The Strongest Traverser

v12 Chapter 246: plead

"Actually, the company has different opinions on how Chen Duo should deal with it. If the organization'Yao Xianhui' is a different organization, and if the people in it say that they are more than innocent, then Chen Duo, an innocent child who was involved. , It is innocent..."

"But the poison she possesses is too strong. The whole person is a gu poison. Besides, she has been treated like a prisoner by the'Medicinal Fairy Association' since she was a child. She faces poison all day long and has never accepted it. Any education in society that it should have..."

Speaking of this, Lao Meng's face began to sweat: "I, I admit that I am not good at looking, I am not welcome, and I am not very good at talking... Actually I don't like to deal with others. Yes, I often complain about everything. If it weren’t for a dangerous job like a temporary worker, I wouldn’t take it.”

"Oh~! But every time I face Chen Duo, I find that my life now, compared with her, is simply too happy. I want to give her to Lao Liao, I want to watch her live like a Like normal girls, they enjoy the lives of ordinary people. After all, even weird people, at least they are all human beings, right!"

Lao Xiao and Qiu'er looked at Lao Meng and were silent for a while.

There, Lao Meng continued to speak for himself: "Brother Xiao, let's be straightforward...I came here this time to save Chen Duo. Maybe my strength is not as good as you, but in Chen Duo's life, if If you want to kill her, even if I fight this life, I will protect her."

"That child, it is so pitiful~! Please, leave her a way to survive~!"

Lao Meng's tone was full of pleading. Not only Lao Xiao and Qiu'er, but the other people in the three districts of Jia Mu Lin's dream, all fell silent.

"I have no problem, how is it, Brother Xiao, what do you mean!?" Qiu'er first screamed. Anyway, for him, this time, he just came out as a play. As for the task and not the task, he didn't do much. care.

Listening to Qiu'er's words, Lao Meng was also happy, and then stared at Lao Xiao expectantly.

Old Xiao was also stared at by his eyes, and he was uncomfortable. He was seen by others like this, and there was no way he could do it. Some helplessly he helped his glasses, took out his mobile phone and started to fiddle, and said in his mouth. "Then, since Lao Mengdu begged everyone so, I think you should have your own decision. Then, I also want to ask everyone to keep one thing secret for me... If you all agreed to me, then, This time the mission can be changed to alive capture..."

When Lao Xiao said that, people around him didn't understand. He meant something.

While Lao Xiao said, the whole person came to the woman who was defeated by the ball before, squatted down, and dragged her over: "I want everyone to hide it for me. It's about this woman. I managed to get rid of her with my best effort, and it wasn't Qiu'er, you understand!?"


"No problem~!"

The phone vibrates from time to time, and the other two are hiding in the dark like Mu Lin and they all agree.

"I also agree... But, this..." Lao Meng looked at Lao Xiao with some doubts. Before he could finish his words, Lao Xiao's next actions shocked him.

"Well, thanks...for you, I completely believe it, you, don't sell me..." The bloodthirsty light in Lao Xiao's eyes became heavier and heavier, and then the entire pair of glasses turned into a weird red, his hands Clutching that woman's head,'Khacha~! "I saw Lao Xiao twisted his hands vigorously, and the woman was broken by him, her eyes turned to ashes, and she fell to the ground.

After a few seconds, the red light in Old Xiao's eyes faded and turned into a normal color. At the same time, he said: "I'm not good at fighting, but I'm good to kill... I was born a pervert. , A thorough murderer. This kind of disease is already regarded as a disease, I am dying and there is no cure. So, if you want to work together, please remember that about me, it is a pervert. thing……"

"Guckoo~! ’

Lao Meng was a little frightened, standing there blankly with cold sweat on his face, looking at Lao Xiao with a frightened look.

"Oh, what a coincidence, in terms of perversions, I am too~! But I am still in a benign period, hehe~!" Wang Zhenqiu smiled directly and clasped Lao Xiao's neck and looked at him. Her move made even Lao Xiao, who lives on bloodthirsty, a shock.

"Before you want to kill someone, just tell us in advance. I must be far enough away from you. Isn't it... old... uh, what a mess~!!!" Wang Zhenqiu originally wanted to call Lao Meng, but I saw Lao Meng hiding behind a big tree ten meters away from the two of them, looking at himself and Lao Xiao tremblingly, a little speechless for a while. Do you want to be so timid, such an old person?

Well! ? At this time, Wang Zhenqiu found something funny, walked towards a clearing, bent down to pick up something, only saw a red fire on his body, but it was only a moment, and then he saw what he picked up. What was reached directly extended a slightly longer sword blade composed of Qi. That's right, this thing is exactly the booster that the woman who was dealt with by Lao Xiao earlier took.

Wang Zhenqiu was playing there, but he lost interest after a while.

"Let's go, Qiu'er, a message from the northeast district said that he has tracked Chen Duo's position, let's go quickly..." Old Xiao said.

"These guys who are hiding are really good~!" After a little emotion, Wang Zhenqiu followed Lao Xiao and Lao Meng and rushed towards there based on the location provided by the Northeast District.


"According to the location they said, it is almost here~!"

Lao Xiao and his party soon came to the place mentioned in the group, a small house built alone in the woods. Lying in front of the house, there were corpses all over the place, all with black masks. It seemed that they were the same group of people who had stopped Lao Xiao and them before.

"I'm going, what happened here!?" Qiu'er exclaimed.

In front of the hut, an old man was covered in blood, sitting there leaning on the wall of the house, looking very embarrassed, he still muttered something from time to time, but the strength of the present was good, and I heard it clearly. The word'Jinfeng', 80%, was exactly one of the targets they were looking for, Mei Jinfeng. . ,,.