The Strongest Traverser

v6 Chapter 46: Mozun Cave House

Chapter 46 Demon Sovereign Cave House

At this moment, the three spirit beasts suddenly moved.

Mixed with crazy roars, fire bombs continuously invaded his location. Mu Lin was shocked, and instantly pulled Tanaka Hui back, avoiding the fire bombs.

"Be careful, something is wrong."

Tang Jing suddenly yelled.

Hearing this, Mu Lin's pupils condensed, and as expected, after the fire bullet, the three spirit beasts suddenly stood still, and then slowly turned back, and the thorns on their back stood up in the air.


Suddenly, the three giant beasts roared suddenly, and their backs quietly lit up with a palpable afterglow. Then, roots and thorns shot out from their backs, stagnating for a while, and suddenly madly toward the space of the fire rock lake. Burst out.

"I'll go, so much?"

With his mouth widened, Mu Lin stared at the overwhelming tip in shock, and then his expression was horrified, and he suddenly shouted.

"Tang Jing, Yunpeng under the mountain, jump in with me."

In the distance, the two people who were resisting the spikes were suddenly startled, and instantly turned their heads together, their faces full of astonishment.

But it was just a moment, and the two of them returned to their senses in an instant, while resisting the impact of the sky, quickly moved to Ling Tian's side.

"Crazy, you, jump in?" Directly release Chakra, obliterating countless spikes, and Yunpeng under the mountain shouted directly at Mu Lin.

"It's too late to explain, trust me." Mu Lin gritted his teeth, hurriedly shouted, then lowered his head, staring straight at Tanaka Hui: "Xiao Hui, trust me."

Hearing this, it was only a momentary stun, Tanaka nodded suddenly, with a smile on his face: "As long as you say, I believe it."

"Good." Mu Lin nodded: "Follow me."

After all, Mu Lin closed his eyes and plunged directly into the igneous rock lake.


A creepy light hiss sounded instantly, and then a white mist slowly emerged under everyone's gaze.

"Grass! Really jump?" Yun Peng could not help but let out a foul language.

"Xiao Shu! You..." Tang Jing was dazed, then looked at Tian Zhonghui for an instant, but found that there was still a smile on her face.

"Brother Lin, Xiaohui will always believe in you."

After all, Lianbu moved lightly and also rushed into the igneous rock lake.

On the spot, only Tang Jing and Yunpeng under the mountain were still standing.

"Crazy, crazy, what the **** are you playing here." Desperately resisting, Yunpeng Shanxia only felt that the world had begun to change.

In the air, there are more and more spikes, and they are getting stronger and stronger, even if he is a little bit overwhelmed.

"Yunpeng under the mountain, I believe them, and you." At this moment, Tang Jing suddenly turned her head, her beautiful eyes staring at him slowly.

Hearing this, Yunpeng under the mountain was visibly startled. Before he could say anything, Tang Jing smiled suddenly and rushed directly into the flaming lake.

"I..." Standing in place, Yun Peng under the mountain gritted his teeth, looking at the three black shadows that had rushed towards him frantically in the distance, his eyes flashed sharply, he gritted his teeth again, and closed his eyes directly:

"Damn, die, I'll fight it."

When the heart turned to electricity, Yunpeng under the mountain rushed in.


Entering the lake, the hot smoke disappears and the mist dissipates in an instant, replaced by an endless refreshing wash.

The cool touch made Mu Lin's tense nerves slowly relax. After a long time, a smile gradually appeared on the corner of his mouth. As expected, his idea was right. As expected, this igneous lake was the real way out.

At this time, the soft boneless jade hand gently penetrated into the palm of his hand, Mu Lin was startled, suddenly smiled, and immediately released his fighting energy, pushing his body to speed up to swim towards it.

I don't know how long it has passed, but I only feel that there is a little light in front of the soul detection, pulling Tanaka Hui and Mu Lin, and quickly swim forward with more force.


When he surfaced, Mu Lin took a deep breath, his face was full of relief, and he wiped the lake water off his face before opening his eyes.

What I saw in front of him was an ancient giant hall, magnificent and magnificent.

Mozun Cave House

Staring at the four blood-stained characters in the center of the hall, Ling Tian was in a daze. At this moment, a soft body suddenly appeared in his arms:

"Hehe, Brother Lin, you are amazing."

Listening to this laughter, Mu Lin grinned, and immediately lowered his head, directly pushing this little ancestor to the shore.

"Who is your Brother Lin, don't bark." Shaking the stagnant water on her body, Mu Lin gave her a blank look, and she didn't feel good.

"Humph, you take advantage of me, you are responsible." Tanaka Hui quit, and hugged Mu Lin again.

He patted his head helplessly. At this moment, there was another movement behind him.

Mu Lin turned around and found that it was Tang Jing, and then Yunpeng under the mountain also surfaced.

"God, I didn't expect this igneous rock lake to be really a blind eye." Panting lightly, Tang Jing patted her chest, Qiao's face couldn't help but feel a little more grateful.

"How about it." After hearing this, Mu Lin smiled and raised his chin at Yunpeng who was on the side of the mountain.

Seeing this, Yamashita Yunpeng twitched his mouth and directly gave a thumbs up.

"Devil, Demon Lord Cave House, Demon Lord?"

At this time, Tang Jing also noticed the hall behind him, and immediately stayed.

"Could it be that this is the real secret of this lonely cave?" Yunpeng under the mountain couldn't help being a little surprised staring at the **** characters.

"Devil..." Muttered in her mouth, Tang Jing frowned, "I also vaguely remember that, as far as the ancient records of Tang Sect, it seems that only three Demon Lords have appeared in the history of the Demon Clan."

"Follow him, let's go and see if I can find a way out from inside." Listening, Mu Lin shrugged and walked towards the entrance of the palace first.

"Hey, Brother Lin, wait for me." Tanaka Hui was taken aback, and instantly stepped in his footsteps.


Entering the hall, everyone was in a daze. Perhaps because of the age, the entire hall had been shattered and seemed to collapse when touched, but even so, they could still feel the majestic aura of that supreme power.

"Everyone is following me, don't be left behind, and you can't touch anything." Turning his head and shouting, Mu Lin paused in his footsteps and continued to walk inside.

Passing through the spacious hall door, turning left and right around several times, everyone appeared in the hall.

Just one glance left all four of them in a daze.

The entire hall is divided into four sides, and the golden roof of the hall shines brilliantly.

And in the hall, more than a hundred golden pillars are supported by it, and crystal beads are held among these golden pillars. Seeing this scene, in addition to the curtain forest, several people under the mountain Yunpeng grew up in an instant. mouth.

The spirit stones are all spirit stones.

"Look, everyone!"

At this moment, Tang Jing suddenly snorted, and when everyone heard it, they turned their heads quickly. ....