The Strongest Simulator In the Sky

Chapter 418: big event

The face of the Void boss was full of solemnity.

Obviously, no matter if there is a problem with the seal, or if there is another powerful strangeness, it is not what he wants to see.

The latter is a disaster, while the former is also a disaster for the Void Sect. However, between himself and the world, the Void boss still chooses the world.

Most of the people in the sect are indifferent, but this Void boss is one of the few sect bosses who values ​​the world more than himself. Ling Tian followed behind the Void boss, and there was a slight touch in his heart.

Emotions are not complicated in fact. With Ling Tian's emotionless inner world, it is like a blank sheet of paper.

Any sincere emotion can be felt by him, and in the same way, any ugliness can be felt by him.

No matter what kind of emotion, Ling Tian is actually valuable. Of course, the value of negative emotion may be slightly less, because negative emotion to the extreme is absolutely indifferent.

On the contrary, it would make Ling Tian's emotions decline.

Fortunately, Ling Tian's luck in this world is not bad. From the beginning, he met those little friends, then Zhao Lang, and now he met the Void boss. Each of these people has positive emotions.

And the emotional recovery that such emotions can bring to Ling Tian is quite impressive.

It can be said that Ling Tian could feel his emotional recovery in these people almost every moment.

Feeling the emotional fluctuations on the Void boss at this time, Ling Tian followed the Void boss towards the place where he suppressed the strangeness.

At this time, Ling Tian's thinking told him that theoretically he should have some kind of sympathy for the Void boss, and then, because of his personal recognition of the Void boss, he decided to help the Void boss settle this matter and prevent the Void Sect from suffering. damage, and the world will not be damaged.

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However, absolute rationality told Ling Tian that this matter was definitely not that simple.

The thoughts in his heart became slightly complicated, and in the midst of this complexity, Ling Tian felt that his emotions also had some whirlpools.

These whirlpools made Ling Tian uncomfortable, but Ling Tian secretly enjoyed this whirlpool, because he could feel that with the appearance of this whirlpool, his emotions became more vivid.

It is not the stress effect produced by sensing the emotions of others, but the emotions of one's own are performing some kind of operation autonomously.

Soon, the Void boss and Ling Tian had once again reached the Void Gate to suppress the strange place.

It was still the same channel as before, but Ling Tian was able to see through it at a glance.

Layers of space power are arranged at the entrance of this hole according to some indescribable melody. This time, the Void boss did not push Ling Tian alone, but bought into it together with Ling Tian.

The weak void power is running? Around Ling Tian and the Void boss? The cave began to shake, and gradually, a huge layer of space spread out.

Then, Ling Tian and the Void boss appeared on a huge platform.

A variety of mysterious runes are carved on the ground, from the very center to the outer periphery, layer upon layer like innumerable circles enclosing something.

Ling Tian looked at the Void boss beside him? The sight in front of him was something he hadn't noticed before.

And this? Ling Tian believed that it should be the real scene here.

The place where the strangeness is suppressed should itself be a sealing place? The strangeness represented by those eyes was sealed here by some extraordinary existence I don't know how many years ago.

"This is the real place where my void door seal is? In theory? This place doesn't exist anywhere in the world? It doesn't even exist in any space, here? It's a space that doesn't exist..."

Void boss seems to feel Ling Tian's gaze? He looked at the middle of the countless circles and said slowly.

A place where no space exists.

Ling Tian listened to the words of the Void boss thoughtfully? However, his eyes were subconsciously looking at the center of the ring.

At this moment, in the very middle position, which was originally empty, there was an energy looming in Ling Tian's perception.

Compared with the weirdness that showed great power in Qingshan Town outside, this kind of energy that is not powerful can really be called ignorance.

Even the current Ling Tian can at most feel that there is such an energy there, but he can't feel anything other than that.

Sure enough, the pair of eyes that I saw earlier were not real eyes, but just a manifestation of this energy.

Ling Tian had a feeling in his heart.

After thinking for a while, Ling Tian took two steps, sat down with his knees crossed at a distance of about fifty meters from the energy, and then began to feel the mystery of the energy carefully.

The energy itself was extremely obscure, and even Ling Tian could not perceive anything. However, with Ling Tian's careful perception, he could feel a trace of the aura that was in harmony with the surrounding space constantly shrinking and expanding.

However, the vibrations in the surrounding space made Ling Tian realize some new mysteries about space.

Ling Tian felt it carefully, and slowly understood it. Then, Ling Tian suddenly looked at the Void boss beside him.

"This is the strange body outside..."

Extremely affirmative words spit out from Ling Tian's mouth.

The energy in front of him that was so obscure that it was almost untraceable, in Ling Tian's senses, was really the strange body that was raging in Qingshan Town, and even, at this time, Ling Tian already completely knew what kind of existence it was.

In fact, that thing is not the size of a city, and it does not have the powerful energy when it is felt by the masters of the sect.

The thing outside should actually be the same as the previous thing. It is nothingness and does not exist. However, as it slowly integrates with the outside space, it will eventually be able to grow without limit, and eventually become able to swallow the sect. The master casts energy, and uses the endless space as a springboard to sweep those energies across countless worlds in an instant, swallowing the energy of other worlds and rebounding it is terrifying and weird.

"There really is a problem with the seal of this sect..."

The Void boss said in a complicated tone, which seemed to be a little relieved, and seemed to be full of sadness.

It proves that there is a problem with one's own seal. Then, it can only be strengthened, and this kind of seal in the ancient times is not something that one sect of the Void Sect can handle. It must be done together by twenty-three top sects.

However, after this time, the countdown to the Void Gate will probably begin.

For the Void boss, I don't know whether this is good news or bad news.

