The Strongest Traverser

v1 Chapter 12: Xun Yu's Plan

Chapter Twelve: Xun Yu's Contributions

"Repay you for your life-saving grace"

Seeing Mu Lin's departure, Lu Lingqi smiled bitterly and shook her head.

Lu Lingqi will agree to lend a thousand dead men to Mu Lin, which is somewhat mixed with the meaning of "repaying kindness".

Of course, even though she was willing to hand over a thousand dead men to Mu Lin, Lu Lingqi still didn't report much expectation to Mu Lin. There are indeed some secrets in Mu Lin. But Lu Lingqi doesn't think the secrets in him can be. Helping oneself turn the tide of the war and blocking the tens of thousands of Cao Cao's army, it is difficult to win this battle... hope is very slim.


"General, when will we attack? Our army is far more powerful than Lu Bu's army. As long as the attack, Lu Bu's army can't resist our shock wave at all. Why should the general wait?"

On a flat ground in Cao Jun's camp, Xia Houyuan looked at the city sitting on the ground, that is, Xiapi City, thinking a little bit.

The Cao Cao army has been stationed outside of Xiapi City for nearly two or three days, but they have been reluctant to attack. Not only the Lu Bu army in Xiapi City is puzzled, but even the soldiers of Cao Cao's army and many generals are puzzled. The total strength of the army is several times that of the Lu Bu army. As long as the offensive, Xiapi City is very likely to be unable to withstand the first wave of impact. As the main general of Cao's attack on Xiapi City, Xia Houyuan was prolonged. For three days, still did not choose to attack.

"If the time is not here, naturally you can't attack, but... there is still half a day before the time the military master said, and tomorrow morning is the time to attack."

Ignoring the subordinates behind him, Xia Houyuan had his own thoughts.

The Cao Cao Army has been stationed outside Xiapi City for nearly three days and still has not attacked. It is not that the Cao Cao Army and other supporting troops have not arrived. This is not Xia Houyuan’s idea, but Xun Yu, a military division far away in Xuchang, for the attack. The strategy offered by Zhan said that he should not rush to attack first, and only need to wait two or three days outside the city before launching an attack. That way, the success rate of capturing Picheng will increase a lot.

Xia Houyuan never understood this point.

Why waiting outside for three days can increase the success rate of Cao Cao's army in capturing Picheng? If this was said from someone else, Xia Houyuan would definitely think it was a troubling, but this sentence, but from the "Wang Zuozhicai" Xun Yu...

The next morning, the Cao Cao Army, which had been stationed outside Xiapi for a long time, finally began to attack!

In the city of Xiapi, the sound of drums shook the sky, and the soldiers of the Lu Bu Army who were still in a state of sleep were awakened by the sound of drums that resounded throughout the city. A group of confused soldiers began to gather quickly. , Stand ready.

Above the city wall, the densely packed archer team has finished the story, but the exhaustion on their faces at the moment is very strong. Obviously they were all awakened from their sleep. If a person does not sleep enough, then Even if he wakes up, how much combat power can he exert?

When Xia Houyuan saw the exhausted Lv Bu Army soldiers above Xiapi City, he finally understood what the Army Master Xun Yu had said.

Surrounded by Cao Cao's army, which is far more powerful than his own, almost everyone in Xiapi City is in high tension. How many people can sleep? sleep well? Even some soldiers were nervous and hadn't closed their eyes for two days and nights, so it's strange that they are not tired.

This is similar to someone telling you clearly that he is going to kill you, but he just won’t show can’t know when he will show up and take your life. You never know if there is a knife behind you. Approaching you, in this case, can you sleep? Can you not be highly nervous?

Moreover, in the past few days, Cao Cao's army didn't know what he was playing and didn't attack. This made Cao Cao's army a lot more mysterious. Everyone wondered whether Cao Cao's army still has support? Now that the military strength is extremely strong, if there is support, does Xiapi City really have a chance to defend it?

Thinking about it this way, the soldiers in Xiapi City were even more afraid and nervous.

In this way, with the fear and doubt in their hearts, the soldiers of the Lu Bu Army who were in high tension were tortured for two or three days. This kind of pain almost made the soldiers of the Lu Bu Army mad. Even, they would rather Cao Cao's army launch an attack immediately. Point instead of being tortured like this.

