The Strongest Traverser

v8 Chapter 109: Victory

The original soot-filled stadium, under Hit's full-strength soaring cannon, all the smoke was blown out of the stadium under this attack. The playing field was once again exposed in front of everyone. At the same time, the two curtain forests that were shot into the sky by Hitt's skyrocket were also revealed in front of everyone.

In the Seventh Universe Stand, Billus saw Mu Lin being bombarded from the sky again. He was completely disheartened, thinking that this time the game had been lost, and was about to anger Wukong. But after Birus took a closer look, Birus found that although it was Mu Lin that was bombed out, it was two Mu Lin that were bombed out at once. This made Birus' expression strange. Birus then looked at Weiss, wanting to see the views of Weiss as the referee.

Weiss shook his head in the air to Billus, indicating that the game was not over. However, the two curtain forests that had been knocked into the air dissipated after falling off the field. Birus was relieved to see that Mu Lin himself was not knocked out of the field. After all, when Birus saw Mu Lin being knocked out of the field, he thought Universe Seven had already lost, but now Mu Lin was knocked out of the field only as a clone, which made Birus relax.

At this time Hitt on the field was gasping for breath, and it was not easy for Hitt to accumulate such a quick power when the flash was turned on. What's more, Hitt had already fought a battle with Wukong before. Even though he recovered his physical strength and injuries through fairy beans, his physical fatigue did not dissipate, and Hitt was on the different timeline of the flash time. Quickly accumulating qi, although Hitt's strength is still sufficient at this time, his body fatigue is getting worse. Therefore, Hitt was panting at this time, trying to eliminate the exhaustion in his body at this time.

Hitt watched the two forests that had been shot into the sky by his own bombardment dissipated. He was a little disappointed in his heart. Then he turned and looked at the first remaining one that had suffered a full blow from his flash. Mu Lin. But when Hitt turned around, besides the injured Mulin covering his abdomen, a fourth unharmed Mulin stood in the middle of the field. At this time, the two Mu Lin looked at Hitt who turned around in front of them at the same time.

"It seems that this competition is far from over." Hitt resisted the exhaustion that was radiating from his body at this time, and once again raised his strength to the limit. But when Hitt himself used the soaring cannon just because of Mu Lin's serial blows, Hitt's strength and momentum at this time were already weakened a lot compared to the beginning.

At this time, the remaining Mu Lin looked at Hitt, who had consumed a lot of energy in front of him, and knew that his tactics had taken effect. So Hitt watched that the injured Mu Lin gradually became angry and dissipated. And Mu Lin, who suffered no injury at all, stayed on the court at last.

Hitt looked at Mu Lin who hadn't come out from beginning to end and knew that he had completely failed in this wave of confrontation. Not only did Mu Lin in front of him have no injuries, but he did not lose much of the aura in Hitt's eyes at this time. Hitt was completely at a disadvantage after the previous round of confrontation with Mu Lin. Hitt had to quickly regain his strength, and at the same time asked Mu Lin, "In fact, you pretended to be invincible with me at the beginning to make me knock down your first clone."

Mu Lin heard Hit's words and knew that Hitt was delaying time, but Mu Lin not only hadn't even used the Realm King Fist at this time, but Mu Lin didn't suffer any damage after the four-body fist. All that was consumed was the qi consumed by the three clones created. Although Mu Lin wanted his clone to have the strength close to him so as to avoid Hitt's suspicion, the energy consumed by the three clones was not a lot, Mu Lin was not as easy as Hit apparently.

But compared to Hitt who consumed a lot of energy and suffered a lot of injuries, Mu Lin at this time only consumed energy. So Mu Lin didn't mind Hitt delaying time. During this time, Mu Lin was quickly recovering to his best condition.

"Four-body boxing is what I learned from Bick after seeing you fighting Goku in the stands. This trick is not difficult to learn, but it only limits the user's qi. But it is not for me. It's not difficult to say. At the beginning, I learned four-body boxing only to find that your flash cannot be effective for multiple people at the same time, so I learned this move." Mu Lin said slowly watching Hitt.

"So the series of attacks you just came up with were only temporarily thought of when you arrived on the field?" Hitt asked in a puzzled manner after hearing Mu Lin's original purpose of learning four-body boxing.

"Originally, my idea was to use four clones to attack you at the same time, but as your flash time continues to break through, if the four mes attack you from the front, they may not be able to completely block your flash time. Instead, they follow me. Each clone's slightly decreased strength will be destroyed by you one by one. So I decided to destroy the arena to confuse your sight, so that it is more likely to achieve the purpose of attacking you." Mu Lin said.

"In other words, you were only planning to let three clones attack me, while the main body was hiding aside and waiting for my strength to be consumed, right?" Seeing Mu Lin still didn't fully explain his plan, So he continued to ask Mu Lin, and once again delayed the time to restore as much combat power as possible.

"No, originally my plan was for four people to go on board at the same time, but when you attacked my first clone, you slackened your defense and gave me the second clone to hit you hard. So I was at that time Just think of pretending that the injured is the main body, so that the first injured clone does not participate in the flanking of the other two clones, so that you think the main body is already injured. This makes you use the flash, forcibly the other two A avatar shot out of the field, so that I am unharmed, and you are not superficially injured." After Mu Lin finished speaking, Mu Lin's body was adjusted to its best condition.

And behind the scene Lin took an offensive posture and said to Hitt, "I have finished speaking, and then I will attack."

Seeing Mu Lin was ready to attack, Hitt also suppressed all other emotions and prepared to meet Mu Lin's attack.

The two shouted at the same time, adjusting their respective auras to the maximum. Compared to the situation at the beginning, Hitt at this time was obviously inferior to Mu Lin's momentum. But Hit still rushed towards Mu Lin. When Mu Lin saw this, he was not far behind and rushed to Hitt. The two of them fought together again for a time, and it was intractable. . ,,.