The Strongest Supplier of God-level Systems

Chapter 1708: Look down

Among the three major temples of the Protoss, the strength of the Jinzun Temple is the strongest, there is no doubt about this.

Of course, no matter how strong the Jinzun Temple is, it is not feasible to fight both the Fenglei Temple and the Huoyang Temple at the same time...

So since they are all deputy hall masters, their status should have been equivalent.

However, the Vice-Hall Master Jin Yu of the Jinzun Temple has a higher status than the ordinary Vice-Hall Master, because he is the supreme Saint Emperor Realm!

Ordinary deputy hall masters are nothing but a strong holy emperor, or even a weak holy emperor, so naturally they are not the same!

Even among the Protoss, the Supreme Emperor is also standing on the top of the cloud!

The slightest difference is a thousand miles away!

"Don't be careless!"

"The Human Race is not as weak as you think. Otherwise, my Protoss and Human Race have faced each other for so many years, why can't we completely defeat the Human Race?"

"Don't be too arrogant. The reason why our Protoss can have so many powerful people is mainly because our resources are rich. In terms of comprehension, we are not the opponents of the Humans at all!"

"This is why our Protoss does not lack masters, but we are extremely scarce in the top masters!"

"You have to take a warning!"

Jin Yu, the deputy head of the Protoss Jinzun Temple, frowned, then scolded from the side.

The deputy masters of the several major temples standing around looked at each other, although they were still particularly unconvinced in their hearts, but at least they did not dare to refute them.

Respect for strength, this is the last word.

Among the Protoss, this is even more so.

"Prepare the warriors of the Protoss...""In the assessment of the first blood sacrificial field, we must teach the young talents of the human race a blood lesson! All their fighting will will be destroyed!"

Jin Yu, the deputy master of the Protoss Jinzun Temple, raised the corner of his mouth slightly, with a confident smile on his face!

Although he said just now to keep a low profile, he is still very confident about the strength of the Protoss geniuses!

When you should be confident, you have to show it!

The scene gradually opened!

The first round of blood sacrificial field assessment has officially begun!

According to the rules, the examiners of the human race and the human race alternately enter the blood sacrifice field, so that you can also take this opportunity to see the gap between the genius youth of the **** race and the human race.

In the case of 10,000, the human race first excluded 10,000 talented cultivators from entering the blood sacrifice field to see how many people passed, and then the gods excluded 10,000 talented cultivators to see how many people passed...

By analogy, all the examiners will finally be evaluated...

At this moment, there is quite a feeling of tension.

"City Lord Sikong, let your human geniuses go first, so that after saving, your human geniuses will collapse because of faith and influence their performance..."

Jin Yu, the deputy master of the Protoss Jinzun Temple, let out a big laugh, and then proudly walked into the sky, arrogantly looking at everything, with an arrogant posture that did not see everyone in his eyes!

Pretend to be forced!

Both inside and outside the words revealed a kind of contempt for the cultivators of human genius.

Sikong Jingyuan, the lord of the First Destruction God City, naturally looks so hard to see where it goes. If it is left in the past, he will actually endure it. The human race is declining. This is a fact, but this time... he still needs to show the posture he thinks should be shown. of!

"It's the Protoss genius to come first!"

"My Terran geniuses are all mighty. If the pass rate is too high by then, I am afraid that this genius of the Protoss will be shocked. At that time, if the genius of the Protoss is afraid to move forward, isn't it the fault of Sagong Jingyuan?"
