The Strongest Traverser

v12 Chapter 62:   Jia Jia·Yuwushu

While avoiding the dragon pecking cone that lased towards him, Bao Bao Feng was still thinking about why these things would chase after his actions. Is it mind manipulation? It looks very similar to Xu San's attack type. But it didn't take long for him to overthrow this idea, because many of these dragon pecking cones attacked from that extremely tricky angle, something that Xu San's mind control could not do. If the guess is correct, then this man's ability should be...

Lin Lin, who had been watching the show, was amazed at Jia Zhengyu's ability, but he was only a little curious, and there was nothing surprising about it. He had done it before. But for him, these moves can only be regarded as children's play, only their own power is the real power, and there will always be some shortcomings with the attack of foreign objects.

The trio watching from the side was amazed. The man in the suit asked with some confusion: "I really didn't see that Master Jia has this kind of ability, but what is this strange ability! ?"

The white-haired kid standing together said, "Imperial!"

The abnormal underwear man on the side hurriedly bent down and asked with curiosity and respect: "Does the young master know this ability?"

Master! That's right, this white-haired kid is the little son of the Tianxiahui, Feng Xintong, who is Feng Shayan's younger brother and Feng Zhenghao's son. Feng Xintong explained to two of his own subordinates on the side: "A kind of imperial material arts, but their ability is relatively rare. Those dragon pecking cones flying in the air should be used when the user is very young. , Began to use the user’s qi to keep warming through Jia’s secret method. Finally, these dragon pecking cones can be used by the user as they want. Although the mind can also manipulate objects like this, it is accurate The degree is not as accurate as the imperial object, and it is extremely exhausting. Compared with the laborious and troublesome manipulation of the mind, the imperial object technique is much easier, as simple as holding chopsticks. So this ability , In the extremely remote ancient times, it was also called the sword fairy!"

While admiring the erudition of their young master, the two people on the side also sighed the surprise of the Imperial Art.

Among the two confronting each other, with Jia Zhengyu's manipulation, the attack speed and frequency of the dragon pecking cone became faster and faster. Feng Baobao, who had some spare time to attack, slowly became busy, only defending but not attacking. Over time, more and more flaws were exposed. Jia Zhengyu saw an opportunity to approach quickly, and grabbed Feng Baobao who was squatting down avoiding the dragon pecking cone, and firmly held her to control her actions. On the side, two dragon pecking cones were shooting at Bao Baofeng. , A person who can't dodge in time will be pierced through the body.

Seeing this on the court, Mu Lin didn't mean to panic at all, because he knew that Bao Bao Feng's skills and abilities were not just as unbearable as he showed now. But looking at Jia Zhengyu's appearance, he couldn't help but glance at him coldly, and silently drew a cross for this person in his heart. It wouldn't be enough to kill him, but at least let this red-haired ghost go back to the hospital to lie down for more than half a year, dare to bully our lovely baby so much. Pooh! Shameless!

I saw Baby Feng on the field, as Mu Lin thought, avoiding the two dragon pecking cones flying towards him with a very strange movement, and broke free from Jia Zhengyu who was restraining him. He immediately jumped to the distance and stared at Jia Zhengyu to prevent him from attacking.

Jia Zhengyu looked at Bao Bao Feng, who had freed herself and escaped all her attacks intact. Although she was furious in her heart, she still had to pretend to be a master in the eyes of others. Looking at Bao Bao Feng with a calm look: "Not bad, little girl. It's a genius to be able to stand under my attack for so long."

Feng Baobao said impatiently: "Uncle you too, no one can make me have a headache for a long time. But the nest is really in a hurry, so I should get rid of you quickly!"

Listening to Feng Baobao's words, Jia Zhengyu was taken aback, and then laughed loudly: "Really a arrogant little girl, you seem to be able to get rid of me!" Just after he finished speaking, his heart couldn't help but feel awkward. , This little devil is not really special, there is no use of any powerful tricks. If it is true, and if he accidentally loses, it will lose face. However, he was transitioning to arrogance and overthrew this idea in an instant. Haha, it's just a little girl who doesn't know the so-called, how can she beat herself, if there is, why didn't she use it just now.

However, Bao Bao Feng didn't have much action, but in the eyes of the doubts of the few people present, she didn't know where to take out a kitchen knife for cutting watermelon. It was her exclusive weapon, Zero Okamoto. Point zero one. "It’s not that great. Just now I thought that uncle your methods were quite fun. I forgot for a while. I came to find Zhang Chulan. So, please stand there and don’t move. Just wait for it to be chopped off by me."

Jia Zhengyu was still a little worried about Bao Baofeng’s special ability that he hadn’t used yet. Seeing that there was only a broken chopper in her hand, she even said that. He was always proud of him. , Everyone who mocked him was sent to **** by him, and then he smiled coldly: "You really like bragging kid, then let me send you to hell." Then there was another sleeve. , One by one dragon pecking cone slashed across a black light and quickly lased towards Feng Baobao.

Seeing the dragon pecking cone attacking him, Baby Feng did not rely on his skills to dodge as he did at the beginning, but directly chopped it with the kitchen knife in his hand. With a burst of sparks, he directly cut and flew the one flying towards him. Pecking dragon cones. I saw Feng Baobao's whole figure quickly rushing towards Jia Zhengyu.

Seeing Bao Bao Feng, who was rushing towards him and who was so different just now, Jia Zhengyu couldn't help feeling a little panicked. He quickly controlled the dragon peck to fly back to protect himself. He himself also quickly backed away, while Dodging Feng Baobao's chopping.

As time passed, watching his dragon pecking cone could not trap Bao Bao Feng like just now, but it didn't work at all. Instead, he avoided Bao Bao Feng's attack in embarrassment. Jia Zhengyu could feel that it belonged behind him. Feng Zhenghao looked disappointed. I couldn't help but start to worry. . ,,.