The Strongest Traverser

v8 Chapter 3: New to earth

After passing through the atmosphere, under the prompt of the **** system, Mulin will form a protective film covering the surface of the air to refract the light to cover itself from flying down from the sky. After all, it will still be a bit troublesome if seen by ordinary people. Mu Lin thought, and then gradually landed on the earth. "But it seems to be a normal thing to fly around in the world of Dragon Ball. It seems to have been cheated again" Mu Lin thought, and couldn't help sighing. After all, this planet is also called the Earth, but it is completely different from the Earth on which I lived before. There are various martial artists who use Qi. in the sky

Although flying is not common, it does not scare ordinary people.

As the Qi on the surface of the body gradually slowed down, Mu Lin slowly flew down from the sky. In order not to be noticeable, Mu Lin chose to land in the depths of the woods in a park. "In the Earth of Dragon Ball World, human civilization has reached a relatively advanced level. The world is not divided into countries. Each city government agency maintains the social order of each city. And there are 4 largest cities on this earth, the'East City',' The Western Capital "North City" and "Southern Region", and as

The ‘capsule’ company where most of the world’s technology originated is located in Xidu, so Xidu can also become the most developed city on earth. And you are now in a park in the East Side. "The **** system told Mu Lin the basic information on the earth when Mu Lin fell to the ground.    "Capsule company? Isn’t it the company founded by Vegeta’s wife Bulma? Unexpectedly, it has such a status on this earth. "Mu Lin thoughtfully, slowly blending the words from the **** system with what he had known in the Dragon Ball animation in the past, forming his own understanding of the world. "It is said that Bulma created 13 years later in this. The time machine allowed the future Vegeta’s son Trunks to return to the past and help the Gokus defeat the android Sharu. "Thinking that the capsule company could even build a time machine in the future, Mu Lin couldn't help but sigh the science of this world.

The technical level is really developed.

"As long as you are willing to pay enough points, I can let you pass through the past and the future, and there are no side effects." It seems that I know what Mu Lin thought in his heart. The voice of the **** system came from above,    "No way, this The times are enough for me to experience, I don't want to travel back and forth. Besides, I still pay to travel." Mu Lin shook his head. "What's more, as the angel said, this is an era of peace, where there is no life and death, no enemies that have to be killed.

people. "Mu Lin, who has experienced so many things, has a flat expression on his face. It is not only a little tired of the past, but also a yearning for the ordinary and peaceful era. The self who guarded peace in his childhood has always existed.

"..." After being silent for a while, the **** system asked Mu Lin "Do you need to transmit the location of Monkey King to you."

Mu Lin thought for a while, and replied: "The earth is so small, I can always meet him on the way to search for Dragon Ball. Compared with this, I also want to experience the earth protected by Wukong before this."

"Well, let's slow down for the time being in contact with Monkey King. The next task is to obtain the Six-Star Dragon Ball." The spirit system came.

"Let me just say it, it seems that I can't be free on earth." Mu Lin waved his hand, ready to take over the task. Suddenly heard movement in the depths of the forest.

"There were some stinky mice walking on the street in broad daylight in the peaceful era. It seems that I have to learn how to teach the mice crossing the street." Mu Lin smiled. Then disappeared in place.   Deep in the forest, three men are walking among the trees carrying sacks. One of them is shorter and looks like a monkey with a sharp mouth. He asked the person walking in the front, "Big Brother, are you sure it is safe here? Although it is in the forest, it is still in the city.

Inside, I'm afraid someone around will find us nearby? After all, the ticket we **** is not so big, it is estimated that the entire East City will be shaken. And in case it was discovered in advance, with the power of Ouyang family, I am afraid that even 10 small lives would not be enough. The person headed by "   also looked flustered. After all, daring to kidnap the eldest lady of Ouyang's family can not be solved with one life. But there is a person behind them, which makes them dare to kidnap and almost control the three points of Dongcheng. The eldest lady of the Ouyang family of one of the forces also convinced him that he could earn a lifetime’s money and save this little life afterwards. So he said to the two people behind, "Don’t worry, I’ve been investigating here long ago. Passed, because this park is very remote, and in the deep forest of this park, there will not be a living person passing by for almost a year

Here, so basically there is no need to worry about being discovered by others, and it doesn’t take too long. We just have to wait, wait one more day for that person to save her, and we’re done. We can get the money that can’t be spent in a lifetime and exchange it in another city. Let go after a name. "

The other younger brother seemed to be a little scared, and said, "Don't be afraid of 10,000, just in case, what if someone?" The boss seemed to be unable to stand it anymore, and yelled at the younger brothers, "Why do you each be like a baby? When you first heard that amount of money, you agreed faster than anyone else, but now it’s your persuasion. And if someone really wants to see it, then you can only be sorry for him.

The crime of kidnapping Miss Ouyang's family and adding another crime of intentional homicide is not a big deal." The boss looked at the pistol on his waist.

"Yeah, as long as it stays until tomorrow, everything is over." Another little brother said. Thinking of that commission, this is indeed something worth fighting for. After that, you can start a new life without worrying about money by changing your name and surname.

"Don't talk about so many useless things, hurry up and hide the goods first." The old man broke the delusion of the two younger brothers and accelerated them.   After a while, they arrived at a huge banyan tree. Two tents were standing there. It seemed that the tents had been set up here for many days. At the greeting of the boss, the two younger brothers put the sacks into the larger tent. There was nothing in the tent.

West, unlike another tent filled with bedding and clothes.

"Although it is a kidnapping, you can't treat Miss Ouyang too badly. After all, I have to do this only for money." With a sigh, the boss took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and skillfully took out a cigarette. In my mouth, thinking about the future life after lighting a fire.

The little brother of the sharp-mouthed monkey plug saw the boss smoking and hurriedly said: "Boss, smoking may be caught."

The boss smiled: "I said there is basically no one here."

Suddenly on a mountain bag not far away, a person walked out.   "Sorry, I passed by accidentally" Mu Lin said. ....