The Strongest Trainer

Chapter 1873: .The moment of crisis

"Zizizi." The voice of the steel wire was very clear in this silent place. Belmode pulled out a steel wire about three meters long from the side of the high heel of his leather boots.

Although there was no movement under the elevator, Belmode knew very well that as long as he went down by himself, Akai Hideichi's gun would be waiting for her.

Tie the steel wire around my waist, and loop the other end around the elevator shaft, and then tie the steel wire end to the steel wire tail on my waist. Using this method, Belmode Followed the ascent and climbed up the elevator.

Belmode was very flexible and hardly caused any movement. This also caused Akai Shuichi and Judy in the observation deck lobby to hear no sound other than the steel wire.

Following the ascent, Belmode climbed to the safe passage at the top of the Tokyo Tower. This safe passage was only used to repair the entrance and exit of the glass cover above the Tokyo Tower observation deck.

Following the safe passage, Belmode quickly came to the top of the glass cover, poked his head out, looked into the hall from the glass cover, and found Judy hiding behind the leisure seat.

Akai Hideichi was hiding behind the counter, so looking from above, Bell Mode did not find Akai Hideichi.

The glass cover is only used to keep out the wind and rain, so it is not strong, even if Belmode's weight is not heavy, but as long as you step on it, the glass cover will break instantly.

It is obviously not a wise decision to stay here. No matter how strong Belmode is, there are certain restrictions. It is impossible to deal with three people at once. Although only Judy and Andre have been found now, the appearance of these two people is also It means that Shuichi Akai must be here.

The wind is blowing. The Tokyo Tower is more than 300 meters high. At such a high altitude, the wind is very strong. If you are not careful, people will be hung up by the wind in an instant.

Fortunately, the steel wire used by Belmode can be reused to fix the position of the body.

When he came to a place without a glass cover, Belmode tied his body with a steel wire and slid down from an altitude of more than three hundred meters along the steel pipe of the Tokyo Tower. If he is not careful, Belmode may be broken into pieces.

But she had no other choice now. Only by following the steel pipe and skipping under the floor where Shuichi Akai was, could she sneak into the Tokyo Tower again and then take the elevator down.

At an altitude of more than 300 meters, even a man may not have the physical strength to slide down the steel pipe to the ground. Physical strength is one aspect. More often, the steel pipe on the Tokyo Tower is not a straight line, but countless. It is formed by the cross of steel pipes.

Slipping to the ground requires Belmod to untie the wire and exchange it, and one may be killed if he is not careful.


He took a deep breath and pulled the steel wire in his hand. When he was ready, Belmode suddenly jumped behind him, the steel wire rubbed the steel pipe, making a sizzling sound, and even sparks came out.

"No, I was found." The sound of the steel wire rubbing the steel pipe was loud, and Shuichi Akai and Judy, who were hiding in the observation deck, heard this sound instantly.

Following the direction of the voice, Akai turned around and took a look. The falling figure of Belmode flashed past his eyes, entrained in it, and there were some sparks. Seeing this scene, Akai knew instantly Belmode planned to retreat.

With such a great opportunity, he wouldn't let Belmode so easily. He hurried to the guardrail of the observation deck, stretched out his head and looked down, and saw Belmode sliding down.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Judy's speed slowed down a bit, but she arrived in a timely manner, and Akai Shuichi and two people, and constantly shot the bullets in the gun, because the sliding speed was too fast, the two could not aim properly.

"Ugh!" At this time, a bullet shot by Akai Hideichi successfully penetrated Belmode's left shoulder, causing Belmode's left hand to be unable to exert force and had to slow down.

Fortunately, she had already slipped to the next floor where Shuichi Akai and Judy were. Even if they wanted to come, it would take at least two or three minutes.

Before thinking about it, Belmode swayed back and forth, like swinging on a swing, breaking the glass in front of her, and as the wire on her waist broke, she threw herself out and fell heavily to the ground.

A slender jade hand was covering the wound on her left shoulder, and the blood kept pouring out, which made Belmode's will begin to blur. In just a few tens of minutes, her physical strength was greatly consumed.

Climbing the elevator, standing on the glass cover, and sliding down the steel pipe, all require a lot of physical strength. It can be said that Belmode can only play two levels at most, not to mention that the left shoulder was injured. .

"Damn it." The sound of footsteps reached Belmode's ears from small to large. She knew that she couldn't go on like that anymore, otherwise it would be a matter of time for her to be caught. She tried to cover the wound to prevent the blood from exposing. Has lost his whereabouts.

There were footsteps from the upper and lower places. The footsteps above were those of Judy and Hideichi Akai, while the ones below were those of Andrey who had rushed over.

Obviously, the stairs were no longer able to go. Reluctantly, Belmode hurriedly pressed the elevator, hoping that the elevator could come down quickly.

Each floor of Tokyo Tower has a long distance. If you take the stairs on each floor, it takes at least five minutes, and it takes three minutes to run. The elevator goes up and down, and each floor takes only 30 seconds. about.

So Belmode was lucky. The elevator door opened quickly in front of her. After entering, Belmode didn't have time to press the floor, so he directly pressed the door close button. After the elevator door was completely closed, he pressed the first floor.

"Damn it, I'm a step late." Akai Shuichi and Judy felt this first, watching the elevator floor numbers keep going down, they knew they were late...