The Strongest Traverser

v11 Chapter 98: Zicrein? Geral!

"Oh~! It's a pity that there are other people in the tower!" The presiding judge touched his beard sadly, although the sadness only lasted for a moment.

"At least we prevented that person's resurrection, and sacrifices are inevitable!" said one of the short elders.

"Although we do it for the so-called justice, the trauma of the victims and their families injured is something we will never be able to smooth out!"

——The dividing line of the lens——

"Mulin (Brother)! Elisa!!!"

Outside the tower of the paradise, everyone on the ship was very sad, but because the light was too strong, they didn't know what was going on. They only knew that the magic wizard was blasting down.

Mu Lin felt the pressure on the dragon shield, and directly wanted to bounce the magical star on the shield with the maximum output.



Along with Mu Lin's roar, the wind dragon behind him also roared, his mouth condensed with magic power.

Geral and Elisa on one side were dumbfounded. They didn’t expect that someone could actually resist the magical star’s spiritual power with a physical body. Geral wanted to step forward to stop it. Eliza, who was wrong, had long been The change stopped him.

"Geral, don't advise you not to disturb Brother Mu Lin at this time, otherwise everyone will have to die after the magical star's spiritual power falls!"

"Huh! I won't let him disrupt the plan that I have carefully prepared for eight years!" The ferocious Geral attacked with dark magic power directly in his hands, but how could he fight after losing to Elisa once? Get over. With the passage of time, Geral's heart became more and more anxious, and there was no other way but to use that method: "Secret method·Mirror, hey!"

I saw that the frowning Zike Lei in the Senate gradually disappeared, and Yashima behind him looked surprised.

"Huh? It seems you can't help it anymore, it's really pitiful. It's been eight years, but I met Brother Mu Lin!" Uludia looked at the dissipated figure of Chikerrain with pity.

Zickrein's figure gradually appeared next to Geral, and the two merged.

"What!" Elisa looked at in shock.

"Get out of here!" Geral didn't have time to talk nonsense with Elisa, he was too lazy to pretend. Directly using real strength, directly covering the whole body with magic power, instantly kicked Elusa, and attacked directly towards Mu Lin!


"The power of the Wind Dragon King! Roar!"

The strong magic pressure came from Mu Lin’s body, spreading towards the surroundings, and Geral, who had just gotten close, was instantly bounced away and hit the wall behind him heavily. For a while, the group couldn’t get up and watched in pain. Mu Lin: "This...this is...your true strength! I lost!"

"Love! It's Mu Lin's voice!"

"That's right, it's the dragon roar of Brother Mu Lin!" Last time in the ghost time, Naz would never forget the scene when Mu Lin unfolded the dragon body, Dragon, that was his dream!

Everyone in the boat was happy.

"Dragon power! Open!" The blue veins on Mu Lin's forehead burst, and the wind dragon behind him spit out magic power, bombarding the dragon shield in the sky! Mu Lin bent down a little and then violently waved, the magical star's spiritual power was bounced into the high sky, exploding! The dazzling light shrouded the earth and disappeared after a few seconds.

Mu Lin also smiled with relief when he looked at him, he was so tired, my waist was sore!

The armor on her body withdrew, did not withdraw from Longhua, walked to Elisa's side and hugged her: "It's okay!"

The latter shook his head slightly, looking at Geral's direction with disappointment in his eyes, yes, he has not changed, he is still so good at deceiving others, the former Geral, no longer exists.

——The dividing line of the lens——

"Error! Error!"

"The magic explosion point is abnormal! The magic explosion point is abnormal!"

"No, this is!"

"Alert! Another unknown source of powerful magic power appears at the magic explosion point!"

"Calculation error, start calculating magic power again!"

"The image has been destroyed and is being restored!"

Slowly, the image of the tower of the paradise reappeared on the screen in the mirror magic of the hall of the Senate! Accompanied by the huge wind dragon that has not yet dissipated!

"What!" The elders looked at the image in shock.

"Could it be that the dragons came to intervene in this matter!"

"Impossible, didn't all the dragons disappeared ten years ago!"

"Look, there are still figures on the top of the tower!"

Yajima looked meaningfully at the dragon shadow that was about to dissipate, Mulin...? Makarov, the old bastard, really picked him up!

Urutia looked at him admiringly, ‘Mom, you are right, Mu Lin is the strongest! Worth my pursuit! ’

——The dividing line of the lens——

Elisa looked at Geral with disappointment: "Sure enough, you still like to cheat!"

"I'll just say how could the Chi Klein in the review chamber happen to look so similar to you? You are acting alone in the co-authoring!" Mu Lin looked at him with his strength, even if it was two Geral was not afraid.

"Do you know! From the first time you went to the council, I felt that you would be a hindrance to my plan, but I didn't expect that I would lose in your hands in the end!" Geral struggled to help Wall stood up: "For this plan, I planned for eight years. I just wanted to resurrect the great Seraf through the R system, but I still lacked the huge magic power to drive it! For this reason, I specially divided my own power. Let the old guys in the Senate think that all things are done by my so-called brother, so that they can be persuaded to use the magical power of the magical star to bombard this place, so that the magical power I need is solved. !" Looking at Mu Lin resentfully: "You! It's all you! Why did you suddenly appear and then destroy my plan!"

Mu Lin shrugged indifferently, blame me, and glanced at the Tower of Paradise at his feet: "Since you said you wanted to use Elisa to sacrifice, since your plan didn't succeed, then..." He stomped his feet, disdainfully He smiled: "It doesn't need to exist in this world!" Then the Dragon Wings unfolded, his right foot was lifted, and the toes contained terrifying magic power, and he stepped heavily on it.

Geral's pupils instantly enlarged: "No... you stop it!"

Mu Lin gave him a disdainful look: "Idiot!"


Suddenly, with the constant roar, the tower of the paradise suddenly!

"Look at it quickly, is the one flying up is Brother Mu Lin!" Gray gleefully looked at the creatures flying above the shattered tower, but because it was too far away, he couldn't see clearly!

"Love!" Hobby shouted excitedly.

Lucy held her chest and left tears of excitement. I knew that you would be fine! . ,,.