The Strongest Supplier of God-level Systems

Chapter 1781: irrefutable evidence

As Prime Minister Zuo Zhi was talking, his expression twitched.


This unfilial son... it's lawless!

Doing this kind of thing behind his back has caused him to fall into an absolute passive state now. Judging by the current situation, he will collapse every minute.

"Father...Father save me...Save me..."

"I...I saw Princess Yufei's attitude towards this kid at the time. I became jealous for a while, so I didn't hold it back, so... I did something wrong..."

"This is not my original intention, this is really not my original intention..."

At this time, Zuo Guang, the prime minister's son, became frightened. While talking, his body twitched unnaturally.

"Asshole! Extremely asshole!"

"Even the lonely new champion in the new division dare to cheat! What else is that you dare not!"

"The prime minister, the good son you educated!"

"Taking me off his official position, whipping three hundred times!"

"Get out!"

The emperor Situ Yukun gave an order, even if it was punished.

Qi Tian pouted his lips, this punishment is simply not too light...

Anyway, the thunder is heavy and the rain is small, which is quite ridiculous!

Qi Tian squinted his eyes, and it seemed that the emperor was still quite dependent on the prime minister, so as long as the prime minister did not do anything rebellious, he would not choose to shake his position.

"The emperor, my son did do something wrong, but one thing belongs to the same thing. This Qi Tian is a fake new champion, and the Weichen also has iron evidence!"

"Please allow the emperor to allow the ministers to declare witnesses to come to the hall!"

The prime minister Zuo Zhi squinted his eyes, and his gaze towards Qi Tian was full of murderous intent. He was obviously motivated to kill and wanted Qi Tian to execute his killing strategy. "Announce!"

Emperor Situ Yukun waved his hand, now inexplicably irritable.

This pile of things seemed too troublesome, and when I thought about it, I felt my scalp numb inexplicably.

Qi Tian glanced around the surroundings, in fact, he still wanted to know what evidence this guy had...

Then a prisoner in torn clothes walked in.

"I... I am the second master of Qiufeng Village... At that time, we intercepted and killed the new champion, seized many treasures from him, and then buried his body on the spot..."

"At the time, his entourage said that this was the top pick in the new division. Because I was scared, I hurried to do it..."

"Yes... it's him... how... how is it possible!"

"It's clearly being killed... how come... how could you stand here... ghost... this is a ghost..."

The prisoner was talking, and immediately after seeing Qi Tian's face, he was completely moved, and his sense of fear seemed particularly real. Various thoughts were tumbling in his mind, and his body trembled unnaturally...

"Just by relying on his confession, can it prove that I am a fake?"

"This is what the Prime Minister calls the evidence?"

"I can find a hundred such witnesses."

Qi Tian sneered, glanced at the surroundings, and then couldn't help but spit out...

If it's just this kind of evidence... it can't be said to be hard evidence at all.

After all, perjury is not difficult.

"Hehe... I knew you would use this rhetoric..."

"But what I want to tell you is...In addition to personal evidence, there is also physical evidence..."

"After checking this den at that time, we also found a lot of personal belongings about the new champion!"

Prime Minister Zuo Zhi sneered and his eyes became sharper.
