The Strongest Traverser

v8 Chapter 87: Goku Fights Hard

Wukong looked at Maggotta below. At this time, the black iron color of Maggotta's body gradually turned red, and bursts of white smoke emerged from the skin of Maggotta turning red. All showed the scorching temperature of Mageta at this time. Wukong watched the change of Maggotta at this time, and couldn't help thinking about it.

How has Mageta changed at that time. Can only continue to watch in the air, maintaining the first stage of Super Saiyan to prevent temporary changes.

Wukong watched Maggeta slowly turning his head to himself. The huge steel mouth that had been closed opened slowly, and as the huge steel mouth opened, bursts of red light emerged from Maggotta's mouth. Goku looked at Maggotta, and had to focus more on Maggotta's mouth.   Although Wukong’s strength makes him very sensitive to Qi, Mageta, as a robot-type creature, does not contain any traces of Qi in its power and body, and all power is possessed by its own body. In other words, Goku couldn’t capture Maggot’s actions.

You can only observe Mageta's actions with both eyes.

Suddenly, a red light in Mageta's mouth shot towards Wukong at an extremely fast speed. Since Wukong could only look at Magata through his naked eyes, the red light was emitted suddenly, and Wukong had to dodge to the side quickly, but it was still slightly slow.   "It's dangerous. But is the temperature too hot?" Wukong touched his forehead. Just now, Mageta's attack was barely avoided by Wukong. The attack flew past Wukong's right arm. At this time, part of the clothes on Wukong's right hand is completely

Scorched. The high temperature remaining from the scorch tells Wukong the temperature of his last attack.

"Should I treat the completely melted molten iron as a bullet, and then launch it with my mouth? If it is actually shot by this seed, it is estimated that he will suffer a lot of damage in an instant." Wukong looked at Magata, silently Said.

Mageta watched Wukong evade the previous attack, and then opened her hot iron mouth to Wukong.   "Suddenly!" Then there was a machine gun-like sound, and Maggotta shot the lava saliva at Wukong like a machine gun. Since Wukong has already seen the power of lava saliva, and at this time, Maggot’s machine gun-like frequency of lava saliva is not as fast as before.

Sora's blow, so Wukong was not directly hit by the lava saliva while dodge. But with so many bullets, at such a fast speed, Wukong was still brushed by a few shots of lava saliva.   The extreme high temperature contained in every shot of lava saliva will damage Wukong's body after passing by. Although the burning caused by every shot of lava saliva was still bearable for Wukong, as Maggotta continued to attack, Wukong had to suffer

With multiple damage stacks. Wukong kept avoiding at this time, waiting for Maggotta's attack to stop.   At this time, Wukong is waiting, waiting for the lava saliva of Maggot to run out. After all, this kind of physical attack is generally not sustainable. So Wukong is betting, whether he can’t stand the attack first and has to return to the ground, or whether Maggeta is the first to exhaust himself.

The molten iron has never been unable to make lava saliva. Wukong is ready to bet against Maggot.   Mu Lin watched Wukong's battle on the field at this time, pondering whether Wukong could survive Maggot's bullet exhaustion. Mu Lin knew that if he were on the court, he would have done so, but looking at the way Maggotta looked, Mu Lin seemed to feel that Goku could not run out of Maggot bullets.

. Perhaps for a creature like Mageta, lava drool is infinite.   Wukong kept avoiding Maggot's lava saliva in the air, but after passing by the lava saliva again and again, the burns on his body gradually increased. Wukong looked at Maggot, who was not running out of ammunition at this time, had to gritted his teeth and turned towards Maggot on the ground.

The tower rushed over.

"Shut up for me!" Wukong faced Mageta, who was constantly firing lava saliva, avoiding Mageta's lava saliva, and rushed towards the lava saliva launch port.   Wukong rushed to the front of Maggot at the extreme speed. At this moment, Maggot just issued a lava saliva in the direction of Wukong. Wukong saw that if he chose to avoid this attack, then he would lose the opportunity to attack this time. So Wukong put

Instead of avoiding this lava saliva, he concentrated all his qi on his right leg.

"Here!" Wukong rushed to Maggeta.

"I!" Wukong raised his right leg, which had gathered all his power, but the lava saliva that could not be avoided at this time also reached Wukong's chest.

"Close!" Wukong's raised right leg fell heavily from Maggeta's head, with a powerful aura, containing all the power of Wukong in the first stage of Super Saiyan at this time, and fell.   "Mouth!" With a deafening noise spreading throughout the arena, Wukong flew out in front of Maggotta. At this time, the first stage of Wukong's Super Saiyan was not lifted, which proved that Wukong's damage was not particularly serious. But the clothes on Wukong's chest are now torn

It was a big hole, and the exposed skin seemed to have been roasted on an iron plate, with white smoke coming out.

"It's so hot, it hurts." Wukong cried out loudly, touching his wound. After the temperature gradually dissipated, Wukong felt slightly better. Then Wukong looked at Magata who was bearing his full leg.   At this time, Maggot's body was still undamaged, but the entire head was knocked down under the condition of withstanding Wukong's full blow. The mouth of Mageta's lava saliva was sunk into the body. At this moment Mageta is trying to pull out his head with both hands

come out. However, the shape of Mageta's hand prevented Mageta from being able to pull out his head.

Wukong looked at Maggot, who was unable to launch lava saliva at this time, touched the wound on his chest, and said, "It seems that I don't suffer from this lava saliva. Let this Maggot shut his mouth." Mageta tried many times but couldn't get his head out. He also understood that he couldn't get his head out by himself at this time, so he put his hands down from the head. , The exposed chimney on his head once again gave out a lot of smoke, indicating Mageta's anger at this time. Then Mageta

Turned around and looked at Wukong.   "Apart from the lava saliva, if you have any tricks, please use it! Let me try it out." After that, Wukong made a gesture of response again. ....