The Strongest Supplier of God-level Systems

Chapter 3735: Consistently inferior

Destiny is hard to say.

Maybe it's just like what Huangfu Xun said, thirty years for Hedong and thirty years for Hexi?

Or, how did he know that he was not just starting?

Many things are unclear.

Only by truly feeling a wave can we understand the infinite taste in it!

"Boss, how can you still sit still?"

"You can see this Huangfuxun's attitude towards you, this guy is clearly ill-intentioned!"

"Now that he has gained power and has become an inner disciple of the Kunlun Shenzong, he will not be able to take revenge on us in the future?"

"Hey, the sky really has no eyes! How did he make his divine power affinity become 60?"

"As long as it is only fifty-nine, it is only a low-grade talent, and it can only become an outer disciple of the Kunlun Shenzong!"

"This outer disciple is not very strong in our group."

"But...but this inner disciple is different."

"At present, among the Huangjie, he is really the only one!"

"I can't grasp the opportunity in this area, but it's completely cold!"

"Now... Now is the time of extreme tension. If you are a little careless, you will lose the whole game."

"Next... what to do next is the most important thing!"

"I can't grasp it, but it's all messed up."

"It's not easy!"

Various voices of emotion swept through, and while talking, I couldn't help but sigh leisurely.

Not much else to say, this complex consciousness gradually churned in my mind.

Xuanzang became anxious at the moment, and hurriedly swayed back and forth around him.

When he was in the lower realm, Xuanzang had always been a person who was not afraid of the sky and earth.

But now it has completely changed.

In the realm of the gods, the feeling has always been very cramped.

Frequent panic and anxiety.

It made Qi Tian think that this was Xuanzang?


"You all go to the test of your talents."

Qi Tian looked at the surrounding people, and then smiled.

With so many people around him, according to common sense, it is impossible that all talents are too poor.

Not much else to say, Bai Mei can rely on her own efforts to cultivate to the middle-level God Venerable Realm in the lower realm, where is her talent?

There is also Zixuan, the cultivation of root bones and so on, is absolutely superb!

Once these are all gathered together, there is no need to say more.

The rhythm is very clear!

Basically, no problem.

The talent test continues.

The people around Qi Tian went over to check their talents one after another.

But gradually, their faces became ugly.

The scene was once very real.

For a time, a word could not be uttered, and all kinds of consciousness also collapsed completely.

All kinds of nonsense, there is no need to go on.

It's messy... messy.

"Xiahou Fanyi, with fifteen divine affinity, inferior talent, and a handyman disciple!"

"Baili Xie Zun, with twelve divine power affinity, inferior talent, and a handyman disciple!"

"Zixuan, Divine Affinity 9, inferior talent, a handyman disciple."

"Bai Mei, Divine Affinity 21, inferior talent, a handyman disciple."

"Mengdie, Divine Affinity 15, inferior talent, a handyman disciple!"


A series, all of which are inferior talents.

And the numbers are relatively low.

Qi Tian once thought that there was something wrong with this talent testing instrument?

Even if one or two are inferior talents, why are they all?

Even if it is a middle-grade talent, it is difficult, is it difficult to mix with a low-grade talent?

Now... tinkering like this?

"Are our group of people caught in the evil?"

"Good guy...good guy..."

"How can it be so exaggerated!"

"We even have the big bosses of the gods!"

"The previous God Venerable practitioners went up to test, at least they were low-grade talents."

"This... what's the situation?"

"Boss, did the Kunlun Shenzong with the turtle son deliberately target us?"


"And then deliberately suppressed the value?"

"What the hell! It would be shameless if they really did that!"


"I vomited!"

"Dog thing! This is clearly a dog thing!"

The gnashing of teeth is fully displayed, and at this moment, while talking, the thoughts are flying in an all-round way.

Rhythmic, unusually distinct.

Very real and very clear.

Gradually, some can't grasp it.

Xuanzang still had a little sense of urgency and righteousness in it. ;

"Don't be impulsive."

"This instrument is fine."

"Everyone's tests are normal."

"But I also don't believe that all of us are inferior talents. The affinity of so many people is below 30."

"This is obviously not common sense!"

"Just where is the problem?"

"Is it because we all came up with the Ascension Walk Card? So there is so much involved in it?"

Qi Tian squinted his eyes, thinking to himself, his thoughts gradually followed, and at the moment when his consciousness was surging, he was rushing forward a little bit crazily!

The rhythm is obvious, the consciousness is surging, and everything is silent.

How to grasp, there should always be a little sense of proportion.

Can't all consciousness be completely extinguished along with it?

It's also not very realistic.

After thinking about it, I felt more and more.

"What does this have to do with the Ascension Travel Card?"

"I suspect now that it is the boss who has drained all our talents!"

"Wouldn't it be you who secretly absorbed all of our divine power affinity?"


"Maybe it's not intentional, but sometimes it's more scary if it's not intentional!"

"This... this is clearly all a pit!"

"Boss, when you take the talent test later, you won't directly sprint for 100 affinity, right?"


"Did you surprise everyone secretly?"

"That's okay too?"

Xuanzang muttered, and couldn't help but complain at this moment.

Immediately, his brain was wide open, and he said something with his nose and eyes.

Normally, this sounds like it would make sense.

"It's not that there is no such possibility as you said."

"I'll go and test it out."

Qi Tian was also a little ignorant at this time, and then took two steps forward, preparing to test the so-called divine affinity, which is talent.

"Inferior talent! Inferior talent! Inferior talent!"

Not far away, Huangfu Xun, who had already tested it, couldn't help but whispered, and at this moment, his eyes were trembling, and his thoughts were flying to the extreme.

He hates Qi Tian, ​​and he wants to suppress Qi Tian.

From every aspect, he wants to destroy Qi Tian's will!

Avenge your previous shame!

Let him know how it feels to be humiliated!

This bastard, even if he humiliated himself in the Tianmen quota assessment field, after arriving in the realm of the gods, he still said that he did not know himself?

Isn't this **** enough?

He Huangfuxun, a generation of Tianjiao, how can he bear it?