The Strongest Supplier of God-level Systems

Chapter 1695: Flickering

After fanning once, the refreshing feeling in my heart directly accumulates to the peak!

Slap in the face, especially the slap in the face of the strong, is addictive...

Lei Yuan took a deep breath, his face could not help but flushed, and he felt very happy from the heart!

Inexplicably feel the resentment in my heart has released a lot...

Through that slap, the grievance in my heart was turned into a sense of refreshment!

It's hard to quit after becoming addicted.

"Let you not listen to orders!"


"Leave you defiant!"


"Dog minion!"


Lei Yuan trembled all over with the sound of fan-beating. He found the pleasure in it!

I feel trembling all over! It is this mysterious and mysterious feeling that makes him extremely obsessed!

At first, the face of the Jinpao Dark Guard didn't change, and he seemed completely indifferent, but gradually, his face changed...

A row of hostile colors flickered in the eyes...


The dark guard in Jinpao gritted his teeth and snorted, his body trembling more and more, and his eyes became colder when he said this.

"Dare to talk back?"

"Who told you to return your mouth, do you have the qualifications to return it?"

"If I beat you, you have to suffer! Something! No vision! You deserve to be beaten to death!"

Lei Yuan was completely floating, feeling inexplicably refreshing...


There was another slap in the face. This time it looked a bit special. It was the golden robe guard who slapped Lei Yuan's face with a slap and fan. Maybe he really couldn't stand it anymore and couldn't hold on.

After being beaten up so many times, my mentality is more or less broken...

Lei Yuan stood there, his eyes widened, his eyes full of disbelief...

The Golden Robe Guard actually beat him!

How dare he! Where's the guts of this bastard!

Lei Yuan gritted his teeth and said, his mind gradually boiled...

The posture also wanted to pounce toward the position of the golden robe guard again...


The guard in the golden robe kicked out and kicked Lei Yuan far away!

"If it weren't for the Vice-Hallmaster's kindness to me, you would definitely die today!"


The dark guard of the golden robe gave a cold cry, and immediately rose into the air and flew away.

The scene gradually fell into a state of bewilderment, inexplicably making people feel a little inexplicable, and even a kind of weird feeling, all in seemed a little abnormal.

Qi Tian, ​​fully armed and ready to fight, is completely speechless...

Originally, when he saw this golden robe guard, he was ready to fight a battle, and decided to go all out to fight to the end, but now...what happened to this...

Qi Tian didn't have a chance to mix up during the whole process, so he watched the Golden Robe Guardian of the Temple of Wind and Thunder and Lei Yuan, the son of the deputy hall master, beat each other.

Inexplicably feel there is a kind of drama.

At this moment, the Golden Robe Guard is indeed gone, but the Lei Yuan is left behind...

Qi Tian strode forward, just looking at this Lei Yuan, and then grinned.

Lei Yuan, who was cursing and grinning, suddenly twitched the corners of his mouth, with a look of horror on his face...

"You...what do you want..."

"I...I...I am...but the practitioner of the Temple of Wind and Thunder..."

"I... my father is the deputy head of the Temple of Wind and Thunder... He is a high authority..."

"You... what if you treat me... my father won't let you go..."

Lei Yuan was trembling, nervous to the extreme!

While speaking, the body began to tremble unnaturally!
