The Strongest Supplier of God-level Systems

Chapter 3806: Cut through the mess

It's nothing.

Now all eyes are on Xue Qianren, the deputy city lord.

If he also plays haha, there is basically no hope for this matter.

All of this will come to an end.

In this way, the entire Kunlun Divine City will also have no hope.

Qi Tian is waiting, and so are all the thousands of households.

Xue Qianren, the deputy city lord of Kunlun Divine City, had a complicated expression.

When his eyes flickered, he was a little unclear.

How to deal with such a mess?

Mentality, you have to stay steady.

The more you think, the more confused your mind becomes.

For a while, it was under full suppression.

Xue Qianren is not stupid, he knows exactly what the situation is now.

But it was clear and clear, what should be done in the end, he must have a steelyard in his heart.

In fact, the relationship between the superiors will appear more messy.

Xue Qianren will think about more things.

"This master, Zhang Gong, will definitely not dare to deduct military supplies alone."

"Obviously, someone is covering him above him, which is why he is so confident."

"This Zhang Gui's deputy city lord is his cousin. If someone is covering him, it is undoubtedly this Zhang Gui."

"In this way, the relationship between them is gradually clarified."

"Others, there is no need to say more."

"Everyone knows."

"I don't understand, and I can't continue to say anything."

"The key now is whether to let go of this master bookkeeper Zhang Gong."

"If you let him go, Vice City Zhang Gui will definitely be grateful to me. After all, I gave him face. He is in charge of logistics, and he has always been the city owner."

"The relationship between them has always been very close."

"If I can draw Zhang Gui, the deputy city lord in charge of logistics, to my side, it will be a great thing..."

Xue Qianren narrowed his eyes, thinking to himself that all kinds of consciousness gradually began to escape completely.

The more I think about it, the more I feel it becomes more relevant.

At the moment, it is sailing in an all-round way according to the established direction!

What should come, will always follow!

Let's witness these different styles together!

"But if I let Zhang Gong go, I will lose my military heart!"

"These thousands of households will think that my deputy city owner is useless and garbage."

"There may be few people here, but once this matter spreads out in the army, the impact on me will be too bad."

"In all aspects, interests must be taken into account."

"If these interests are not carefully considered, problems will easily arise!"

"If something goes wrong, it won't be a trivial matter."

"As the deputy city lord in charge of the military, in fact all my foundations are in the army."

"Once I lose support in the military, I'm really an empty shelf."

"No one will care about me by then."

"Yes! That's the case!"

"If you think about it like this, I need to be more cautious!"

"But if you kill the master book directly, you will offend Zhang Gui."

"Now he is still more attentive to me."

Xue Qianren licked his lips, and this wave seemed somewhat hesitant.

Seeing that Xue Qianren didn't speak for a long time, Qi Tian basically understood what he meant.

He is hesitating.

This guy... presumably is not someone who is absolutely righteous.

To put it bluntly, if you can get into this position, if you are too upright, I am afraid that you will be beaten to death long ago.

This wave is still relatively clear.

It just needs to have some scheming to make it appear more real.

Qi Tian was going to give this guy a boost.

"Vice City Lord Xue, are you still hesitating?"

"Such a black sheep, it is difficult to get rid of the army's heart!"

"Execution! It must be fully executed!"

"Lord Deputy City Master, this is the expectation of the entire Kunlun Army!"

As soon as Qi Tian spoke, the atmosphere immediately followed.

All the thousands of households, as well as the surrounding soldiers, all rose up!

The momentum is in place, and the rhythm follows the frenzied condensation!

Basically that's what happened!

At the moment when the consciousness exploded, the bright light in the eyes was erupting without limit!

Excitingly a batch!




They all came down on the battlefield, who doesn't have blood yet?

It may have been a bit cowardly in the past, but at the moment of the complete outbreak, everything must be wiped out!

Such awareness is like an overwhelming invasion!

Surprise and shock!

Excited hearts, trembling hands, you can only understand the feeling if you experience it personally!

True and clear!

This wave is being fully locked down!

Basically, everything follows as steady as Mount Tai!

The whole army broke out, and Xue Qianren was stunned on the spot, a little moved for a while.

His face was very complicated now.

This thing got big.

The current situation is under complete suppression.

If you are not careful, you will be directly attacked!

Losing the backbone of the army is a big deal.

At this time, the uproar is big, but it really can't be closed!

The moment could not help but follow the full vigilance.

"You don't have to worry."

"If someone really dares to cheat, this deputy city owner will never let him go!"

"Don't worry about this!"

"This deputy city owner will definitely give you an explanation!"

"If anyone dares to make things difficult for you, this deputy city owner has to make things difficult for them!"

"If it's not easy, then everyone will have a hard time together!"

"Zhang Gong!"

"You invite me truthfully!"

"Did you deduct the military reward?"


"Otherwise, this deputy city lord will kill you directly on the spot!"

Xue Qianren snorted coldly. This time, in order to achieve a certain effect, he even pulled out the saber from his waist and pointed directly at the master bookkeeper Zhang Gong.

Master Zhang Gongben thought that the situation had stabilized, but who would have thought that it would turn into such a ghost again!

For a time, the master bookkeeper Zhang Gong was completely numb.

Thoughts drifted, consciousness was being completely destroyed.

In addition to being frightened, the head bookkeeper Zhang Gong's body fell directly to the ground, his lips twitched frantically, and the horror in his eyes was beyond words!

too terrifying!

The name of the butcher is so terrifying!

"No... not me..."

"Cousin! Cousin!"

"Save me! Save me!"

"At that time... it was you who asked me to do this!"

"Cousin, I'm all here for you!"


Stab it!

See the blood seal the throat!

Xue Qianren directly pierced Zhang Gong's chest with a sword, beheading him on the spot.

He couldn't say anything after that.

Vice-Cheng Zhenggui, who was in charge of logistics, had an anxious look on his face, because Zhang Gong started to talk a few times, and he was about to contact him!

Fortunately... Fortunately, at this critical moment, Xue Qianren shot and killed him.

Although Zhang Gong is his cousin, when his own interests are threatened, he should die.