The Strongest Supplier of God-level Systems

Chapter 3599: Shipbuilding hopeless

Qi Tian's gaze continued to look inside, and then many shipbuilding options popped up.

"First-tier dinghy: shipbuilding needs to consume wood*10000, iron ingots*1000, copper ingots*1000!" (Building time: one day!)

"Second-tier merchant ships: shipbuilding needs to consume wood*100000, iron ingots*10000, copper ingots*10000, saltpeter*1000!" (Construction time: seven days!)

"Tier 3 Warship: Shipbuilding needs to consume wood*1000000, iron ingots*100000, copper ingots*100000, saltpeter*10000, steel ingots*10000!" (Building time: 30 days!)


Looking at these data, Qi Tian suddenly got a big head.

This requires too many raw materials.

Iron ingots? Copper ingots?

Not at all now.

In other words, the shipyard has been built, but a ship can't be built?

This thing is just an empty shelf?


To play?

The corners of Qi Tian's mouth twitched, his brains are now buzzing and spinning.

With a lot of thoughts, isn't this so terribly fooled?

How to play this?

Isn't the rhythm chaotic in an instant?

Hans and Mu Xue rushed over happily, the blushes on their faces were beyond words.

The presentation is very real.

As a third-tier captain, Hans purely wanted to continue to be the captain, and wanted to sail in the ocean.

As for Mu Xue's words, although this guy is cultivating her character by fishing every day, how to say it, her war mad nature has never changed.

Now she still wanted to sprint to the black island in the distance to conquer.

According to her words, she wanted to go fishing on the opposite side to liberate the whole island.

"This...are the conditions for shipbuilding a bit harsh?"

"We... the resources on our island are not enough right now."

"We don't even have the capital to build a first-tier dinghy."

"There are some wood materials, but where can I find these iron ingots and copper ingots?"

Mu Xue was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but shook her head.

As I spoke, I sighed with emotion, and my brain was buzzing at the moment.

What else is there to say about this stuff?

All kinds of rhythms follow chaos in an instant.

Consciousness gradually became a little unconscious.

The rhythm completely followed the hip pulling.

Too much thinking is useless.


"What's the meaning?"

"Can't build a ship?"

"The shipyard can't build ships?"

"This... how is this neat?"


The excited smile on Hans's face gradually disappeared, replaced by an endless sense of loss.

We all work together for a common goal.

After working hard for so long, seeing Hope coming, but now I was told that this Hope is nothing?

Who can hold it?

For a while, the brain was buzzing and trembling, and he didn't know what to say.

His thoughts were gradually disordered, and his feelings were directly numb.

The mentality collapsed here, there is nothing to say at all, it's nothing.

Hans blinked expectant eyes, then looked at Qi Tian.

Qi Tian is also annoyed now, isn't he playing with people?

What a mess, is it still such a ghost?

"Don't worry."

"Don't mess up."

"In shipbuilding, the raw materials are really not enough now."

"But if the ship is repaired, there is no problem at all."

"Around our island, there are three merchant ships hitting the rocks."

"Before we spent a lot of effort to pull it back."

"Before, because there was no shipyard, there was no way to train shipbuilders, and there was not much equipment to repair ships."

"But now that we have met these conditions, we can completely repair these merchant ships first."

"If the resources are not enough, disassemble it from another ship."

"In the end, even if the three merchant ships that hit the rocks can only be assembled into one merchant ship, it is enough."

"As long as there is a boat, we can enter the black dot island on the opposite side."

"At that time, we can also explore a wave of new continents."

Qi Tian nodded silently, while speaking, immediately proposed this solution.

Relatively speaking, this should be the most direct solution at present.

Once the solution is in place, everything will not be a problem.

In terms of formalization, we must follow the overall stability, and slowly control the rhythm. This is the most important thing.


"We still have merchant ships!"


"Why didn't I think of this!"

"My lord, you are still wise!"

Tier 3 Captain Hans's eyes gradually recovered, and the excitement on his face was beyond words as he spoke.

There is another village in the dark!

Hope is here again!

"Now is to train a group of shipbuilders, and then let professional people do some professional things."

"Choose the islanders and start training."

Qi Tian groaned, then looked at the brief introduction of the shipbuilder training camp on the side.

"Shipbuilder training camp: It can be used to train skilled shipbuilders, each training a shipbuilder needs to consume food*100, gold coins*1! It takes three hours!"

It only needs to consume a little food and gold coins, and it takes another three hours to train a skilled shipbuilder.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Temporarily dealt with the shipyard's affairs, Qi Tian then moved back to the island owner's mansion.

Tossing about this day by day, it is indeed a little tired.

Next, proceed step by step.

After a storm was over, colorful rainbows shone in the sky.

"Regional announcement!"

"Fishing Welfare Day is here!"

"Fishing today will most likely catch all kinds of rare resources."

"Of course, if you are unlucky, you may catch all kinds of monsters!"

"This kind of monster is not limited to those sea monsters!"

"Everyone! Come on!"


The sound of the regional announcement came out insensibly.

This time it feels even more fancy.

This tone, how does it feel that there is such a little bit of beauty?


It feels like it was said by a very interesting person, and it doesn't feel like a cold system at all.

Anyway, it feels a little strange.

I always feel that there is something wrong with it.

"This game system... is it a real person?"

"We who are the island owners here seem to be playing games, but in the eyes of those at higher levels, are they playing us?"

Qi Tian squinted his eyes and suddenly thought of a bold assumption.

With this thought in place, I feel more and more that the problem is not small.

After the rain was clear, everyone on the island began to go fishing.

Since it is fishing welfare day, there should always be some welfare, right?

Is the probability of catching treasures coming up higher than usual?

Qi Tian's thoughts gradually rose, and then his mental power gradually focused on the regional chat channel.

Here, everyone from the north and the south gathers the most informed.