The Strongest Traverser

v12 Chapter 206: Liujiawan

At the Ganshi Airport, Mu Lin drew off the plane and looked at the series of information about Lu Ci given to him by Xu San with his mobile phone in his hand.

This time Lu Ci's accidental death...well, what the outside world claimed was accidental death. This time his accidental death brought great turmoil to the Lu family. The company's funds among ordinary people in the Lu family plummeted, and the foreign world was in an uproar. After all, Lu Ci, one of the ten men, suddenly Just die, the impact can be described as great.

Moreover, in society, the company that the Lu family is in has been going well because of the identity of Lu Ci’s ten men. Of course, he also offended many people in secret, but because of his ten men’s identity and his strength, The forces of his sins on all sides chose to forbear.

Although it is said that Lu Ci is gone, after all, the Lu family of Nuovo University is also a big family that has developed for so many years. There is ample family foundation. Those who want revenge cannot easily shake the foundation of Lu family. The Lv family's stocks can be suppressed on the outside, although on the surface it appears that the Lv family suffered a big loss, in fact the damage is particularly small.

When Mu Lin understood this, he sighed, Maye, fortunately, there is nothing wrong with this Lu family, or wouldn't he have lost a lot... You know that he is counting on the Lu family and the Wang family. The treasure trove could surprise him, and he almost screwed himself up before the gift was received.

Forget it, since there is nothing wrong with the Lu family, Mu Lin doesn't bother to take care of him anyway, as long as there is no loss in their small vault, as for the strength! ? He also wished that the strength of the Lu family would weaken, so that he would be less troublesome.

I didn’t contact, so I sent a message to Xu San to inform them that I was here. After a wave of pacification in the morning because I didn’t find baby Feng, who was a little irritable when I woke up in the morning, it was just like coaxing a child. Mu Lin also felt a little wanting to laugh.

Mu Lin also did not forget his purpose of coming here. According to the information provided by Xu San, Wang Ai and his Wang family had two residences in total. One was the superficial Wang family, which was on the edge of the city center of Gan City. However, according to the information collected everywhere, the Wang family still has a resident in the dark, just on the edge of the Gan city, not in the city, or hidden in the small villages on the edge of the city. That is the existence of the old Wang family. The hidden station established by Wang's family and Lu's family are not much clean, and they have done those nasty things secretly.

Because of this, the elders of the royal family, including Wang Ai, the Patriarch, established an underground station in a small village on the edge of Ganshi, in order to avoid something during the special period, so as to save their lives.

If this time the Heavenly Master's Mansion, Lu Family and Feng Family really plan to do something with Wang Lu and the two families, then it is necessary to investigate their hidden power, and it is the most important to catch them all. Otherwise, let them have some luck, and it would be no good to stabbing the knife in the back in the future.

So this time Mu Lin's task is to find out where the secret place where the Wang family is located...

However, the general range can be known everywhere. Mu Lin is going to one of the villages this time, what is the name of Liu Jiawan, not the Liu family of Liu Yanyan's. As for the Biyou Village, it happened to be on the outskirts of Gan City, next to Liu Jiawan, Mu Lin even doubted whether the legendary thing that could turn ordinary people into strangers was a ghost made by the Wang family.

Mu Lin intends to investigate from Liujiawan towards Biyou Village. Anyway, there is still a lot of time. If Zhang Zhiwei is going to attack Lu's first, it will take a few days to prepare, so Mu Lin is not worried. I don’t have enough time.

When I got out of the airport, Mu Lin looked around. The city here is also a high-rise building. Compared to Liujiawan, which is going to be going there in a while, I really didn't think there would be a small village on the edge of such a prosperous city.

Just take a taxi. Obviously, the driver master in every place is like that. As soon as he got on the car, the driver master sitting on the side saw that Mu Lin was coming out of the airport, and he began to enthusiastically introduce Mu Lin: "You guys, It’s the first time you have come to our Gan City!?"

"How do you know!?" Mu Lin was also surprised. He had just arrived here and his performance was obvious! ? How can even a master driver see it.

"Hai, don’t we taxis rely on such a little bit of vision. I think you just walked out of the airport and looked around. Generally speaking, there are only two situations, either you are looking for someone, or Just arrived at a place for the first time and was observing. You see if I am right..." The driver master didn't feel anything, but he followed Mu Lin with optimism.

Mu Lin listened too. If people don't even have this kind of eyesight, they probably won't come to a sports car. He smiled and nodded at him: "Yes, I have something to do here, so it's a tourist!"

Listening to Mu Lin's affirmation, the driver's master also chatted freely: "Well, if you travel, there are a lot of fun in Gan City. Whether it is eating, drinking, gambling, and playing, I know there are some good places. By the way, the guy, did you have a place to live? How about, do you want me to recommend a few for you!? They are all staff with very good handicrafts, and they also provide accommodation services, which absolutely satisfy you! You know! Lin looked wretched, with a smile that the majority of male compatriots understand.

I didn't know what to say for Mu Lin for a while. It was so embarrassing for this uncle driver. I wouldn't admit that I had such a lost expectation in my heart. : "Master, I'm really not that kind of person..."

"I understand! I understand!"

Seeing the uncle driver's wretched look, Mu Lin almost couldn't help but want him to take him to the place of residence immediately, cough cough, of course, there is still business to do: "Master, you know the Liu family Bend!? I'm going to have something over there, and I'm looking for someone!"

"Liu Jiawan!?" When the driver heard the words Liu Jiawan, his face suddenly changed, and he looked at Mu Lin with a little surprised: "Boy, this Liu Jiawan, if there is nothing too important, I persuade you You still don't want to go..."

"Huh!? What!? What happened over there!?" Mu Lin was a little curious, why the driver turned pale when he heard the words Liu Jiawan, and his eyes flashed for a moment. Fear. . ,,.