The Strongest Supplier of God-level Systems

Chapter 1694: Give you a face

Lei Yuan suddenly became irritable as if he had suddenly changed his person. As he spoke, killing intent flickered in his eyes, and then angrily shouted at the golden robe guard.

At every turn, they are called dead men, slaves, etc.

The Golden Robe Guard suddenly fell silent...

Seems to endure something...

"I said, I need to protect your safety. If I leave, your safety will not be guaranteed..."

"And there is a Saint Emperor Realm on the opposite side that is stronger than me..."

"it is my responsibility……"

The dark guard in Jinpao silently clenched his fists with both hands, but finally let go silently.

If others had such an attitude towards him, he would have been killed.

But no matter how unreasonable this Lei Yuan was, he could only choose to accept it silently!

Because he is the son of the deputy master of the Fenglei Temple, there are people with faces in the Fenglei Temple...

It's just that the retreat of the Golden Robe Guard did not calm Lei Yuan, he actually felt more irritable.

Because he felt the eyes gathered around him more and more, these people pointed at him and seemed to mock his incompetence!

People are summoned by him, and if they don’t even have control in the end, that would be a real laugh!

When he thought of this, the complexion of Jinpao's dark guard became complicated and difficult to look at.

All kinds of thoughts were tumbling in my mind, and the range of fists with both hands became bigger...

"I said, this is Ben Shao's order!"

"You just follow Ben Shao's command line! Who needs your nonsense?"

"Follow the order, don't you know? Still don't understand? Or deliberately embarrass me?"

"Asshole! Asshole thing! Give you a face, right?"

"I really think I'm a person, don't you?"

"I tell you! You are not even a fart in front of me!" "What are you so arrogant? What's so arrogant?"

"A dead man is a dead man, can you not even understand human words now?"

Lei Yuan got more and more excited as he spoke, and the Golden Robe Guard didn't answer or fight back from beginning to end, making him more proud.

But not every day I have the opportunity to point at the nose of a Saint Emperor Realm powerhouse and curse!

He even heard a round of admiration and admiration...

"Master Lei Yuan is too strong, even the strong of the Holy Emperor Realm dare to reprimand like this!"

"It's worthy of being the son of the deputy master of the Temple of Wind and Thunder... the tiger father has no dogs!"

"Yeah... I want to take back what I said before... I will never offend Master Lei Yuan from now on..."

"Young Master Lei Yuan..."


There is never a shortage of people who want to do things in this world...

After such a provocation, Lei Yuan's complexion became more and more flushed, and his posture of licking blood was vividly displayed!

The excitement accumulated in my heart, and it broke out directly from my heart!


Lei Yuan yelled angrily, and then a big ear scraper slapped towards the golden robe hidden guard fan...

With a slap in the hand, he slapped the scenery mask on the face of the guard in the golden robe and flew out, revealing the numb face of the guard in the golden robe.

At this moment, the dark guard in the golden robe clasped his hands and stared at Lei Yuan indifferently...

"Dare to stare at me?"

"Give you a face? I really don't know what I am?"

"Haha! What I hate the most in my life is your kind of inexhaustible trash!"


Lei Yuan continued to curse, and then a big ear scraper slammed the face of the guard in the golden robe firmly.
