The Strongest Traverser

v8 Chapter 113: Killer way

When Hit’s flash duration was reduced to its extreme, after Hit was repulsed by Mu Lin’s fist, and when Mu Lin rushed to Hit Hit for the last time, whether it was the people on the sixth universe stand or It was everyone in the seventh universe stand that the game was almost over.

Gabe looked at Moulin rushing towards Hitt, and looked at Hitt who could no longer use the flash, and silently closed his eyes. Knowing that when I open my eyes again, the game will end. The Destroy Idol Pa on the sixth cosmos stand was desperate. Although before this, Xiangpa has felt that the sixth universe has lost many times. But every time Xiangpa thought of this aspect before, he did not actually reach the end. And the next turn gave the elephant hope. Therefore, Xangpa never felt the distance of failure so close to him. Xiangpa knew that with the strength of Mu Lin at this time, after finally hitting Hit, this match was over. And their sixth universe will eventually lose this martial arts tournament.

Quite different from the sixth universe, Birus showed a happy look on the seventh universe stand. Billus looked at Mu Lin's slightly exhausted expression at this time, and knew that even if Mu Lin did not use his limit power, it was not far from the state at this time. Birus understood the general strength of Mu Lin. And when Mu Lin's final shot fell, then Universe Seven would win the final victory. Although Birus himself has no interest in Super Dragon Ball, being able to defeat the Sixth Universe is what Birus expects. So Birus is very happy that the game is over.

As for the Wukong trio in the Seventh Universe Stand, the trio saw the game progress to this point. Piccolo first said, "It seems that this match is over. I didn't expect Mu Lin to be so strong. Not only did he learn the four-piece boxing that I taught him in a short time, but he also skillfully used the four-piece boxing to help Xi That guy's energy and strength consumed so much, making Hitt change from the upper wind to the lower wind. In the end, he burst out even stronger than when Goku turned into a super Saiyan **** and used the King's Fist. Constantly attacking Hitt, forcing Hitt to use the flash time to defend, forcing Hitt to use the flash time four times in a short period of time, and at the last flash, he can only dodge the attack of the forest forest. At this time Hitt is afraid that he can no longer use flash time. The next game will be over."

Vegeta stood with her arms crossed. He said, "I can't imagine that Mu Lin is not only stronger than when I first met, but now his fighting skills have also risen to a higher level. He is really a terrifying person, but fortunately it is our friend rather than our enemy. It is estimated that the seventh universe will be completely restless."

When Goku heard that Vegett and Piccolo thought that the game was about to end, they all believed that Mu Lin was ready to go to the victory of the competition. But Wukong didn't know why, it didn't seem to be that simple, but at this time, whether it was the tactics and strength displayed by Mu Lin, or the fact that Hitt could no longer use Flash. No matter how you look at it, the game is a foregone conclusion. But Wukong's intuition tells Wukong that things are not so simple, so he said, "Although I don't know why, my intuition tells me that this battle is not over yet."

Bick and Vegeta heard this from Goku, although they were curious as to what Hitt could do to fight back in this situation. But Wukong's instinct for fighting has always been very stable. So Piccolo, Vegeta and others also moved their eyes back to the court again to see what changes the game will have.

At this moment Hitt watched Mu Lin throw a punch at him, and his fist gradually enlarged in Hitt's eyes until a whole fist occupied Hitt's sight.

"What kind of killer will you be?"

At this moment, the picture in front of him shattered, and Hitt's vision became pitch black. Familiar and unfamiliar voices floated around, asking what kind of killer Hitt wanted to be.

"Whose voice is this, who is asking me this question? This voice is a bit familiar." Hitt heard the familiar voice and said softly. "And am I not fighting Mu Lin on the field? I seem to lose?"

"The picture you are seeing now is a space that your consciousness will enter after your flash time reaches its limit and when the flash time is no longer able to help you. The time and space you are now in is what I taught you before. The time and space left during the flash time. In order to allow you to enter the next realm after your flash time reaches the limit. However, with the power of flash time, you can still enter this space. It seems that you are in I have encountered a lot of trouble in reality." The voice spread to Hitt from all around the hollow.

"Master?" Hitt's mind aches at the thought of these two words. It seemed to lift Hitt's head.

"Hit, in order to protect your safety, I have completely erased the memory of me in your mind. In other words, you can't remember my existence, and you don't have to mind. Now what you need is to answer me. Question. Answer the question I asked you at the beginning." The voices around asked Xiang Hit, waiting for the answer to the first question.

"What kind of killer do I want to be?" Hitt said.

"Well, you in the past answered this question of mine, but after that, because I erased your memory, and after that you have experienced many things yourself. What I want to know is you now s answer."

"What kind of killer?" Hitt thought about this question, recalling his career as a killer. I remembered that I hadn't tried any failures since I learned to flash, and became the strongest killer in the sixth universe. Afterwards, he followed the sixth universe angel Bados to participate in the martial arts conference of the sixth universe and the seventh universe. Hitt first competed with Wukong, and was cracked in the first flash. After that, Hitt's flash broke through continuously, and finally narrowly defeated Wukong.

But after the battle, Hitt, who was originally weak due to Wukong's fairy beans, regained his stamina again, and competed with the final Mu Lin of the seventh universe. Mu Lin used his own tactics and the powerful strength that he showed afterwards, so Hitt had to continuously use the dodge time to avoid attacks. In the end, the flash has reached its limit, and Hitt will lose the game with the final blow of Mu Lin.

"I want to be the strongest killer, no one can beat my killer, no matter on the back or the front!". ,,.