The Strongest Supplier of God-level Systems

Chapter 1830: Kill the prince

What he wanted was to kill Shoubao's guards, and then control Infernal Zhenyan in his hands.

Qi Tian's disapproval further aroused the youth's eagerness to win. He felt that Qi Tian was so disapproving because he looked down on him. At this moment, his eyes widened, his eyes flashing with killing intent...


"How dare to ignore this prince so much!"

"As the prince of Youhu Kingdom, this prince has a respectable position, how can you compare with it!"

"Youhu Kingdom elite! Give it to me, kill him!"

The prince of Youhu Kingdom Tie Zhen gritted his teeth, and while talking, the vicious expression on his face became more and more.

Following the order from the Prince Tie Zhen of the Youhu Kingdom, tens of thousands of practitioners from the Youhu Kingdom suddenly gathered, and immediately attacked Qitian's direction.

Qi Tian closed his eyes in silence, followed by a light sigh...

Why... Why do people always want to die!

Do so many people want to walk this road of death?

"Those who block the way, kill without mercy!"

With Qi Tian's order, the Zhuge Lien Crossbow Corps under his command has begun a full-scale shooting. At the same time, the White Horse has launched a full-scale attack from the Rebel Corps, Drought Corps, and Battle Pet Corps!

The sound of killing is endless, and the journey of death begins!

Qi Tian squinted his eyes secretly, and silently exhaled a suffocating breath. The Seven-Star Dragon Bone Sword in his hand indifferently impacted forward...

Strands of blood shot out, and the smell of blood in the air became more and more intense.

Qi Tian took a deep breath, then nodded to himself, and then his figure became more and more swift!

In an instant, he came directly to this Youhu Kingdom prince Tie Zhen, and grabbed him at will...

This Youhu Kingdom prince Tie Zhen also showed that the pretense looks extremely compelling, but in fact, he really wants to do it, it is Tie Hanhan...

The combat effectiveness is extremely poor. Qi Tian can capture him directly without using the judge's pen and life and death book!

"You...what are you doing... let go of me! Let go of me!"

"I am the Prince of Youhu Kingdom..."

"What do you want!"

"Let go of me, or you will definitely die!"

"Even your Emperor Xuanyuan Empire dare not do anything to me here!"

The Prince Tiezhen of the Youhu Kingdom was still yelling at Qi Tian while talking.


Qi Tian's eyeballs never turned, he directly cut off his head, and his blood shot into the air!

The corpse was separated, and the scene once looked bloody!

Everyone's eyes gathered here, each trembling at this moment, in their eyes, fear and thoughts gathered...

"Prince Tiezhen, beheaded!"

"This guy in the Xuanyuan Empire is too arrogant? Isn't he really afraid of death? Prince Tiezhen is the most favorite son of the King of the Youhu Kingdom... He is dead, how can the King of the Youhu Kingdom give up? "

"Yeah...huh... I suddenly felt some panic... this time... something big happened!"

"Hehe... After all, it has nothing to do with us... We have not been involved from beginning to end..."

"Is it going to advance or retreat? Who will give a charter?"

"This...the situation is like's nothing but...withdraw stop the loss!"

"Prince Tiezhen's revenge is not reported? His Majesty the King will blame it..."

"Hehe, Prince Tiezhen's hatred will naturally be avenged by His Majesty the King, but we...can only save our lives first! Full speed... Evacuate!"

"The cultivators of the Xuanyuan Empire are too fierce!"