After being tortured by this kind of spirit for three days, the soldiers of the Lu Bu Army were not only physically exhausted, but also more exhausted in spirit. Under this circumstance, how many levels of strength could the soldiers of the Lu Bu Army exert themselves?

It has to be said that Xun Yu is indeed a well-known counselor from the three countries. His free offer in the air caused such a big crisis to the Lv Bu army in Xiapi City, allowing Lv Bu to defend Xiapi City. The probability of birth drops from one-fifth to one-two-tenths, or even less...

On the other side, when he heard the news of Cao Cao's attack on the city, Lu Lingqi came to the city wall for the first time and frowned as she watched the slowly advancing Cao Cao army.

Lu Lingqi also sees the current situation of Lu Bu's soldiers. How can she not understand why Cao Cao's army has not attacked?

When she saw the exhausted look of the soldiers beside her, Lu Lingqi had a general idea in her heart.

With a slight sigh in her heart, Lu Lingqi was helpless.

You can't order an attack on Cao Cao's army when Lu Bu's mental condition is still in good condition, right? What is the difference between that and looking for death?

The reason why Lu Bujun can have a one-fifth probability of victory in this battle is because they are the "defensive" side. They are on the city of Xiapi, they must have an advantage if they rush out of the city. , Lu Bu's army has more than 10,000 soldiers, facing Cao Cao's army of 50,000 to 60,000, I am afraid that there is no chance of winning, right?

However, now, after three days of mental torture, Lu Bujun's only advantage has been weakened by more than half. Looking at the tired soldiers, how many levels of strength can they display?

Thinking of this, Lu Lingqi felt even more helpless...

Various situations are very unfavorable for Lu Bujun at this moment...

Facing the densely packed army of 50,000 or 60,000 Cao Cao, how should I stop?

Even Lu Lingqi has to admit at this moment that the probability that Lu Bujun can defend Xiapi City is far less than one-fifth...

The huge Cao Cao army, even the unparalleled Lu Lingqi, felt deeply powerless.

"Where is Mu Lin?"

Suddenly, Lu Lingqi thought of a person, the little soldier who borrowed her thousand dead men and said that she could help herself to defend the city of Xiapi.

Although she didn't have any hope of repaying him in her heart, at this moment, Lu Lingqi somehow thought of him.

"Report to the general that the thief had already disappeared in Xiapi City a day ago, without a trace, and no word was left. Even the thousand dead men disappeared out of thin air, disappearing in Xiapi. In the city, my subordinates are afraid of disturbing General Lu Lingqi, so I haven't dared to report to you...Please be punished!"

The soldier who was asked immediately knelt on the ground in a panic to lead the crime.

"What! He disappeared?! He also took away a thousand dead men?"

With her small mouth open, in addition to shock in Lu Lingqi's heart, there was also a touch of disappointment and sadness.

The little soldier who dared to help him guard the city of Xiapi disappeared with the thousand dead soldiers he had given him...

Although Lu Lingqi did not expect him to report anything, at that time, when Lu Lingqi was most helpless, Lu Lingqi was already very touched by someone who had that kind of heart, and Lu Lingqi had always been more special to that scene. I don't know if he likes Lu Lingqi or not, but he really cares more about him than ordinary people.

Unexpectedly, the man who gave himself a glimmer of hope when he was most helpless... disappeared.

At this time, the other party just disappeared, how could Lu Lingqi not know that she was deceived.

Lu Lingqi hasn't figured it out yet, why did that Mu Lin lie to herself?

Just for the thousand dead men under his own? This doesn't seem to make sense, right? Fighting the danger of life to block the deadly arrow for yourself, just for the thousand dead soldiers under his own?

Speaking of Murin being a spy sent by the enemy...this is impossible.

If he is a spy, why should he risk his life to block the arrow for himself? Wouldn't it be better to let yourself be shot by that arrow?

She wanted to break her head, and Lu Lingqi didn't think of a reason.

I have to say that Mu Lin's blow to Lu Lingqi was quite big. First of all, he was stunned by Xun Yu's "strategy", and then he learned that Mu Lin had "deceived" herself.

Originally, Lu Lingqi now felt powerless when facing the huge army of Cao Cao, and now the "smear" of hope that the tentative forest gave Lu Lingqi, now it is also declared shattered.

At this moment, Lu Lingqi does not know who to rely on or who can rely on...

Looking blankly at the slowly advancing Cao army, Lu Lingqi said nothing.
