The Strongest Terror System

v1 Chapter 211: big revenge

Although the consternation returned to the consternation, the unexpected returned to the unexpected, but naturally no one would reject the surprise.

Xia Feng will not refuse. Speaking of which, he is worried that his experience value is not enough, and he wants to study the financial path to buy a big villa. As a result, helping Xia Hongyuan to solve the curse this time has brought him a great harvest.

But after calming down, this curse is actually very dangerous. If he did not open the authority of the underworld world in time, but directly came to help Xia Hongyuan, not only would he not be able to use the spell to destroy the monkey monster and the grievances in the curse If his soul died, he could not even save his own life.

After all, there are too many ghosts in the curse, and with his little experience at that time, he couldn't change a few spells at all.

Therefore, this gift from the sky, although sudden, is worthy of his efforts.

After all, he has been drawing talismans in the underworld world for more than half a year. This kind of suffering is not something that ordinary people can eat. He really worked hard to minimize the danger.

Fortunately, the emperor paid off, and this harvest did not disappoint his efforts.

"Not only can I exchange some skills, but I can also buy those magical instruments that I want!"

Since Xia Feng obtained the system, it can be said that it is the first time that he feels that he is on the road to a well-off life. After all, in the past, he was **** because of too little experience, and he did not dare to buy this or that. .

This time he finally didn't have to work so hard, and after this incident, he had a general understanding of the strength of the Great Celestial Master.

Although Liu Tianshi may not be the most powerful among the great heavenly masters, he is at least a great heavenly master, which means that after learning to draw 5th-level spells, he can at least match the great heavenly master in his ability to deal with evil spirits.

After he has exchanged some special evil to deal with various types of evil, his strength against evil will be significantly improved.

If it is described in a simple and easy-to-understand way, it means that he has already begun to emerge on the road of subduing demons and eradicating ghosts.

However, this is just the beginning, but at least he is much more confident than before.

Xia Feng tried his best to calm down. After all, both Xia Hongyuan and Liu Tianshi were injured, and it was not the time for him to be immersed in sex, so he hurriedly called 12o before returning to the outside.

"How about Master Xian, is the monkey monster dead?"

"It's been killed, it's okay."

After Xia Feng finished speaking, he came to Xia Hongyuan's side, and then said to him with a smile:

"Dad is all right, you don't have to worry about it like before. I broke that curse, you are safe, and all your old comrades are avenged!"

"Okay...that's great..."

Xia Hongyuan suddenly covered his face at this time and couldn't help crying loudly.

For more than 20 years, he has not lived in the depression brought by death for a day, and in almost a few years he will hear the sad news of the death of an old comrade-in-arms and an old brother.

One after another died at the hands of that monster. He was also a man of flesh and blood, and he wanted to avenge his old brothers, but he couldn't.

He could only live on end, working hard to earn some money for Xia Feng, so that he could face his own death one day.

But now, he finally no longer has to be afraid.

The curse was broken and the monster was killed. Just like what Xia Feng just said, his old brothers finally got their revenge.

Although he didn't solve it, the one who solved it was his son. He was really proud of Xia Feng, and he was very pleased with himself.

His son is not the trash that others say, nor is he the little **** in his previous impression.

He is excellent, very good.

Xia Hongyuan couldn't cry, which made Xia Feng feel sour. Then he called Dong Jie and told her the good news:

"Sister, I broke the curse and got rid of that monster, your parents' revenge has been avenged.

My dad is fine, don't worry. "

After hearing Xia Feng's words, Dong Jie was silent for a long time, and then there were several choked sobbing, and then hung up the phone.

You don't have to think about Xia Feng to guess that Dong Jie's mood will definitely be the same as Xia Hongyuan's. No, maybe she will be happier than Xia Hongyuan. After all, Dong Jie joined the army in order to find out the truth about the murder of his parents. To avenge her parents.

When she didn't know the truth, she had made too many worst plans, and she had even prepared to give up everything for it.

But in the end, Xia Feng didn't let her lose anything.

Xia Feng looked at the phone with a wry smile. Just as he was about to put it in, he saw Dong Jie send a short message with only a few words on it:

"Xia Feng, thank you."

Xia Feng smiled happily after seeing it, and then put the mobile phone in his pocket. The boulder that was originally pressing on his heart was finally completely removed.

Recently, because of Xia Hongyuan, he was really haggard, and almost all his thoughts were on it. Fortunately, it was all over.

Before making him wait long, people from the emergency center arrived and carried Liu Tianshi and Xia Hongyuan downstairs one after another.

Xia Feng also went to the hospital with him.

After doing some examinations, the doctor told Xia Feng that Xia Hongyuan was fine, but that he suffered some minor and that his spirit was a little weak, and there would be no problem in resting for a while.

On Liu Tianshi's side, a minor operation was performed, and more than ten stitches were stitched on the shoulder, but it was a fortune to be able to pick up a life.

Although he was spat at by Xia Feng, it was probably because Xia Feng didn't leave him alone during the crisis, so he became enthusiastic about Xia Feng, opened his mouth for a summer teacher, shut up and called him endlessly.

Later, Dong Jie also called Xia Feng to ask about it and rushed to the hospital. Seeing Dong Jie again, Xia Feng could clearly feel that Dong Jie was not the same as before, obviously because he opened his heart.

Xia Hongyuan fell into a deep sleep, Xia Feng and Dong Jie sat on the side, they were very quiet and didn't say anything.

Xia Feng also kept yawning, probably because his nerves had been tense before and suddenly relaxed, so he sat and fell asleep without knowing when.

In the ward, the infusion was dripping softly, and Xia Feng rested his head on Dong Jie's shoulder, snoring slightly from time to time.

Dong Jie looked at Xia Feng next to him, and then glanced at Xia Hongyuan lying on the hospital bed, her eyes couldn't help turning red again.

"Dad, Mom, don't worry, I will take good care of myself. Uncle Xia and Xia Feng are very good to me, and I will try my best to take care of them in the future... just like I do for you."

Xia Feng was drooling all night, and when he woke up, Dong Jie was watching him quietly.

"Sister, I fell asleep before I knew it."

Xia Feng hurriedly wiped his saliva and moved his head away from Dong Jie's lap. Dong Jie looked at his panicked appearance, and after showing a smile that seemed to melt an iceberg, she said to Xia Feng:

"You must have been too tired yesterday. Take a good rest these days. Uncle Xia will take care of him here."