The Strongest Supplier of God-level Systems

Chapter 701: Battle of Hundreds

"Buy 801 bags of grade 6 dog food!"

Qi Tian took a deep breath, and the rest of the words were too lazy to say!

"Ding! The total price of 801 bags of Grade 6 dog food is 8,010 God Crystals! The second-tier supplier enjoys a 20% discount! Actual deduction of 6,408 God Crystals..."

"Each 6th-order one-star pet takes nine bags of 6th-grade dog food!"

Qi Tian secretly snorted, it is particularly critical at this moment!

At the moment of the war, everything has been seen!

"Ding! Consume 801 bags of level 6 dog food, and eighty-nine level six one-star earth sect-level pets are promoted to level six ten-star low-level quasi-respect levels!"

The sound of the system in the ear sounded, and there was a slight smile in the corner of Qi Tian's mouth...

Combat Army, expand again!

A sixth-order ten-star intermediate-level quasi-respected war pet... Ninety-nine six-order ten-star low-level quasi-respected war pets...

This is Qi Tian's confidence!

"Where is the Army of Warfare!"


Qi Tian gave an order, and a shock came.

A hundred war pets made the sound of earth shaking!

"Oh... It seems that the noise is quite big, but it's actually killing yourself!"

Among the crowd, the elder Chai Yan, the elder prince of the Purple Phoenix, was exposed in a vicious manner.

"Since he is dead on his own, it saves me a wave of trouble!"

Chai Yan narrowed his eyes. At the moment, looking at these iron-wing zombies didn't feel so disgusting...


"Open the way for me!"

With the order of Qi Tian, ​​headed by the poor and strange beast Little Red Hair, a hundred quasi-respected pets flew forward directly, and the battle was majestic!

The iron wing zombies want to stop Qi Tian's footsteps, but obviously they are all whimsical!

After all, all the Iron Wing zombies add up to three hundred...

And these iron wing zombies also need to deal with the high-level strongmen of the major forces...

There are not many who can be mobilized to deal with Qitian...

At this moment, a wave of one hundred quasi-respected pets drove a path directly!

"Children Qitian is really powerful!"

Bai Qianmo, the Supreme Master of the Heavenly Sovereign, who was fighting, could not help but see a record of Qi Tian's record!

Such a what they are happy to see,

"How come these pets around this little thief suddenly become so not...they are not so strong..."

On the face of Elder Chai Yan, the elder Huang Zizong, was shocked. He was also a high-level quasi-respected strong man. He could still see things clearly in some scenes. These nearly one hundred pets could break through the iron wings. The blockade of zombies, and no losses suffered by themselves, it is clear that these pets are not low-level!

Even... can be compared with these iron wing zombies!

The lowest-level Iron Wing Zombie is a low-level quasi-respect...

With such a thought, the vicious look on Chai Yan's face could not help but be replaced by fear...

Qitian grows too fast! So fast that he can't accept it!

So much so that he is still in a state of coercion...


"Boy, there is indeed a set!"

The reincarnation man in the reincarnation hall, who is fighting the zombie of the Tianzun iron wing, made Hulang see Qi Tian really rushing over, and his face could not help revealing an unexpected look.

"It's just a pity... there is not much impact on the overall situation!"

"Boy, this is a seventh-order Samsung Tianzun iron wing zombie..."

"Hurry up and evacuate! While I can still hold him now, run as far as I can..."

"Ha ha……"

