The Strongest Traverser

v1 Chapter 262: Xu Huang! dead!

Chapter 262: Xu Huang! dead!

At this moment, Cao Cao's face became extremely ugly.

The reason why he dared to mock Mu Lin and arrogant in front of Mu Lin was simply because there were Xu Chu, Ma Chao and five other top generals. Otherwise, how could he dare to laugh at Mu Lin?

But now, Xu Chu is dead, the other six top generals, and now only Xu Huang stands in front of him. The other top generals stopped when they saw Mu Lin’s one move to kill Xu Chu. Standing in place, looking at Mu Lin in surprise, no one dared to take the lead, because they were all afraid of becoming the second Xu Chu...

How could Cao Cao not be afraid when facing the unobstructed forest forest? Not afraid?

He wouldn't be so stupid to think that Xu Huang alone could block the footsteps of that scene Lin, which was unrealistic.

Even Xu Chu at the top of 97 couldn't stop him, let alone Xu Huang, who had a force value of less than 92.

Of course, although he knew that he could not be Mu Lin’s opponent, it was impossible to stop Mu Lin’s advancement, but the protector Xu Huang still didn’t move his footsteps and was still blocking Mu Lin. Between Cao Cao and Cao Cao, this loyalty made many people look at Xu Huang with admiration.

It was Mu Lin who looked at Xu Huang quite unexpectedly.

Xu Huang is a loyal guy, but... following the wrong person...

It is impossible for Mu Lin to spare Cao Cao and admire him because of Xu Huang's loyalty to his protector, but Cao Cao still has to die!


The sole of the foot slammed the ground again, and Mu Lin burst out! Go straight to Cao Cao! As for Xu Huang who stood in front of Cao Cao, Mu Lin automatically ignored it.

A top-notch military commander, today Mu Lin is completely indifferent. Even with his own power, Mu Lin can easily kill Xu Huang, not to mention the power he uses now. The power of the incomparable **** system.

Mu Lin has already settled his attention, next, use the strongest blow!

Whether or not you can kill Cao Cao, leave immediately!

The energy given by the **** system in the body is not much left, and it can only support one strong blow and two silver sky flashes at most. Once the energy of the **** system is exhausted, Mu Lin will be in desperation again.

Therefore, regardless of success or failure, Mu Lin must leave immediately after one blow!


Without any hesitation, Mu Lin once again slashed out the strongest sword, this sword cut by the energy of the gods system was several times more powerful than any move released by Mu Lin himself!

"Unparalleled Skills · Moon Blade!"

With a weapon in hand, Xu Huang's face was not afraid, and he directly used the unparalleled skill he had just learned recently, and it was also the strongest unparalleled skill he could display so far.

A silver crescent blade was chopped out by Xu Huang and cut towards the curtain forest.


In the cold snort, with a slight disdain, the strongest blow that gathers the power of the **** system, can this crescent moon be able to stop it?


Without any accident, that huge silver crescent was directly crushed by countless silver-white fragments when it approached Mu Lin's weapon Mo attack, turned into stars, and dissipated between the sky and the earth!


After defeating Xu Huang's strongest unparalleled skill, Mu Lin's Mo offensive power remained undiminished. In Xu Huang's horrified gaze, he cut through Xu Huang's body and continued to rush towards Cao Cao!

Top general Xu Huang!


"Mu Lin!" This is Cao Cao's voice, almost roaring, heart-piercing...

Looking at the rapidly approaching silver-white cross sword, Cao Cao was so frightened, his eyes were bloodshot, and he barely fainted.

Sometimes death is not terrible, just a momentary thing.

But the period before the temporary is the most frightening, because during that period of time, you will recall a lot of things, and you will find that you actually don’t want to die. Even if you linger, it’s better than death...

For example, when Mu Lin was on the earth, those who chose to commit suicide by jumping off the building, before he jumped down, he felt that his life had no meaning, and it was more uncomfortable to live than death, but the moment he really jumped down, he regretted it and he would find He actually didn't want to die, just on impulse, he wanted to live.

But... regret at that time... is it still useful?

I jumped...

Today's Cao Cao is the same.

He has never experienced how terrible death is. He always thinks that the big deal is just death, but when he really is about to die, he realizes how much he is afraid of death and how much he wants to live...

Cao Cao looked decadent when he saw the sword that seemed to be capable of destroying the world.

Having worked hard for so many years, the foundation that I have created, and the lands and mountains I have laid down, has it been in vain? Gave it away?

At this moment, Cao Cao was thinking, does he... regret it? Regret why you had to be an enemy of Lu Bujun? Regret why you want to be greedy? Call Xuzhou's attention? Regret why you want to provoke Mu Lin this... evil star?

If I did not choose to be an enemy with the Lu Bu Army, but chose to form an ally with the Lu Bu Army, would it be another scene?

Cao Cao didn't know.

Cao Cao only knew that it was useless whether he regretted it or not.

Do you regret it, Mu Lin will show mercy and not kill himself?

"Military Master Skill Thunder Shield!"

Guo Jia next to Cao Cao, his eyes were cold and stern, his hands clasped together, and when his words fell, a dark blue thunder shield made of blue-violet thunder and lightning had already appeared in front of Cao Cao. This was Guo Jia's strongest defensive skill. With this defensive military skill, Guo Jia has blocked many powerful attacks for Cao Cao.

This is why Cao Cao often takes Guo Jia with him.

Not only was it an excellent strategy and had a great IQ, it could also condense a thunder and lightning shield for Cao Cao at a critical time to block all attacks that came.

At this moment, everyone held their breath.

Can Mu Lin's strongest sword break through that thunder shield?

Everyone understands.

Once the thunder shield is broken, Cao Cao will definitely die!

On the contrary, if the Thunder Shield is not broken, Cao Cao has a chance of surviving!

Cao Cao, the most feared hero in troubled times so far, whether he can survive depends on this blow!
