The Strongest Supplier of God-level Systems

Chapter 3423: Doll self-propelled treasure

"This is the treasure rat that I bought before leaving..."

"This is the treasure hunter..."

"This is Wanbao..."

"And this sacred bird..."

"Everything is prepared..."

"It's not a big problem!"

Xuanzang took out the messy things out of his sleeves.

For a moment everyone was completely silent...

this? That's it?

Can you stop talking like that...

Is this coming to grab the treasure, or is it here to play?

But in this kind of blackened place, there are some things that are better than nothing.

It's okay to just judge the direction casually...

"You let them all out..."

"Let's see where they are moving..."

"If they all move in the same direction, there may be treasures there."

Qi Tian groaned, while talking, then nodded.

"no problem!"

"Boss, this baby will be found later, you have to reimburse me..."

"Don't you know, these of me are the most advanced treasure hunters and snakes..."

"I got it by bidding at a high price on the black market."

"These are all first-class good things..."


Xuanzang's broken thoughts still seemed so real.

Quirky and crooked, one after another...

All of a sudden Qi Tian's brain was about to split...

At this moment, as soon as the so-called treasure hunters came out, they began to tremble with each other, and then they ran in all directions...

There is no one in the same direction...

Is this a treasure hunter?

This is clearly just walking around...

Qi Tian glanced at Xuanzang, his face was speechless...

What do you want to make such a thing?

Um? Want to continue to follow Piao Ran?

Is that an idea?

Waves of bells and whistles...

"Brother Xuanzang, where should we go now..."

"Your treasure hunters and snakes seem to be a bit naughty..."

"Walking in all directions?"

"Then what's the use of these little things..."

The corner of Ji Tianyu's mouth twitched, and then he sighed helplessly.

Xuanzang gritted his teeth and looked unconvinced.


"This...this shows that there are actually treasures all around here, and you will get rewards if you walk in that direction!"

"This just shows that my little darlings are useful!"

At this time, Xuanzang still didn't want to give in.

Anyway, he gritted his teeth and said firmly.

The more I speak, the more excited, the more the moon is surging.

"Brother shopkeeper..."

"Very sleepy……"


"I feel so sleepy as soon as I come in..."

Zi Xuan, who had been sleeping on Qi Tian's back at this moment, suddenly woke up slowly, then rubbed her distraught eyes, and then rubbed the red lips of the cherry mouth on the back of Qi Tian's neck...

Zi Xuan has been sleepy since entering the small world of ancient ruins.

I don't know what the reason is.

Is it because the soil is not acclimatized? Insufficient oxygen in it?

I thought about many possibilities, but after thinking about it this time, it is still a bit bells and whistles.

Strange, no head...

"Brother shopkeeper, do you want to hunt for treasure?"

Zi Xuan reluctantly cheered herself up, and immediately became alive.

"um, yes!"

Qi Tian had a lot of thoughts in his heart now, so when he responded to Zi Xuan, he was a little bit unsatisfied.


"There is a medicine garden there..."

"I feel a lot of cherished elixir..."

Zi Xuan waved her finger at random and pointed towards the distance, then said casually.

"Medicine Garden?"


"Zixuan, it's not good to cheat..."

"Our time in the ancient ruins is precious, there must be no waste."

Qi Tian glared at Zi Xuan, only as if she was mischievous.

"Zixuan did not deceive anyone!"

"That's it!"

"If you don't believe me, go and see for yourself!"

Zi Xuan gritted her silver teeth with a look of anger.

How can it be said that she is a lie!

Zi Xuan will not lie! Zi Xuan has never been that kind of person, OK!

Hum hum!


"Could it still have this talent?"

Qi Tian's eyes lit up...

If you say that, I'll be energetic...

"I don't know where to go anyway..."

"Just move around..."

Qi Tian squinted his eyes, groaned, and then walked two steps forward, his face could not help but show hesitation for a while.

With doubts, Qi Tian moved forward...

After about ten minutes of walking in the direction that Zi Xuan was pointing, a strong spiritual aura rushed over his face, which made the eyes bright...



"It's all!"

"Heaven! Heaven! Heaven!"

"Oh my God!"

"Sent! It's going to happen again!"


"I'm Cao!"

Xuanzang stared at the big bald head and dashed in front of him. At this moment, while talking, his face gradually became reddened. During the speech, his thoughts were numerous, his eyes flickered violently...

All of a sudden, his face flushed to the extreme!


This wave is too exciting!

Before everyone's eyes, a lush green!

The source of the aura is the medicine garden in front of me!

"Basically, it's a half-step spirit medicine Lingcao of the spirit level or even the spirit level...":

"This... this place... is too exaggerated..."


"Such a large area..."

"If all the herbs here are... all picked, how much is it worth..."


Ji Tianyu blinked, and her breathing became a little short while speaking.


What a great opportunity.

It really took off!


"Zixuan, how did you know that there is a medicine garden here?"

Qi Tian squinted his eyes and looked at Zi Xuan. At this moment, while talking, his face became more interesting.

From his point of view, this is quite strange...


"I just know..."

"Isn't it very strong?"

"This is the taste of the medicine garden..."

"Standing so far..."

"Smell it."

Zi Xuan grabbed her nose, while talking, then tilted her head and said furiously.


"Super perception ability?"


"Does it look like this?"

Qi Tian nodded silently, feeling a little more melancholy at this moment...

This awkward love is a special ability of Zi Xuan?

So... Doesn't it have to be like a treasure hunter, a treasure hunter, a snake?

Qi Tian thought about moving slightly, and the smile on his face slowly increased.

In this way, it becomes more interesting.

Not bad...really not bad.

Next, just play...

A wave directly flutters and takes off and bursts!

If you keep Zi Xuan with you when you are searching for treasures, wouldn't you be able to get a super-powerful treasure detection radar?

Walk around at will, can you catch all the treasures in one go?

Thinking in this way, it seems particularly true.

Qi Tian nodded slightly, his gaze at Zi Xuan gradually softened.