the archery of these slave warriors has already reached an incredible level. situation.

These dozens of arrows approached, to Ling Tian, ​​it was already a death sentence.

However, at the same time, driven almost instinctively, Ling Tian slammed his body onto the big branch below, and then the branch that theoretically could support Ling Tian suddenly broke and fell towards the bottom. go.

With the intertwined sounds of dullness and crispness, Ling Tian and a thick branch quickly fell towards the ground.

The branches rubbed his cheeks and the skin exposed on his clothes fiercely, and the burning pain began to appear. Ling Tian even felt that he had been peeled off a layer of skin, but before he fell to the ground, not far away, that Five of the thirty slave warriors were already running towards Ling Tian's landing.

These slave warriors, who are obviously very talented in horseback archery, are as agile in the jungle at this time.

Almost with a few leg lifts, the five slave warriors had already arrived under Ling Tian's figure, and then, like an old hunter waiting for his prey to fall into a trap, he looked at Ling Tian who fell from the air~www. In mid-air, Ling Tian, ​​who was still in pain as if he had been skinned, noticed the following situation very naturally. Then, the young man's mind didn't respond, and his body started to move on his own.

The big branch that fell with him was immediately reversed by his hands and feet, like turning into a spear in his hand, and then, the position full of scattered branches stabbed towards the bottom. .

Below, the five slave warriors who were waiting for Ling Tian to land, and then slashed with their knives, suddenly saw that the big tree branch that had fallen along with Ling Tian was actually used by Ling Tian as a spear, and their expressions changed slightly.

You must know that no matter how elite slave warriors are, they are still human after all. At this time, Ling Tian fell from a height. Dozens of pounds of wood.

In addition, after Ling Tian turned upside down at this time, the front end that was facing the five people below was covered with various intertwined branches and leaves.

No matter how sharp the swordsmanship of these five people is, it is absolutely impossible to ignore such an attack.

Unexpectedly, Ling Tian's time to turn around the big branch was extremely mysterious. When Ling Tian made his move, the five people below didn't even have time to dodge.

Just when the five people below were angry with their swords, Ling Tianren had already hugged the branches of the big tree and fell ruthlessly.

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