The Strongest Supplier of God-level Systems

Chapter 1409: Retreat or defend

"Eastern Sage Patriarch... We have sent envoys to the Central Region..."

"It's just that there has been no response yet!"

"In any case, hold on! Waiting for reinforcements!"

"Otherwise, the Eastern Holy City must be destroyed! The loss by then cannot be estimated!"

While talking, Dong Guoming, acting dean of the Eastern Chamber of Reincarnation, couldn't help showing cold sweat on his forehead.

I can only say that the current form is really terrible!

It was so bad that he was at a loss...

If you have a slight accident, you will lose all the games!

Naturally, no one wants to bear such a result.

"But... when will the reinforcements come!"

"Dean Dong Guo, our Eastern Holy Family has been dead for so many days..."

"You have also seen it, the best of my Eastern Holy Family..."

"But so far there hasn't been any change..."

"We really can't hold it anymore!"

"We don't have the confidence to continue fighting!"

"Otherwise, my Eastern Holy Family will be destroyed!"

"At the critical moment, my Eastern Holy Family can only choose to retreat across the board!"

"In order to preserve the ten thousand years of my Eastern Holy Family, I can only do this!"

Dong Sheng Lei Ting, the Patriarch of the Eastern Holy Family, said, his eyes became more earnest, and all kinds of anxiety could be heard in his words.

"Eastern Holy Patriarch, don't do this! Once you abandon the Eastern Holy City, the Eastern Holy City will be destroyed!"

"And after letting those existences succeed, they will completely penetrate the surrounding area. What will happen then, I don't need to say anything?"

"Do you really want the entire Eastern Region to be swallowed? Even... endangering the surrounding regions!" "Before we get the exact order of the Samsara Palace, we must try our best to guard! We must not let those alien races take advantage of this opportunity!"

Dong Guoming gritted his teeth, still insisting on it.

"Dean Dongguo, I feel that what the Dongsheng Family said is not unreasonable..."

"Withdrawal... is also a strategic means to preserve strength."

"Once it succeeds, there is no need to say more about the benefits..."

"It's better than staying here and waiting to die!"

Ian, the owner of the East Territory Sub-temple of the Samsara Hall, said silently that he also chose to stand on the same line as the East Holy Family!

"Holy Lord Ian, how can you have such an idea? If the appearance of these alien races is not blocked in time, you don't know how great the harm is!"

"Even I think these are the Protoss that Samsara Palace has been fighting against..."

"Once it is confirmed that they are really cultivators of the Protoss, it means that there is a Protoss passage or entrance..."

"If there is a brand new divine cave in the Eastern Region... and the cultivators of the divine race in this divine cave are scattered, you should know how much disaster it will cause to our human race!"

"This is most likely the eleventh divine cave!"

"We must be careful!"

As Dong Guoming spoke, his face showed an extremely anxious look.

He is very aware of the seriousness of this matter, and it is a little bit different. Not only is the Eastern Holy City finished, I am afraid that the entire Eastern Region will be ruined by the creatures!

Even Zhongyu will be affected!

As a member of the Temple of Reincarnation, and enjoy the worship on weekdays, it is natural to fight to the end at this moment! Guard the peace of the Eastern Region!

"Dean Dong Guo, you are just your guess!"

"I have never seen any protoss, nor do I believe these are protoss..."

"We have limited power, so why not choose a strategic retreat?"

Reincarnation Hall East Territory Branch Hall Master Ian said with a cold snort.

