The Strongest Supplier of God-level Systems

Chapter 1772: Yinyin wakes up

Only by accumulating more holy emperor realm, can the battle be stabilized and even shock the entire Protoss!

"Now I have hundreds of millions of sky stones in my hands..."

"Previously, I earned almost 60 million Celestial Stones by selling dried salted fish and blood recovery pills among the major forces of the human race..."

"After that, he earned another 50 million Heavenly Stones from the Vice-Hall Master Jin Yu of the Protoss..."

"Plus the ten million sky stones that I own myself..."

"It's 120 million sky stones..."

"The price of a holy emperor-class cigarette or a bag of holy emperor-class dog food is one million sky stones, and my third-tier supplier status can get a 30% discount, which is seven hundred thousand sky stones..."

"One hundred and twenty million... Almost two hundred bags of Saint Emperor class dog food or Saint Emperor class cigarettes can be purchased..."

"A cultivator of the Supreme Saint King Realm wants to be promoted to the Quasi-Saint Emperor Realm, or the promotion of a cultivator of the Saint King Realm needs a Saint Emperor cigarette..."

"It's just that how many holy emperor class cigarettes are needed to be promoted is still unknown."

Qi Tian squinted his eyes, secretly sinking into a plan...

When the six people including Tian Kui and Lao Lang successfully entered the Supreme Saint King Realm, it was an opportunity for them to be promoted to the Quasi Saint King Realm!

"If there are six holy emperor realm cultivators guarding, the safety factor can naturally be greatly guaranteed...

Qi Tian squinted his eyes and his mind gradually took off. To a certain extent, this feeling was vividly revealed!

"Dad...Dad... why don't you pay attention to them!"

"You speak! Why don't you speak!"

"Don't you like Yinyin?"

"Is Yinyin not cute anymore?"

"So love will disappear right?"

Yinyin stood there suddenly, glaring at Qi Tian, ​​as cute as she is. The corners of Qi Tian's mouth raised silently, and he smiled completely at the moment... He smiled happily, smiled happily...

This little Nizi is too big, otherwise it's really good to hold her up in front of her daughter.

It's a pity that this child is almost 1.7 meters tall, if you really hold it in your arms, it always feels strange.

Qi Tian smiled silently, then sighed secretly.

Some little angels will surprise you with a smile.

"Yinyin is so cute, how can you ignore Yinyin..."

"I was just thinking about giving Yinyin a gift... After all, Yinyin has become stronger again! I will need Yinyin to protect from now on!"

Qi Tian gave Yinyin a touch to kill, and then said with a smile.

All these feelings are inexplicably comfortable.

"Does Dad want to reward Yinyin? Yinyin wants to smoke!"

"The cigarette that Dad asked me to smoke last time was very good, I still want to smoke!"

Yinyin tilted her head as she looked at Qi Tian and said.

Qi Tian inexplicably felt a cramp in his stomach...

I don't know why, but now I feel the numbness of my scalp when I hear the word "cigarette".

At this moment, Tiankui Old Wolf and others had been driven far away by Qi Tian and smoked alone.

These guys are doing their best to be able to get promoted. One hundred cigarettes are enough, one thousand... When Qi Tian thought of this, he felt a sense of collapse.

Looking at Yinyin's longing look, Qi Tian sighed slightly...

He is a good boy, but now he is also addicted to smoking?

Qi Tian inexplicably felt that he was too sinful.

Although Yinyin's size is not small, her current mind is indeed only seven or eight years old.
