The Strongest Trainer

Chapter 1118: . Secret Identity

"No matter what, murder is a crime. Once you help him escape the crime, he will definitely be caught." Once again, he was defeated by Xiaozhi, which made Conan very unwilling.

"That's what the police find out. In my eyes, there are people who are worthy of forgiveness. Rather than arresting those who are forced to fight back because of the victimization, I would rather kill all the criminals who hurt others."

In Xiaozhi's eyes, there is no absolute criminal, this is the opposite of his and Conan's ideas.

"A crime is a crime. No matter what excuses you have, you should pay the due responsibility. Next time, I will definitely catch your handle." Before and after arriving at Dr. Ari's house, Conan left a sentence. Open the door and leave.

"Hmph, I hope you will have the courage to speak out in front of me just now." Looking at the back of Conan leaving, Xiao Zhi sneered to himself.

In the next few days, Xiao Zhi would go to Didan High School to help Xiao Lan improve his karate skills. Unknowingly, more than a week had passed, and the relationship between Xiao Zhi and Xiao Lan was also familiar.

On this day, Xiaozhi came to his detective office. Xiaozhi's detective office is not very large, but it is very famous in this area, and many cases will be solved by him.

Just as Xiaozhi was sitting at his desk looking at whether he was interested in taking a case, the phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

Xiaozhi took it out and saw that it was Ayako Suzuki who had called. After all, they hadn't seen each other for more than half a year. It wasn't that time, but Ayako went abroad half a year ago.

"Ayako, why did you call me free today?" Xiaozhi smiled and said after the call was connected.

"Xiaozhi, I will be able to go back in a week. Then, will you come to pick me up? I miss you so much." Ayako's gentle voice reached Xiaozhi's ears, and it sounded extra to Xiaozhi. There is a feeling of being cured.

"Of course it's okay. Let me know when the time is confirmed. We haven't seen each other for more than half a year, and so did your dad. He has been urging me to be the ceo of your Suzuki family consortium all day long."

Xiaozhi said helplessly, among Xiaozhi's three girlfriends, only the relationship with Ayako was made public. After all, Ayako's identity is the eldest lady of the Suzuki family consortium, how could she hide her from her boyfriend.

So on the bright side, Ayako's boyfriend has always been Xiaozhi. After Ayako's parents learned about this, they also went to Xiaozhi alone. Later, Xiaozhi didn't know the southeast, northwest and northwest.

In addition, Xiaozhi took out a little in his mind about the invention of the mobile phone, and immediately made Ayako's parents value it more. It has been determined that Xiaozhi is the son-in-law of Suzuki's family. For this matter, Ayako's parents have looked for him a lot. He was asked to serve as the CEO of the Suzuki Consortium for the second time, but was rejected by Xiaozhi.

After talking numbly with Lingzi for more than an hour without nutrition, the red light under Xiao Zhi's desk suddenly turned on. After seeing this, Xiao Zhi hung up the phone.

"Interesting, I don't know what the commission is this time." Seeing the red light came on, Xiao Zhi got up from the office chair, then walked to the book shelf, moved one of the books on the shelf, and suddenly, the book shelf seemed to look like It is the same as the organ, separated to the two sides.

In addition to being a detective, Xiao Zhiming is also a killer secretly. He has worked his way up to find news about the black organization, because his purpose in this world is to find infinite gems.

Among them, the Black Organization has the greatest possibility of infinite gems. Although the infinite gems cannot be used by anyone except Xiaozhi, they can use the power of the infinite gems to do something.

For example, the poison that Conan ate was probably developed based on one of the infinite gems, and most likely it was an undead gem, which was similar to the purpose of the black organization.

After entering the secret room, the bookshelves closed again. From the outside, there was no hidden compartment in this room. After arriving in the secret room, Xiao Zhi put on a mask with a spiral pattern.

In the hole in the center of the spiral, you can see Xiaozhi's scarlet writing wheel eyes, as if he could see through all evil. .

Xiaozhi's code name in the killer world is Death, and has always accepted interested commissions, and the mission success rate is 100%, and he is also quite famous in the underground world.

He is the top three in the killer rankings. This is also because Xiao Zhi's strange rules did not advance to the first place. Otherwise, the number of tasks alone would make Xiao Zhi pile the number one.

"Are you the client this time?" Looking at the client who was already waiting in the reception room, Xiao Zhi asked, his voice very low under the cover of the mask.

"Yes, my name is Akemi Miyano." The woman in professional attire stood up from the chair and bowed slightly to Xiaozhi.

"Miyano Akemi? Isn't this Huihara Ai's sister?" When he heard the name of the woman in front of him, Xiao Zhi suddenly remembered that this is not the original sister of Hui Yuan Ai?

"What task do you want to entrust?" Xiaozhi asked calmly. Only people in the black market who knew the location of his secret room, and don't even look at Xiaozhi coming in from the secret tunnel in the detective office, in fact this secret room is In a separate space, the entrance is at least tens of thousands of kilometers away from where Xiaozhi is.

This separate space was exchanged by Xiao Zhi from the system for 50,000 exchange points, just to avoid trouble, don't look at Akemi Miyano right in front of him, in fact, the place where she came in is very far away from Xiao Zhi.

"I want to ask you to help me save someone." After hearing Xiaozhi's words, Miyano Akimi said his intentions. After Xiaozhi heard that, her pupils suddenly shrank, and the confrontation between the secret road and the black organization was about to come. . ,, ..