The Strongest Traverser

v8 Chapter 157: Goal, future

"No, didn't I say before, you are not allowed to use the time machine." Birus saw that Wukong still didn't trust this thing that he could change the future, and he still wanted to go back to the future and take a look at the future. Case. So there was a little unhappy.

"Master Billus, let's go back to the future and take a look. There won't be any problems." Wukong still begged. Birus still refused with a cold face. "No, time travel is a dangerous thing. Who knows what time will become."

"Master Birus, didn't Master Gvass said before that going back to the past is strictly forbidden. Because any small thing going back to the past will have a huge impact on the future. But if it is going to the future , And we just take a look, it should not have any impact on the future, right. Going to the future will not produce a parallel world." Mu Lin sees that Birus still does not agree to Goku’s request, so he will go to the future without much to the parallel world. The impact of this matter is said.

When Wukong heard Mu Lin say this, he suddenly realized that the impact of going to the future was not as serious as Ruth said. So he then asked Lord Billus, "Master Billus, let's go to the future and take a look, it's okay. Lord Billus." Goku stood in front of Billus, facing Billus. Si pleaded.

Seeing that Wukong was still unwilling to give up easily, Birus saw Wukong. So he took a look at Weiss. Weiss smiled, and motioned to Billus to decide according to Billus' own ideas. When Birus saw that Weis also chose to wait and see about the time machine. So Billus sighed and said, "As long as you go to the future once, after returning, I will completely destroy the time machine. Since you want to see what the future looks like, just look at it. Anyway, the future is impossible. There are Dark Man and Zamas. Don't worry." Birus saw that Wukong's attitude at this time could not be rejected, so he said.

"Well, thank you Lord Billus." Wukong saw that Billus had agreed to let them go back to the future again to confirm the future. So I waited to return to Earth, and then went to the future with Vegeta again.

After the teleportation, Mu Lin, Wukong and others returned to Earth again. The crowd returned to the courtyard of Bulma's house. Bulma was adjusting the time machine in the courtyard at this time, and when Mu Yushi and others came back, Mu Yushi hurried up. Asked "Wu Kong, how is the situation."

"According to Lord Birus, Zamas at this point in time has been wiped out. So there should be no Dark Man and Zamas in the future. So Trunks should be safe." Goku scratched. Scratching his head, said.

"But the current Zamas has been wiped out and the time axis of the universe where Trunks is located is not synchronized. So it should not be completely resolved." Bulma saw Wukong and said that the future problem has been eliminated at this time. Zamas solved the future difficulties. Some do not believe it. So he asked Wukong.

"Birus-sama said so. I'm not sure. So I am going to go to the future again with Murrin Vegeta. This way, I will confirm whether the dark man in the future has been eliminated. So Bulma, the time machine still has it. How long can I use it again?" Wukong asked Bulma.

Bulma looked at Billus and Weiss, who nodded silently. It was agreed to this last time travel. Bulma saw that Vis and Birus also agreed. So he said, "Wukong, since your last return has exhausted all the energy, in order to extract the fuel that can be used in the time machine, I may need six months to collect energy." Bulma will collect energy. Tell everyone about the required time.

"Six months? After six months, if the future Dark Man and Zamas are not actually eliminated, then Trunks will not be able to last for six months." Goku heard Bulma. It actually takes six months to collect energy. Thinking that if there is no change in the future, Trunks needs to hold on for a full six months. Inevitably, but some said.

"Wukong, due to the time machine's requirements for the purity of energy, it takes at least six months to collect the energy required for the round trip with tools on the earth at this time." Bulma himself also knows the six months. Time is too long. But at this time the technology on the earth can only reach this speed.

"But how can Trunks last for six months in the combined hands of the Dark Man and Zamas?" Wukong said.

"Goku, you don't have to worry about this. Because we are a time machine, we can choose to go back to the future time. So even if it takes six months to collect energy on our side, as long as we will go to the future time The time is set one day after you return, so for the future Trunks, you have only left for one day. And at this time, Vegeta will begin to practice alone after you leave. So Goku, you guys Don't worry." Bulma said.

"Yes, I have half a year to prepare well." Mu Lin listened to the conversation between Bulma and Wukong. Nodded and said. Under Bulma's explanation, Wukong also knew that his worries were unnecessary. And since he had to wait for half a year, what Wukong could do next was to wait.

"Then I can only go to the future in six months." Although Wukong was a little worried, he still said this sentence.

"Since you need six months, then we will leave first. After six months, we will see if there is any change in your future. And after that, I will completely complete the time machine. Destroy. This kind of thing shouldn't exist in the world." Billus saw that Wukong and others needed six months to make the last time travel, so he decided to leave first.

Mu Lin and Goku watched Billus go back. So Mu Lin also said to Wukong, "I will go to the future with you in six months."

"Yeah." Wukong replied. With helpers like Mu Lin go to the future with Wukong, then Wukong is more confident about the future journey.

"Then I'll leave first." Mu Lin hugged Wukong, then turned back and flew towards Dongcheng. . ,,.