The Strongest Supplier of God-level Systems

Chapter 1673: Keep on awkward

It's still hard to say...

It's all so difficult, why bother to open each other... This is completely unnecessary!

It's just that the matter is over, it seems useless to say ten thousand things.

"I'm convinced with this operation, this young man has burst at 6!"

"Hahaha... I've seen that woman being pretentious there a long time ago. Damn...too pretend to be dismantled! Must be dismantled! Strip her completely!"

"Huh... this dear man is really good! Let the evil spirits in our hearts get rid of!"

"Who said no! Didn't you say that you don't have a long sword for self-judgment? It's fine now, there are tens of thousands of long swords and swords, you can can die as you like!"

"Damn... The Qitian boss is still doing the same as always... I think it was the same in the Dan League..."

"I'll go! Convinced! Convinced! Completely convinced!"

"Hahaha! I'm so...I laughed so much that my stomach hurts...Is this red evil girl shooting herself in the foot? It's so funny looking at the tea."

"Who said no! The ghost knows what this woman is thinking...maybe there is still a dark side that hasn't been shown..."

"Hehe...what can be done if it is dark, isn't it all exposed now?"

"Now let's see how this red evil girl ended up? If she can really wipe her neck with a stab, then I really admire her! She is indeed a hero in female middle school!"

"But if you don't dare to do this... then it's plain, it's actually a bullshit! It's the kind of bullshit! In that case, there is no need to say more..."


More and more cultivators gathered in the hall of the cultivator alliance, and as the Sao operation continued, everyone watched it with gusto.

Who doesn't like watching theaters? This is human nature!

Especially that kind of bells and whistles, everyone loves it most!

"Little friend Qitian, you really are..."

Sage Emperor Xuanyuan looked at Qi Tian and shook his head angrily, but a pair of muddy eyes showed a look of interest...

Even if it is the high worship of the Reincarnation God Realm, the heart of gossip is still there.

"I didn't think about embarrassing this woman, but this woman is really too much..."

"I can punish the evil and promote the good, and promote a fresh atmosphere for the world!"

Qi Tian nodded in agreement, and felt that he had made outstanding contributions.

Holy Emperor Xuanyuan was choked, he had never seen such a brazen person...

In the distance, seeing tens of thousands of long swords and knives displayed beside him, the red evil daughter Sun Ying looked ugly.

Slap on the face, in minutes...

Pretending to be forced to not be rubbed against...

I wanted to earn a little face by pretending to be self-disciplined, but now, the whole face is torn apart!

Out of the sky!

The red evil daughter Sun Ying scanned a group of people around her, her mouth twitching more and more...

This **** everything! Let him have a feeling of breathlessness!

Under the eyes of everyone, if she didn't carry out her previous self-determination promise, wouldn't it show that she was guilty and afraid? She has always been a liar?

The red evil daughter Sun Ying's color changed for a while, and she looked very anxious...

I have to admit that these are problems that must be faced!

If you are not careful, you will lose the game!

Hong Sha's daughter Sun Ying gritted her teeth, and then resolutely picked up a waist knife, and then placed it on her white neck...
