The Strongest Traverser

v11 Chapter 117: Nirvana started!

Mu Lin told them that he had a black face and a numb face. How could anyone remember this title? How long has it been since I didn't show up to do anything, and some people remember me! Black history! Decisive black history! "Go on!!! Beat them!!!" In order not to let them go on talking, Mu Lin decided to act first! The wind dragon directly... roared and flew a group of people.

Although everyone was a little confused, the magic was still ignited, and everyone joined together, and decided to interrogate afterwards.

The iron forest juggler who hadn't arrived first was also here, but he unexpectedly joined the six demon generals.

As an old opponent, Naz directly attacked him.

"Fire Dragon's... Iron Fist!"

"Empty seal wave!"

"Snow Man and Rain!"

"Dancing, Tianlun Blade!"

"Tie Yan Cone!"


Everyone used their own magic to clean up the surrounding area.

The only thing that the three waves of people brought curiosity to Mu Lin was the group of people in the red turban. The community magic that projected magic power through painting on paper, the combined creatures were stronger than ordinary painting magic. However, it was still too weak for Mu Lin, and he directly punched the big crocodile that had emerged from the flying kit.

Due to the addition of Mu Lin and Jura, the three waves of people were quickly wiped out by everyone. Naz also easily defeated the guy in the Iron Forest. After all, he had defeated before.

Seeing the people who fainted in one place, everyone didn't bother to pay attention to them, and went on. But...the one who should come will come.

"What's the situation with Mu Lin and the others?"

Lucy looked at him suspiciously, while everyone in the room looked curiously. Butcher Mu Lin! Damn it sounds so domineering! This is what I have done before to be called so! Everyone in the dark guild knows it.

"Uh..." Mu Lin awkwardly covered his face: "Can I not say it!"


Seeing everyone's curious baby's appearance all retorted to themselves at once, I'm wiping why Jura is like you.

There is no way, I can only explain to everyone one by one, that is what happened when I went out to practice, it was just that when I passed by, I killed dozens of dark guilds, and then happened to take their mission. I just went to the Bounty Guild to exchange money, and then saw that money is an indispensable thing to experience and walk the rivers and lakes, and I took on a few missions to eliminate the Dark Guild. Over time, there were dozens of them. I don’t know who they are. The word came out, giving him the title of butcher, making him confused.



"No wonder they call you a butcher!"

Everyone was shocked! Damn dozens of dark guilds, how did you have the patience to eliminate them one by one.

"No wonder you are so rich!" Lucy murmured, only because she lived together that she succeeded him, evil capitalist.

——The dividing line of the lens——

"Hahaha! I finally made it!"

I saw the wise man standing beside a complex magic circle at this time, and Geral stood in the magic circle godlessly.

"Nirvana! Nirvana will be mine!"

During this period of time, the wise man gave Geral a certain amount of vitality through simple resurrection, but he was just a puppet. He followed the instructions of the wise man to find the place where Nirvana exists, and opened the magic circle that can activate Nirvana, but This magic circle is too complicated, and it will take some time to open and liberate the buried Nirvana.

"I hope those four can hold and intercept them!"

——The dividing line of the lens——

Mu Lin walked behind the crowd with a dark face.

Ma Dan, what do these people, especially the Naz Habi, say they want to eat and live for nothing forever? It’s the same as if I didn’t live for nothing now, and they want me to be a nanny, I’m looking for Who offended me. And Lucy, what do you mean by this expression, it's still very reluctant, how can I feed you if I don't have money, prodigal girl!

"Trees around here!" Gray walked all the way, looking at the black trees.

"Ang! It's all caused by Nirvana. It seems that the Six Demons have found a way to open Nirvana. We have to hurry!"

Jura looked at her dignifiedly, the closer the trees were, the more decayed they were, and they withered as if they had been sucked into life force.

After another period of time, everyone came to the place where the ancient village was.

"Is it here!"

Looking at the villages under the cliffs, dark magic power constantly seeped from the caves nearby, even the rivers surrounding the villages were dyed black, and groups died floating on the water.

"What a strong magical aura! It seems that the six demon will open the seal of Nirvana not far, we must hurry!"

It was difficult to put on a pose overnight, and said to everyone seriously looking at the direction of the cave.

But when everyone just wanted to go down, a shadow flashed over and flew to the nearby Naz and Leon.


Jura and Gray caught the kicked two and looked around with alert.

"This can't work! I can't let you disturb the plan of the wise adults!" The laser flashed over in an instant and wanted to kick Gray.

"Rock Steel Shield!"

Jura on the side directly created a rock shield, even if the rock was blessed by Jura’s magic, it was like steel, directly blocking the laser strike.

"Is there anyone else, let me come out! Fenglong's... roar!" Mu Lin noticed that there were three magical fluctuations approaching here in secret, and he didn't bother to hide and hide with them, so he just roared To them.

The three figures jumped out and stood beside the laser who had just stabilized.

"Huh! Not bad, I can still find it here!"

Among them, Cobra smiled and looked at everyone, although he was still afraid of Mu Lin's strength, but! Just stop them! Reserve time for the wise! Just wait until Nirvana is born! as long as……

"How much are the lives of these people worth? There are many!"

Looking at everyone with eager eyes and gold stars, in her eyes, everything will be linked to money.


"Hahaha! I succeeded! Finally succeeded!!!"

The voice of the wise man came from the cave.

The mountain where the cave is located is swaying constantly, and Hot Eye uses his magic to look at the ground, "Come out! Nirvana is coming out!"


They were all surprised to hear this Jura! Are you still late!

The mountain collapsed, and a huge building like an octopus broke out of the ground. It was the largest one that Mu Lin had seen so far. Even the ghost spider mobile palace was less than one-tenth of Nirvana.

Looking at the building driven by eight huge mechanical claws, the wise man stood on the top tower and smiled proudly.

"Nirvana finally belongs to me!"

"Everything will be destroyed! Hahaha!!!". ,,.