The Strongest Supplier of God-level Systems

Chapter 1163: I am alchemist

"Qi Tiangui is also an alchemist?"

"I don't's a few..."

"What we need now is the alchemist of the 7th grade or lower grade...if there is a 7th grade or alchemy peak alchemist..."

"As for..."

While Dong Wei was talking, his eyes focused on Qi Tian, ​​his face showing thought...

Although he didn't say it clearly, Qi Tian could also feel what he wanted to say, to put it plainly, or that Qi Tian was not competent...

"Although you hand me the alchemy materials and the alchemy, the alchemy fails, I am responsible!"

Qi Tian's big hand waved, if he had no confidence, would he open this mouth?

In fact, he has also practiced the Tianyuan Pill Technique before... More or less, he has a certain understanding of alchemy. With his own abilities, he can already make a single pill.

Can be regarded as the first glance.

Of course, he can't just come out and lean on a bottle of alchemy...

To put it bluntly, his confidence still comes from the system alchemy...

One-click alchemy is so horrible!

What Qitian needs is a large-scale elixir and more potions, and then systematically refine potions...

Of course, after refining the Elixir, it is necessary to pay a certain purchase fee according to the Elixir of the corresponding level.

But relatively speaking, there is still a lot of money.

Dong Wei wriggled his mouth and looked at Qi Tian so young, more or less worried.

But seeing Qi Tian being so self-confident, I still have some sense of anticipation...

"After all, Qitian VIP is a character who can come up with 10,000 bags of magic spicy strips, maybe he really has the talent in this area maybe..."

"Anyway, the situation now cannot be worse than now..."

Dong Wei thought to himself, the smile on his face increased unnaturally.

"Qi Tian VIP, then trouble you..."

"Try it first, if there is any discomfort, just tell me..." Dong Wei is very respectful of his attitude towards the sky.

One day VIP, lifetime VIP.

As a member of the service industry, Dong Wei has done an excellent job in this regard.

"and many more!"

"I disagree!"

Suddenly there was a cold drink in the distance, and I saw a thin-looking old man came over, a pair of cloudy eyes gradually radiating a murderous light.

"Master Ouyang Chuang, don't you say you are sick? Can't you make alchemy anymore? So I will find someone to take your place! What do you mean!"

Dong Wei glanced at the old man, his face also looked a little ugly.

It's my pigeon that you put first, now I'm looking for someone to help, are you still here to stop?

What do you really think you are?

"Hehe...I just think this kid doesn't have the ability to take my class!"

"My apprentice Zhao Xiang is now a seventh-grade alchemist, and he is fully qualified!"

"I mean let Zhao Xiang become the alchemist of the Tianbao Chamber of Commerce!"

As the thin old man said, he pointed to the middle-aged man beside him, his face even more proud.

Dong Wei looked blue and white for a looked particularly ugly.

It turns out that the so-called illness can't make alchemy anymore, it is really coercing!

The purpose is to push up his apprentice!

If he is really qualified, how can the Tianbao Chamber of Commerce not let him become a devoted alchemist?

"Ouyang Chuang Alchemist, this condition, the Tianbao Chamber of Commerce cannot agree!"

"Zhao Xiang colluded with other chambers of commerce to misappropriate my secret and business plan of the Tianbao Chamber of Commerce..."

"This matter was saved by Ouyang Chuang Alchemy Master. We can stop investigating, but it is impossible to hire!"

Dong Wei said stubbornly.

