The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 2268: Critically ill (first more)

Zhou Hailong was arrested!

It was Lin Tian who had let go of a Zhou Chuan from Qingtianmen before!

At that time, I wanted to reduce some troubles, so I let Zhou Chuan make a living!

That guy is already terrified, and shouldn't dare to do anything out of the ordinary!


This week's biography is so bold!

Lin Tian's face was gloomy, and his heart was murderous.

Zhou Hailong is not bad, and he got in touch with Lin Tian before visiting him in the hospital.

Lin Tian took him back to the place again, and then went to the martial arts city to show off his power for a while!

Not to mention.

He is still Zhou Mumu's younger brother!

Judging from the current relationship, is it half a brother-in-law?

No matter how.

They are all their own, that is, they have touched Ni Lin!


At the beginning, the Zhou Chuan had promised well, absolutely not dare to step into the Lost Boat City to cause trouble!

Now it seems that I didn't take it seriously, because I thought my life was too long!

"What is the situation now?"

Lin Tian took a deep breath and said solemnly to Xiaomei.

"Hailong is fine for the time being. Qingtianmen wants to talk to our Muyan Group, using Hailong as a threat. So people are safe now!"

Xiaomei said with eagerness on her face, "But Ms. Mu Mu and Sister Yuegu have decided to negotiate with Qingtianmen! Originally I said I would talk to Minister Lin with you, but they said they didn't want to trouble you! And Hailong was arrested. , It can't be solved by force at all!"

Does Mu Mu want to trouble me?

She still doesn't know my abilities, even if she is caught, as long as she is not dead, she can be rescued!

Lin Tian shook his head silently.

"I'll go to the company to see!"

After hurriedly speaking to Xiaomei, Lin Tian drove to Muyan Group by himself.

In broad daylight, the flying sword leaped into the sky in the downtown area, Lin Tian didn't want to cause trouble.

Before leaving Wushuang Mountain, his spiritual sense swept around Qin Yuegu's residence. There was no Qin Yuegu's figure, only his whole mother was there.

Qin Yuegu should also be in the company at this time.

Drive to Muyan Group, ready to go to the underground parking lot.

But Lin Tian was stopped again.

It was still the security booth at the entrance, but Lin Tian probed out and stopped him with a new face!

A very young young man who looked like he was around twenty years old. He was alone.

"Ren Pengfei is fucked, Xu Heng and others are not there?"

Lin Tian frowned, and could only say to the young man: "I am your Vice Minister Lin!"

"Hello! My name is Xiaoyu!"

The young man saluted Lin Tian, ​​a standard military salute. Then he stretched out his hand and said, "Show me your credentials!"


The credentials of the deputy minister were directly lost in the office.

He has never used his ID before!

Because when you come to the company, you basically leave after walking around. Why do you bring that stuff?

Lin Tian stared at the young fish and said silently to the young fish: "I didn't bring my ID! You let me in first, and then call Xu Heng to confirm it!"

"Sorry! No! I can't confirm my identity and cannot let you in!"

Xiaoyu's face was flat, and he was already holding the electric baton around his waist, as if he was about to shoot.

This guy!

Really dedicated!

Lin Tian couldn't laugh or cry secretly, so he could only get out of the car.

"Let's do it... I'm in a hurry! Give you the car keys, and you can park your car for me, or you can explain the situation when Xu Heng comes!"

If it is thrown to the youth, Lin Tian is going to walk inside: "These millions of luxury cars, you should be at ease!"


This young man named Xiaoyu seemed to be a tendon. He still refused to let Lin Tian go in, and handed back the car key, saying, "You look at the car! If you haven't confirmed your identity, I won't let you in! If you try hard, I'm not welcome!"

"If you stop me for wasting time, I will kick you aside!"

Lin Tian frowned and said silently.

"What! You have to do it!"

Xiaoyu's face changed, and he quickly drew out the electric baton, and hit Lin Tian directly.

He shot very quickly and directly, simply and neatly, somewhat similar to the military physical boxing Lin Tian had seen.

This little fish didn't care whether Lin Tian really wanted to make a move, the electric rod in his hand turned into lightning and struck down.


It’s just that you’re so young and your character is not good!

Lin Tian curled his lips and kicked out when he raised his foot.

The speed of a kick made Xiaoyu almost unresponsive.

Before the electric baton he smashed had fallen on Lin Tian, ​​he felt a terrifying force acting on him.

The body followed the volley and flew out, hitting the green garden on the side.

It's really hard!

Lin Tian shook his head and went to open the pole blocking the way.

"Do you dare to do it!"

The little fish got up from the flowerbed in embarrassment, ready to call someone.

But at this moment a few figures came.

Surprisingly, Xu Heng, the captain of the second brigade, came with people.

"what happened!"

Seeing Xiaoyu's embarrassed appearance, Xu Heng hurriedly asked.

"Team Xu, you came just right, someone is going to break in and make trouble..."

Xiaoyu pointed to Lin Tian and shouted anxiously.

Xu Heng's face changed drastically, but when he saw Lin Tian's figure, he glared at Xiaoyu: "You fool, that's Vice Minister Lin!"

The little fish was immediately trapped.

Deputy Minister Lin?

So young?

He couldn't believe it.

"Deputy Minister Lin!"

Xu Heng left him and hurried forward to greet Lin Tian with a respectful smile on his face.

"Rookie? A waste of my time!"

Lin Tian shook his head, glanced at Xiaoyu, and got into the car again and entered the parking lot.

When Lin Tian left, Xu Heng inevitably gave Xiaoyu a severe reprimand.

The things that were taught by Lin Tian in the company before, such as Ren Pengfei, are now spread.

Xu Heng also received specific news. When he learned that Lin Tian's future martial arts masters would be crippled, he was frightened.

It turns out that Vice Minister Lin is so terrifying!


Lin Tian stopped at the parking lot.

Ready to go up to Zhou Mumu to find out the specific situation.

But as soon as he arrived at the entrance to the upper floor, Zhou Mumu hurried down.

"Mu Mu, what's the situation now? Is Hailong okay?"

Lin Tian greeted him and asked in a deep voice.

"Ah... Lin Tian, ​​your retreat is over?"

Zhou Mumu looked a little surprised at Lin Tian's arrival, her beautiful eyes staring.

"Don't call me for such an important matter! Even if I am in retreat, but life is a matter of dearth, I can come!"

Lin Tian said with a stern face to Zhou Mumu.

"I'm afraid of Hailong's accident! I'm just such a younger brother. If the people of Qingtianmen want to negotiate, then negotiate with them! Even if the company is exchanged!"

Zhou Mumu's eyes blushed slightly, and she shook her head worriedly, but she soon said anxiously: "There will be no life-threatening danger on Hailong's side. It's my grandfather...I don't know how I learned that Hailong was kidnapped and was sick. It's worsening, it's in danger, I have to go back and have a look!"


Critically ill?

Lin Tian raised his brows and was shocked.

Only now did he know that Zhou Mumu actually had a grandfather, and her parents were not there. He originally thought she was only a younger brother.