The Strongest Supplier of God-level Systems

Chapter 217: Special effects of chocolate and cola

But I have to say that the taste of this chocolate is really great!

Qi Tian had also tasted chocolates of various flavors before, but it was the first time he encountered such a sweet and delicious chocolate.

After eating, the mouth is full, and people can't help but want to try a second time...

This feeling is not too cool!

"In the future, I will rely on chocolate to maintain my livelihood. I no longer want to touch nutrients with various flavors!"

"It's disgusting! Compared to the taste of chocolate, it's a pile of garbage..."

Qi Tian unscrewed the cap of Happy House Happy Water, then drank it, and Coke entered the taste buds and began to slowly ferment the taste, and then a trace of sweetness instantly covered the entire mouth of Qi Tian...

There is also a kind of gas just released, which is so explosive!

After drinking, he was refreshed, and he felt his body was much lighter...

"Owner, give me this piece of chocolate too..."

Seeing Qi Tian and others eating and drinking so coolly, the others in the shop suddenly couldn't help it anymore, and they all came forward together, their faces full of excitement...

"Cough... just give me a bottle of Coke..."

"Just buy it at the vending machine yourself!"

Qi Tian stretched his lazy waist, he liked the feeling of sitting and collecting money.

After entering the vending machine, the Lingbi and Jingnu soon entered Qitian's account directly according to the share...

"After drinking Coke, how do I feel a lot clearer in my mind, and many things that I usually can't understand are clear at once!"

Qin Feng said excitedly, is there still such a good effect?

"This... this chocolate can improve my meditation speed, I feel that my training speed has accelerated a lot!"

An elementary evolutionary shouted with excitement...

"Yeah... that's true. I'm a fire elemental awakener, and I feel the same way!"

"Oh my god! It's not me who feels this way...I am also an elemental awakener. Eating chocolate can increase the speed of my meditation, but drinking seems that I don't feel anything..."

"It turns out... that's what it is!"

"Huhuhu...I am an evolver of the power system. I drink cola and have a lot of help. Just now, I have advanced the yellow-level advanced combat skills from intermediate to advanced! But eating chocolate has no effect. ..."

It is not one or two people who feel this way, but many people!

One or two may be an accident, but ten or twenty, this thing is unusual...

Qi Tian's eyebrows are slightly raised, is it possible that chocolate and cola have additional beneficial effects?

"System, I need an explanation."

This vending machine was created by the dog system. If you don’t understand anything, you have to ask the dog system.

"Coke has the effect of increasing the training speed of power fighters."

"Chocolate has the effect of increasing the speed of meditation for spiritual masters."

The dog system's calm voice came, and Qi Tian's face showed such an expression.

It is true that as he expected, there is indeed a greasy look inside, and depending on the situation, this greasy look seems to be quite small?

Increasing the speed of cultivation... This will have infinite temptation for anyone.

"In this way, cola and chocolate not only taste good, but also have additional effects, but they are not worrying about selling..."

