The Strongest Trainer

Chapter 2502: Small estate in Austria

Fate is impermanent, cause and effect cycle, but so.

With Chrissy, Aspros naturally returned to the sanctuary. The magic star of the star damage has already been obtained, without the magic star, the underworld clothing obtained by the underworld fighters is just a useless empty shell. From this point of view, Aspros' mission this time was solved perfectly.

After Aspros took Chris to leave, Xiaozhi naturally chased Hills and Violet.

The royal family of Georgia was tried by the Pope Sage for fleeing in battle, and the adult males of the royal family of Georgian Evegarden, as well as the great nobles of Georgia, were all sent to the gallows and hanged.

Because of Violite’s heroic efforts to protect the people, part of the confiscated property of the royal family of Georgia was released. With these properties, Violet's mother and sister, as well as some other widows of the royal family of Georgia, can survive.

After the destruction of Georgia, Violet went to the sanctuary to practice as a Saint Seiya candidate. As the Queen of the Georgian language, Violet's mother distributed the property returned by the sanctuary to the surviving royal family members of Georgia and the families of the great nobles of Georgia.

After the property was divided, their remaining property was actually not much. Violet’s mother, Queen Michel, took the remaining money and bought a country estate in Austria, a manor left by a declining little noble family.

In the beginning, Violet's mother lived with her sister Moluchette. Queen Michele manages the affairs of the manor, and Moluchette built an elementary school in this village. Teach the children in the country to read and write for a small fee.

Two years ago, Mo Luxet fell in love with the son of a security officer in the village. After obtaining the consent of her mother, Mo Luxet married this country boy.

Originally, when Moluchette got married, Michelle's mother and daughter wrote a letter and sent it to the sanctuary. Unfortunately, at that time, Violet was still staying in Ramos Grand Canyon with Hills and Xiaozhi, so naturally they couldn't get it. She didn't see this letter until she returned to the sanctuary.

Not being able to attend her sister's wedding is indeed a very regrettable thing for Violet.

In the letter, the addresses of Violet's mother and sister were clearly written. The three Xiaozhi naturally followed this address to find it back.

After finding a place again, when Violet and her mother met at the first moment, the mother and daughter both hugged each other and wept bitterly. This is the two of them, mother and daughter, who have seen each other again in seven years since they separated.

At the time of the demon disaster, the royal family of Evegarden could not escape. Queen Michele could only watch her daughter Violet wearing a knight armor, riding on a horse, and taking the Royal Knights to meet the enemy. And she could only escape with other members of the royal family in a carriage.

At the time of the parting, Queen Michelle thought that she would say goodbye to Violet forever. Even Violet herself thought so. But I didn't expect that so many things happened afterwards.

After hearing that Violet came back, soon, Violet's sister Moluxet also rushed back with her husband and her children. After more than two years of marriage, Violet's sister Moluchette has given birth to all children.

As for Moluchette’s husband, the honest man, although he had heard about the Evegarden family a long time ago, after seeing Xiaozhi and Shils, he knew that Xiaozhi and Shils were saints. , This honest man was still terrified.

Saint Seiya, as the guardian fighter of the goddess Athena, the warrior who guards the earth. For the average person, any Saint Seiya, even if only a Saint Seiya candidate, is a superior existence. Nobles and kings are nothing more than servants of the goddess in front of the saints.

Xiaozhi came back with Violet, and was planning to take her away from the sanctuary for a while. After coming to Austria, Xiaozhi was not polite, and took Shils to live in the manor purchased by Queen Michel.

With the return of Ulysses in Sanctuary, it can be said that the urgent need has been resolved. Xiao Zhi also had time to steal, and Xiao Zhi also needed some time to practice. Although he has just broken through the eighth sense, the eighth sense is just a new starting point.


When Xiaozhi took Violet and Shils to Austria, Aspros took Kris and them back to the sanctuary.

After Chris arrived in the sanctuary, she met with Pope Sage. After receiving Sage's approval, she was qualified as a candidate for Saint Seiya and officially became a disciple of Aspros.

However, after returning to the sanctuary, Aspros did not get leisurely. Instead, he was sent to the Temple of Delphi to ask for prophecies.

With the mission of Sanctuary, Aspros embarked on the road. After he arrived at the Temple of Delphi, he received the prophecy from the Temple of Delphi.

There are fifteen prophecies. They belonged to a group of golden saints. These prophecies were all sealed and could not be opened, except Aspros' own.

Aspros opened up his prophecy, and after reading it, he gave a cold snort and tore off the prophecy. Then when he left the temple of Delphi, he wrote three words on the pillar at the main entrance of the temple of Delphi, "I don't believe it."

After leaving the three words, Aspros laughed and went away.

With his original character, the moment Aspros saw the content of the prophecy, he was murdered. He even wanted to kill everyone in the Temple of Delphi to vent their anger. But in the end, he held back.

Leave a word on the pillar at the entrance of the temple to vent your anger, this kind of thing, probably only Xiaozhi will do. But Aspros did the same. And after finishing it, he inexplicably felt that Miki Hachi didn't seem to be that annoying anymore.

In other words, in his heart, he had already regarded Xiaozhi as his true friend.

Pope Sage’s order was for Aspros to return with the prophecy, but Aspros tore up the prophecy and returned empty-handed. When Aspros returned to the sanctuary, Sage watched him deeply for Aspros' actions for a long while, but in the end he didn't say anything, just let Aspros go back. This incident seems to be over.


time flies. Three years passed once again.

Outside a small town in Italy, this small town was built under the foothills, where springs flowed down and passed through the middle of the town. Around the town, fences were built with wooden stakes. ,, ..