The Strongest Traverser

v12 Chapter 164: Solve the problem

It really made Balegang Ruisembang a little shaken in his heart!

"Which side do you want to stand on?" There was a strong doubt in the eyes of Balegan Ruisenbang!

When he returned to his residence, after hesitating for a while, the expression in his eyes became fierce: "I am the king of the virtual circle. When did I fear the wolf and the tiger so much!"

"The throne of the virtual circle will definitely belong to me!"

Balegang Ruisenbang must have a hint of Murin in his hand that only he can find!

After a burst of white light, the object representing the breath of Mulin in his hand disappeared instantly. After a period of time, a white light appeared from a place 10,000 meters away, breaking the limit of space and came directly to Kuza Town!

Mulin was closing his eyes and meditating at this time. He had already sent a message to the Skeleton Emperor Bairegang Ruisenbang on the day he returned to the Soul World!

Let him tell him any news about the virtual circle, and now it's finally here.

A smile appeared at the corner of Mulin's mouth: "Fortunately! You didn't want to be a double agent, or I will make you regret it!"

The smile on the corner of his mouth, after accepting the news from Bairegang Ruisenbang, slowly fell down, frowned, and then sighed heavily!

"This imaginary circle is also restless! It seems that the corpse soul world must be resolved as soon as possible, or Yamamoto Motoyagisuke Shigekuni must restore strength as soon as possible!"

"Otherwise, even if you have the world-shaking ability, the strength of the ghostly ghost can't stand the spirit king, youhabach and the perfect body of Lan Qidanyousuke!"

Mulin stood up and walked slowly out of the door of the room. He had been resting for a day at the Urahara store in Kuzacho.

Now he is at the peak of both his spirit and his own strength. I planned to leave for the virtual circle tomorrow if there was no news from Bairegang Ruisembang!

Now that his news has come, he can now enter the corpse soul world!

Regarding the relationship between Bairegang Ruisen State, Mulin has always held the attitude of believing if you have one, and not imposing anything if you don't.

After all, Bailegang Ruisenbang’s attitude is indeed a reason to be suspicious. Although Lan Qizhen Yousuke drove him from the position of king of the virtual circle, as long as he can sit back in the virtual circle. The location of the king.

It is not difficult for him to be a double agent again!

This is very much in line with Lan Qidian Yousuke’s appetite. For him, what he seeks is a breakthrough in strength, a stronger power, so Lan Qidian Yousuke will not have too much nostalgia for the position of the king of the virtual circle. !

Besides, once he has the power to rule the Three Realms of the Soul World, Kora Town, and the Void Circle, will he still care about this small place?

Mullin kept thinking about the credibility of Bairegang Ruisenbang in his mind, but he came to Kurosaki's house in a short while.

When he looked at Kurosaki Ichigo, he instantly understood that this was going to the Soul World, and then he went downstairs.

When he came to Mulin, Rukia Kuchiki followed behind him.

Mulin frowned: "What are you doing with you?"

"I want to go to the corpse soul world too!" Kuchiki Rukia looked very affirmative, she had already considered this matter long ago!

"No!" Mulin's tone was also firm, and there was no room for discussion at all!

"Why!!!" Kuchiki Rukia asked puzzledly!

"You must stay in Kuza-cho! Once there is any movement in the virtual must send it to me as soon as possible!" Mulin took out a communicator optimized by Urahara Kisuke and handed it to Kuchiki Rukia: " Urahara now has a more important task to carry out, so the task of taking care of Kurazacho must fall on you!"

"Your responsibility is also very heavy!"

Mulin said very solemnly, Kuchiki Rukia looked at Mulin's expression, knowing that there would be no chance again, her face showed an unbearable look!

"Then... you also have to take care!"

Mulin didn't seriously think about the meaning of this sentence, nodded, turned and walked towards the door!

And Kurosaki Ichigo took a deep look at Kuchiki Rukia, not knowing why he hasn't had a very strong soul-swallowing feeling since the blur!

But his emotions are getting harder and harder to control, especially when Kuchaki Rukia shows her shyness and unknown friendship to Mulin.

There is always an inexplicable anger in his heart!

Shaking his head, Kurosaki Ichigo strode towards Mulin and shouted, "Mr. Mulin, wait for me!"

Murin and Kurosaki Ichigo entered the passageway between Kazamachi and the Soul Realm, one after the other, within three seconds of each other.

Similarly, when the two of them appeared in the corpse soul world, one was in front and the other was in the back.

When Mulin reached the Soul World, his brows were frowned!

" is Jing Yan Ting!!!"

Looking at the surrounding Japanese-style houses and the huge quiet room in the middle, Mulin's expression instantly became gloomy.

"What the hell! Why did you come to Jingyan Court in the enemy-occupied area! Wasn't the exit of the passageway in the outskirts of the 80th district before?"

Murin cursed secretly in his heart, and at this time Kurosaki Ichigo also nagged the Soul World. He looked at the familiar buildings around him and the broken walls not far away, and his face also showed a gloomy look!

Both of them scolded their mothers! "What's the matter with this TM?"

Murin and Kurosaki Ichigo, who recognized the situation, looked at each other, turned and galloped towards the direction of Liuhun Street!

Murin and Kurosaki Ichigo lowered their bodies and walked around the buildings in the residential area as much as possible!

Now in the enemy-occupied zone! Too much eyeliner, even if they surround you one by one, they will hit you softly.

And once something happened here, let the 13th Guardian Team in Liuhun Street know, and with everyone's expectations of Mulin, they would definitely rush directly.

At that time, even if you have defeated Uhabach and annihilated the invisible empire, what will happen?

The strength of the corpse soul world will also be severely damaged.

If Lan Qizhen Yousuke takes advantage of the emptiness and enters again, there is nothing to play, just surrender!

Mullin tried his best to keep his breath from leaking out, and Kurosaki Ichigo did the same, but Mullin could still faintly feel the breath of Kurosaki Ichigo.

This made him frown!

"Ichigo, can't the aura on your body be more perfect to cover up?" Mulin asked!

Kurosaki Ichigo smiled awkwardly: "I have tried my best! Now I am moving at high speed!"

"Let's stay for another ten minutes, so we can leave Jingyanting directly!"

Mulin recovered and didn't speak any more, he faintly felt that Kurosaki Ichigo's attitude seemed to have changed a little!

And the style of doing things has also changed a lot! But Mulin couldn't get the result after thinking and thinking about it. . ,,.