Looking at the Void boss at this time, Ling Tian's eyes flashed a faint, almost non-existent reluctance, and then he spoke calmly.

"The thing outside should actually only be regarded as a breath of the thing in front of you. If there is really a problem with the seal in front of this thing, and it is separated into a clone by this thing, then I am afraid that it is not a dozen or so that will be destroyed. The city, but half the world..."

Ling Tian watched the Void boss slowly speak.

He himself doesn't want to tell the Void boss about such a thing. If there is a problem alone, although those sects will secretly do something, nine times out of ten, the Void Sect will go down the countdown, but there is still some hope.

For example, the Void Sect was always paying attention during the seal period. For example, a few sects suddenly found out in conscience and helped the Void Sect continue to exist.

But now, with Ling Tian's words, all hope has disappeared. For such a terrible thing, the more stable the seal, the better, no one knows, it's just a seal, not a complete seal, will this thing continue to make trouble? What a moth.

With this kind of existence, even a little bit of breath can destroy more than a dozen cities and kill millions of people. What a terrifying thing it would be if they escaped by a trace of their clone.

"It must be completely sealed. It doesn't matter whether the Void Gate exists or not. This kind of terrible thing must be completely sealed..."

The Void boss spoke fiercely, but he looked at Ling Tian with a smile as he spoke.

"What's more, even if this thing is completely sealed, the Void Gate will not necessarily disappear. We can't inherit it by ourselves. The Void Sect disciple's perception is..."

With a relaxed smile, he slowly opened his mouth. After saying this, he looked at Ling Tian and seemed to want to say something, but the Void boss had already waved his hand.

"Okay, it's been so long since we've been in, we should go out and send a letter to those sects. After all, it's not a matter of time and a half to seal this thing, and this thing can make a little clone at any time. We can't regret it..."

Forced to terminate the topic, the Void boss has already walked out first.

In the endless circle, Ling Tian got up, looked again at the tiny energy that was only a faint, and unreal, and felt this thing again, but he still didn't notice it. After that, Ling Tian also slowly went outside.

And just after Ling Tian and the Void boss had both left, the originally only faint and looming small strands of energy suddenly flickered strangely.

With the flickering of this small amount of energy, one after another of falls began to spread out towards the surrounding space, and then quickly disappeared.

The ancient city has a sense of vicissitudes. However, the boundless land area and the crowds flowing like a tide make the ancient city look extremely prosperous and noisy.

When the Void Sect passed on such a big problem of suppressing the strangeness of its own family to the other twenty-two top sects, when the whole world was facing life and death, this was an ordinary city in the world, no matter how prosperous and noisy it was, it was not affected at all. influence.

The people at the bottom are like ants. They don't know when there will be a flood or a natural disaster that will destroy the world they live in.

In a house on the edge of the ancient city, the young scholar looked at his wife lying on the hospital bed with pain on his face.

They have been together for more than ten years. Seeing that they are about to be inscribed on the gold list, the sky is rising, but this person who supported the first half of his life has to go to Huangquan. The pain and sadness in it can be imagined.

"Chuanlang doesn't need to be sad, people can die, I just left earlier..."

On the hospital bed, the woman who had long since collapsed looked at the sad face of Ai Lang with a smile and said, trying to persuade her own Lang Jun not to be too sad, but to face the future more actively. Life.

However, this kind of concern made the scholar, who was already in endless grief, even more sad.

"If I don't have you by my side in this life, I'll be a servant. What's the use of being one person below ten thousand people. If I can, I'd like to entrust everything in exchange for you to be with me for ten years..."

The scholar knelt down crying in front of the hospital bed and said sad words.

And just after these sad words fell, suddenly, the scholar seemed to think of something, and he looked at the woman on the hospital bed.

"Wait for me, I know how to save you, I know how to save you..."

The stammering words came out of the scholar's mouth. He looked at the woman on the hospital bed, and his eyes suddenly gleamed with hope. Then, regardless of the woman on the hospital bed, he abruptly got up and ran out of the room.

On the hospital bed, the woman who seemed to be back to normal at this time struggled to stand up and wanted to stop the scholar, but in the blink of an eye she saw that the scholar had already left the door, and the door was closed immediately, completely blocking the woman's sight.


The voice of endless lamentation came out, the body that the woman had just erected fell ruthlessly, and her last breath had been released from her nostrils. Just now, it was the last moment of the woman's return to light.

At this time, the scholar who came out of the room did not know that the woman had passed away.

Leaving his The scholar quickly walked towards a hill at the edge of the city. This ancient city is huge. The hill at the edge of the city used to be a small temple. Later, because of the city's excavation of the moat, The water supply around the hill was cut off, and all the plants and trees planted in the temple withered.

Naturally, such bad places can no longer be used as places for worshipping gods and Buddhas, so the temple was relocated and the place was vacant.

In itself, this empty place is nothing. However, not long ago, this place suddenly began to grow all kinds of grass and trees for no reason. In a few days, those grass and trees have actually covered the hills, it seems that Turn the edge of the city into a primitive mountain forest outside the wilderness.

This seems extremely strange, but the official family who specializes in dealing with strange events in the ancient city came to the conclusion that this place has a terrifying vitality, but there is no strange atmosphere.

Life force is nothing in itself.

After all, there are many places with great vitality in this world. This is a world with all kinds of strange abilities. The high-level nobles are definitely not short of means to prolong their lifespan. For this so-called place with great vitality, to die is to investigate a little bit. Is there any treasure born, if not, it will not be ignored.

However, the scholar has been paying attention to this place because of his wife, and just yesterday, the scholar saw with his own eyes a dead dog that was thrown into the place and came back to life and ran out not long after. to that place.

According to the scholar's observation, the dog was definitely not possessed by something strange, and the dog after the resurrection was still the same.