The Strongest Supplier of God-level Systems

Chapter 63: Power of Staff

"Good and cheap? Can you say it too?"

Song Yi almost didn't spit out blood. The lowest price is 50,000 yuan. Is that what you said is good and cheap?

"Huh... what kind of weapon is this, why have I never seen..."

Song Yi looked at the uniquely shaped staff and couldn't help showing curiosity.

The enchanted weapon area is also divided into the conventional weapon area and the staff area.

"That's a staff, which can increase the strength and speed of the attribute awakeners."

Qi Tian is doing the most brief introduction.

"Casting strength? Casting speed?"

"Can it also increase the speed and strength of my spell-casting skills?"

"Is there such a thing?"

Song Yi blinked her eyes and looked a little surprised. After all, in her values, the strength and speed of casting were unable to use external forces...

"You can try the effect."

Qi Tian smiled, the dog system is still more humane in this respect, allowing customers to try the weapon once.

This made his difficulty in selling weapons decline linearly.

"Okay! I like this golden staff..."

Song Yi reached out and picked up a second-level gold staff.

"You are a wood awakening person, it is best to use the wood staff, the gold staff is not very admirable to you, it may cause a negative suppression effect."

Qi Tianshun picked up a first-level wooden staff and delivered it.

"There is no weapon in this world that can increase the speed and strength of casting... after all, it is just a gimmick of this boss."

"Xiaoyi, you can play, don't take it too seriously."

On the side, Song Yi saw her sister's excited face and couldn't help reminding.

His sister is too simple, anyway, he does not believe...

"Brother takes the trick!"


Song Yi directly exhibited a basic wood skill.

It usually takes about ten seconds to activate this skill, but today it only took five seconds!


"Ah... hiss... it hurts!"

Song Yi didn't care about his sister's simple wooden thorn skills, but when those wooden thorns rushed over, the soft armor on his body was actually penetrated directly!

It's broken!

how can that be!

The younger sister is only the Wuxingmu awakening! And he is already an awakener of the Eight Star Power!

There is a difference of three levels between the two, can even hurt him? Although he slacked off just now, he hasn't tried it before...

When did my sister become so strong?

"Brother, are you okay, woo woo, I accidentally hurt you just now..."

Song Yi looked guilty.

"Xiaoyi, did you break through?"

Song Yi thought of a possibility that if the younger sister was promoted from the Wuxingmu awakening to the Liuxingmu awakening...that would make sense.

"No... I am still a five-star awakener!"

"Brother, is the effect of this staff!"

"I usually need ten seconds of recitation time to release the wood thorn, and it only took five seconds today!"

"And I feel the power of the wood thorn is at least 50% stronger than usual!"

When I heard Song Yi say this, Song Yi took a breath of breath...

This is so... so strong!

A so-called staff has almost increased the combat power of a five-star wood awakener!

Although Song Yi is only a five-star wood awakener, judging from the power of the wood thorn, it is no weaker than the six-star awakener! Even stronger!

