The Strongest Traverser

v8 Chapter 119: Helpless

After Mu Lin used the Triple Realm King Fist in his last fight, Mu Lin filled the entire arena with supreme aura. Hitt, who was standing on the field at this time, felt the breath of Mu Lin at this time, and it was completely shocked. At this time, Mu Lin was comparable to the power that Wukong had opened at the last moment when Hitt and Wukong were fighting. At that time, Wukong relied on this strength and the speed at that time to directly defeat Hitt, who had broken the flash to three seconds. Although Wukong was the first to exhaust his energy and failed, it also told Hitt that this level of power can completely crack the three-second flash.

So while Hitt felt this power, he had to take it seriously. Even at this time Hitt had just encountered a great fortune. However, Hitt also saw Mu Lin's face at this time. So Hitt asked Mu Lin, "The power you have erupted now is very strong. I can foresee that my flash will be invisible to your power. But this state must also be quite a burden on you. That’s great, right. You can only last for five minutes at most."

Mu Lin saw that Hitt had guessed that his form could not be maintained for long. So I no longer hide anything. He said, "It can't last too long, but it's enough to defeat you." Lin stopped talking nonsense and rushed directly to Hitt. Ready to end the battle directly.

After Murin admitted that he couldn't hold it for long, Hitt's mouth showed a smile. Hit felt that his victory was in sight. And when Hitt smiled, Mu Lin's fist also arrived. "It deserves to be the Triple Realm King Fist, this speed, the power contained in this fist." In the silence, Hitt unfolded a flash.

When Hitt left the main timeline, he looked at Mu Lin who was attacking him at this time with the feeling of looking at the painting, and sighed slightly. Although Hitt had no side effects when using Shine, he could not use Shine continuously at this time was still Hitt's only weakness. In the gap between the two flashes. If Hit took the initiative to attack Mu Lin, then under Mu Lin, who opened the Triple Realm King Fist, even if Hit could actually cause damage, he would attack the middle of the shot immediately after the flash time. In Lin's moment, Hitt could imagine how quickly Mu Lin's counterattack would unfold. In other words, Hitt would lose the game at the moment Hitt attacked Moulin, between the two flash breaks.

But Mu Lin's words gave Hitt a chance. That is, Mu Lin's state cannot last long. In other words, this kind of strength that does not fear Hitt's offensive means cannot be maintained for long. Although Hitt had already speculated when Mu Lin opened, but when Mu Lin completely admitted, Hit also completely believed this. So this gave Hitt a way to defeat Murin. After all, as Wukong said at the beginning of the match with Hitt, victory in the match does not depend entirely on the strength of the game. Victory often depends on many factors.

When the flash time was over, Mu Lin found that his prediction hadn't hit Hitt. Originally Mu Lin thought that Hitt attacked him from behind, so when Mu Lin punched Hit Hit, he defended and counterattacked from behind. But at this time Hitt appeared directly on the other side of the playing field, looking calmly at Mu Lin.

"You can choose to predict my attack, or you can immediately counterattack me when I attack you, but if I am on the entire field, can you predict where I will appear in three seconds?" Hitt said to Mu Lin.

Mu Lin also knew Hitt's real plan at this time. That is not to attack but to use all his strength to avoid the attack of Mu Lin. Waiting for Mu Lin to be unable to maintain this state. After that, the final attack on Mu Lin will be launched. When Hitt used his own body to activate his time reversal, a force of strength restored Hitt's scarred and exhausted body. Therefore, Hitt was not afraid of a tug of war with Mu Lin at this time.

Looking back at Mu Lin, the game was about to win. As a result, time was reversed, and Hitt not only recovered his physical strength, but also became more invulnerable when flashing. When Mu Lin thought that he had always used the **** system to open the plug-in, he actually met the opponent to open the plug-in in the game. So the strong desire to win drives Mu Lin to rush to Hitt again.

"Then see if the interval between your two flashes can withstand my attack!" Mu Lin knew that his chance of attacking Hit was only in this short interval. But in this short period of time, coupled with Hitt's deliberate avoidance of Mu Lin's attack, Mu Lin still couldn't touch Hit under the constant charge. When Mu Lin was about to rush to Hitt, Hitt appeared on the other side of the field. But when Hitt turned around to aim at Hitt in the other direction, Hitt appeared in another direction again.

Mu Lin was constantly accelerating to chase Hitt, but even if Mu Lin increased his speed to the extreme, the speed was so fast that he had disappeared from the sight of everyone in the stands. So when Wukong and others looked at the arena, only Hitt was on the court. In addition, he appeared in different positions on the production field every moment. Only Wukong could barely see Mu Lin fighting against time with his own speed.

But under Mu Lin's constant attempts, Mu Lin was still unable to cause damage to Hitt within the short interval between the two flashes. At this time, Mu Lin had nothing to do with Hitt. And Mu Lin also felt that his body was close to the limit.

After repeated attempts to no avail, Mu Lin gave up the attack and flew into the air instead. Flew to the maximum height allowed by not going out of bounds. At this time, Mu Lin poured the Qi from all over his body into his hands desperately. The powerful Qi and extremely high density made Mu Lin's two hands heavy.

"Hit, I know that your flash can stop time, and I really can't catch you. But my next attack will gather all my strength, and I will attack the entire field. . No matter when you start flashing, whether you can continuously use flashing, under the attack covering the entire field, when your flashing time ends, you will definitely bear my attack. And you The only thing I can do is to carry my qigong gun in the front." Mu Lin said to Hitt who was on the ground at this time in the air. . ,,.